Animal Cruelty

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Should people convicted of animal cruelty go to jail?

  • Yes

    Votes: 61 88.4%
  • No

    Votes: 5 7.2%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 3 4.3%

  • Total voters
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I do not know a great deal about fox hunting etc but my dad works in an Abbotoir(sp) / Slaughterhouse and many of the people he works with go fox hunting alot , I am not sure on how they do it though.
My dogs a Pug so he's hardly the hunting type :)
My cats more viscous than my dog. Its ridiculous lol

My sister brought my dog to my mums house where we have cats and the cat just hissed and stood on end so me, being an idiot, picked the cat up to move it in to the kitchen and it lashed out at me and basically slit my wrist LOL! Blood everywhere (not life threatening, only a deep scratch), nearly broke my wrist throwing it down, catching it on the radiator lol, but more to the point of the topic; even after that happened I would never even think twice about punishing the cat because I know it wasn't the cats fault. People tend to blame stuff on the animal in these extreme cruelty cases where the animal doesn't know any better.
Why shouldn't a Rot be a family dog? Are you joking? There are no bad dogs, just bad owners, and a bad owner can either be an 'experienced' guy, or an unexperienced one. Plus, i've seen lots of people getting Rots (and the likes) as first dogs, and they turned out cuddly little creatures, kind as any dog.

OT: Well, it's just logical that they deserve to be in jail. What kind of person does that? Someone mentioned the bullfights, couldn't agree more. Portugal & Spain have a proud bullfighting history, and it just sickens me. I mean, want to see blood and slaughter? Bring the old gladiators back, human vs. human.
My cats more viscous than my dog. Its ridiculous lol

You been liquidising the dog? ;)

I dislike people who inflict pain on a defenceless animal and I think it is horribly cruel and barbaric. However I think the treatment of fellow humans is a greater concern. When I see the videos/adverts on animal cruelty it is obviously tragic, but I would rather donate to charities helping humans personally.
Why shouldn't a Rot be a family dog? Are you joking? There are no bad dogs, just bad owners, and a bad owner can either be an 'experienced' guy, or an unexperienced one. Plus, i've seen lots of people getting Rots (and the likes) as first dogs, and they turned out cuddly little creatures, kind as any dog.

This. Any dog in the history of history can turn on any human, it's just in their DNA, their nature, so singling out Rots from Yorkshire terriors is null. If trained and brought up correctly, you are narrowing down that from happening but no matter if it is the best trained dog in the world it can still turn nasty at any second.
Why shouldn't a Rot be a family dog? Are you joking? There are no bad dogs, just bad owners, and a bad owner can either be an 'experienced' guy, or an unexperienced one. Plus, i've seen lots of people getting Rots (and the likes) as first dogs, and they turned out cuddly little creatures, kind as any dog.

To be honest, the areas I've lived in, it's blatantly to look menacing. Around here its not uncommon to see a 15 year old guy really struggling to control, two fully grown Rotties. Its ridiculous. Don't get me wrong, there are people who buy them for the right reason, I just wouldn't feel safe with one in the house. Maybe that's because of the negative press, I'm not sure. I just feel unsafe being around one. But I think it is pretty unfair on that breed with everything thats happened. It didn't ask for it, and it didn't ask to be used in dogfights or mistreated etc

I disagree.

I've been brought up with Rottweilers all my life. As have my Mum, Uncle and my whole family really.

In my eyes, they are one of the best family dogs. They are so protective it's insane. I remember my family telling me that when I was young, I had a room with my cot in and our Rotty would sit outside the room all night and not let anybody it never trusted into the room.

We also have Staffordshire Bull Terriers. Which have an awful reputation. We have three and they are the least dangerous dogs in the World. Although yes they can be aggresive and a bit full on, constantly jumping all over you and can't stop licking.

It's the owners fault these dog's have retained they're bad rep'. I suggest if you can't handle the dog. Don't have it.
I live in the "rougher" part of Hull (Orchard Park) and I agree with ajt09 in the sense of many people who buy Rottweilers are 16/17 , covered in acne , wearing a sovereign ring and wear a Nike Air tracksuit.
I am not saying everyone who has a Rottweiler do not look after it properly but the ones I have seen are more bothered about what it does to their image rather than the dogs welfare.
I find animal cruelty disgusting. I love my pets unconditionally. what more can you ask for when you come home from work/college and like for example my dog. Already at the door waiting wagging his tail and barking. How then someone could hurt them is not worthy of rights and should be given severe punishment. I mean how is a ban and a fine going to stop these scum doing it again to another animal. Eye for an eye? may be but with the current law system in place no real punishment is given. Some people will disagree but thats my opinion.

Here is a link to a video on puppy mills and how shelters can use euthanasia to put down an animal and use gas instead. WARNING CONTAINS GRAPHIC IMAGING, WATCH AT OWN RISK

YouTube - Animal Abuse in Puppy Mills
Sorry but can't watch that sort of thing. I can guess how horrendous it is though after what my fiance just told me
You been liquidising the dog? ;)

I dislike people who inflict pain on a defenceless animal and I think it is horribly cruel and barbaric. However I think the treatment of fellow humans is a greater concern. When I see the videos/adverts on animal cruelty it is obviously tragic, but I would rather donate to charities helping humans personally.

Why? I'd rather help the animals. The reason 90% of humans are in **** is of their own doing. People also have the knowledge and capabilities to fend for themselves. Animals do not.

Who do you think inflicts the cruelty on the animals? Humans. It's got to the point where humans rule this world and are tens of millions of times better equiped to fend for ourselves.
The only thing about the animal adverts what annoys me is the stupid voiceovers on them, just showing a malnourished dog is enough for me to know it's being mistreated. The donkey advert really bugs me as well, just show us the animal and leave out the ****** voiceovers! They sound like babies.
I gotta ask the people who voted no in the poll can you provide reasons for it being a no, Another punishment or do you like the fact animals are being beaten, stabbed, burnt etc?

Interesting to know why?
I'm no animal lover, and I don't condone animal cruelty either. But the reason I voted "no" on the poll is because there's hardly enough space for real criminals in prisons, as the government claim.

A women puts a cat in a bin, uproar. Someone gets killed, people hardly bat an eyelid.

If you saw a homeless person, would you offer that they come live with you. You feed them, look after them, and in return all they have to do is sleep most of the day, and **** or vomit on the floor now and then. Of course you wouldn't, so why the **** do people do that for a cat.

It seems animals are valued more than humans alot of the time.

EDIT: Situations the above poster pointed out should result in jail. Situations like a girl throwing puppies into a river, as I saw on TV. That's just sick. But a jail term for putting a cat in a bin? The world's gone mad.
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