[21:00] <Redders> RVP scores the spectacular
[21:01] <Redders> hes as consistent as my nannas bowel movements
[21:01] <Scott> 2-0
[21:01] <andy> goal
[21:01] <Redders> 2-0
[21:01] <Redders> keeper should have done better
[21:02] <andy> Ref has been quite inconsistent with the yellows.
[21:03] <Redders> i can still see arsenal drawing this
[21:04] <andy> I'll say 3-0, 4-0
[21:04] <Scott> i can see that
[21:04] <Redders> 2-2
Wouldn't it be funny if Henry scored in the last minute? XD
I just turnend this on to see Arsenal given a ridiculos penalty.
Anyway has it been a good game??