Another International Challenge

I'll give you Denmark. Trying to stay away from the established nations. Obviously someone with, say, Brazil will achieve this challenge with little ease.

oh yeh thank you im off to go change denmark's fortunes
Can you do this but with clubs.
Yea what pompeyforever said.

I want to keep this to international teams only as it will progress quicker. For example, I started an hour ago and am already 1.5 years into the game
On the reply menu along the top bar should be 'Insert Image'

Yeh I got that. But I assume everyone print screens then saves it onto your computer. Will it automatically reduce the size to a thumbnail for people to open? Because in other forums I upload a print screen image and it's huge!
Yeh I got that. But I assume everyone print screens then saves it onto your computer. Will it automatically reduce the size to a thumbnail for people to open? Because in other forums I upload a print screen image and it's huge!

I just open it in paint then save it as a jpeg. Seems to reduce the size

25 please

Rep of Ireland. Good luck
Can you give me a different team then!

Croatia. No more changes.

This should be good, I'll go 24

Belgium. Good luck

I losy my first game 3-0 to Norway. Takes a few games for the match prep to become fluid

Did you just print screen that? My print screen doesn't copy the in-game screen but whatever website I'm on in the background. :( Someone help, I want to take part!

This is for FM10 but same method applies..