Arsenal vs Chelsea - Monday 27th December - 20:00

Loved the Theo for Cesc, Cesc for Theo switch. Delighted with the win, Chelsea's ***** form continues, celebrations all round!
Great Result for Arsenal and fully deserved.

Arsenal outplayed Chelsea all over the pitch and obviously they scored at a good time before the break and just after the break.

I really do hope Arsenal go on and do really well this season.
What a result, let's hope that winning that game gives us a massive psychological boost and we go on to win the league!
LOL, already a chelsea poor form thread created. Well Done arsenal, great performance and that must help arsenal mentally and shows that they mean business this year.
Theo: 'we play alot of fifa together so it was just a simple 'x' across goal' XD
makes me even more ****** that United didn't get the chance to play this shambles of a Chelsea side last week now lol awesome result for Arsenal, deserved the 3 points. serious problems for Chelsea.
If bolton beat chelsea they will be in serious trouble :D
**** it! This poor form must end with next match. There will be now excuses against Bolton... Carlo do something or you will go back to Italy. If he gets fired, I think Villas-Boas will be the best solution for Chelsea. C'mon Blues!
*Waits anxiously for CJACKO11's entry..*

Why can't people get off his back. Just because he's a passionate fan doesn't mean that you can abuse him about our club when the oppo score

You are getting sacked in the morning, sacked in the morning!

No, the last thing that Chelsea need know is a managerial change. We look unsettled after the dismissal of Wilkins, we'll be even more after Ancelotti

Is Ancelotti on drugs? why bring on kakuta, hes over rated at best.

Don't think overrated is the word for him. He is a fine young player, and the reason people are saying he's overrated is because he's been playing every game at 19. Fair play, he's not our best player, but he's overrated because he's been playing below par each game.

Can we call it a crisis now?


If only we had a different owner... One who understood the game of football.

Don't think different owner is right, without Roman we wouldn't be where we are. He brought in Mourinho, who signed fantastic relatively unknown players with the money we had.

Good prediction by me

seriously who thought Chelsea had a chance?

Well, because you're a Man U fan, I'm not surprised Chelsea had a chance in your eyes. We weren't good today, we looked switched on after going 3-1 down. Not very good, eh?
Feel sorry for CJACKO tbh, he does what any fan does and loads of you on here just act in a childish way by calling for him :S
Feel sorry for CJACKO tbh, he does what any fan does and loads of you on here just act in a childish way by calling for him :S
I dont. But its still childish.

Put a sock in it people
Indeed. Pretty pathetic from a number of members on here, targetting him as they do.

I didn't watch the game, but an Arsenal win was the lesser of two evils. It keeps us within 1 point of Chelsea, and we play at home tomorrow knowing a win will stick us back in the top four.