Anyone else think James Corden's not funny?

Terrible stage presence (wobbles his head and does stupid/inaccurate voices with his arms in weird positions), unfunny material, follows a very obvious path through most jokes, yet his audience still find each line hilarious and a very irritating personality
maybe because he is actually funny, just because you dont find him funny. hes jokes are lot of things i relate to, such as overtaking, and the "man draw"

also ricky gervais, and even more so, karl pilkington FTW
He is funy but there are funnie people around like Russel Peters
He seems to get his 'humour' from being constantly loud, over-hyper, exposing body parts...And uses hiis body weight as his humour. He's somewhat ruined Doctor Who

He ruined the whole of DR. Who in one episode? Wow, you hate him
He's getting Jonathan Ross syndrome, too much time with the stars.

And his high pitched voice ****** me off.
He ruined the whole of DR. Who in one episode? Wow, you hate him
this. he didnt ruin doctor who. think you were better off just starting this thread as "i hate jams corden"
I dont really know why but I really dont like him. I think maybe a mixture of his voice and just the way he acts generally.
i find him funny in some things.

that Patrick Stewart was being a **** though.
James Corden is Legend! Not The Funniest Person n the World But Is rather Funny :L
James Corden is a legand that guy is going to manage a football team sooner or later

Yeah, all teams with aspiration want to hire a fat comedian....

In Gavin and Stacey he was funny, and the sports relief sketch

Other than that I find him a bit too in your face and he can irritate me a bit
Patrick Steward is a ******* *****, James Cordon is ok but not as funny as you'd think given the amount of TV work he gets. He's ok for the odd 8 out of 10 cats appearance but thats his limit in my opinion, don't really understand why everyone loves him so much.
Idk what people find so funny about him. He makes the odd funny comment but other than that it just seems like he tries a little too hard.
Didn't really like how he kept going on about Warnock's five touches in his TV show, maybe I'm just being picky because I hate him but yanno.
I liked his jokes about Defoe and Crouchies view on the World Cup. XD
He can be funny, but his approach to comedy lacks any form of wit. His humour is derived from pointing at his belly, and his high pitched style makes him sound like a poor man's Ricky Gervais.

He's alright, he just doesn't deserve to be as big as he is. (Pun intended? Fat joke ftw?)
Massively pretentious, I think. I didn't mind him in Gavin and Stacey, but aside from that, I think he's a *****.
One of the thing I dot like about him is tht he sort of makes a point of being fat Like its funny. And theres a few fat comediens who do it and its not really a good message to send to young people.
He can be funny, but his approach to comedy lacks any form of wit. His humour is derived from pointing at his belly, and his high pitched style makes him sound like a poor man's Ricky Gervais.

He's alright, he just doesn't deserve to be as big as he is. (Pun intended? Fat joke ftw?)

This. To an extent...
I think he tries too hard sometimes, but he clearly bases himself on Ricky Gervais, which in all fairness is a pretty big ambition to be as good as him.
Not too keen on the pun!(A)