Arsenal vs Chelsea - Monday 27th December - 20:00

Djourou had Drogba in his back pocket the whole game :D
Arsenal have Manchester City next week at the Emirates.. hopefully that's a bore draw and we thump whoever we have that week and go 4 points clear with a game in hand (2 over City).
"Don't think different owner is right, without Roman we wouldn't be where we are. He brought in Mourinho, who signed fantastic relatively unknown players with the money we had."
But without him, we would still have 5 quality players, an amazing assistant manager, confidence, and a reputation in the league.
Feel sorry for CJACKO tbh, he does what any fan does and loads of you on here just act in a childish way by calling for him :S

It's just bickering about Jacko the whole time - Opponents score against Chelsea, everyone - "Ooooh, can't wait to see what CJACKO says, oooh." It's ****** disgraceful and unfair to him, and the few other Chelsea fans who back him up. All he is is a passionate fan, none more than us, it's not on, and unfair
I was actually very surprised at how Djourou played, honestly though he was just another average cb, but he impressed me tonight, made a very important interception and played well all night.
Feel sorry for CJACKO tbh, he does what any fan does and loads of you on here just act in a childish way by calling for him :S
No, just no. In no way do i or the majority of fm base members do what cjacko does.
God hes ripping into Carlo in this interview. Saying its a spectacular collapse and they need to wake up. then went on about your probably going to get sacked.
champions ?? haaa yeah dont deserve to be called it and well played Arsenal played fantastic tonight and deserved the win also leave Cjacko alone his in my eyes the biggest fans on the forum.
Tottenham pipping Chelsea to 4th this season? To be honest I would f*cking love it.
Im touched by how many people are requesting me on here i will always come online as why should i shy away from things. But i think people judge me massivly unfairly as they haven't even heard my take on the game yet as i was watching it so i couldnt comment on here. At the end of the day Arsenal deserved to win the game first half and second half simple as that. We didin't turn up until we were 3-0 down and your not going to win games like that no matter how good you are.

Was good to see Lampard play 90minutes as he needs it and saw a few good things from him today. We were relying too much on Drogba today and it isen't fair on him, i know he has a excellent record against Arsenal but he is only human and a human who has been suffering from a pretty bad illness.

Although i would do anything not to see Carlo leave i do fear for his job as Abramovic as we know is ruthless in his approach. I think the game was summed up when we brang on Kakuta to try and change the game, yes our squad is a little thin in expirenece but lets not forget we are missing Benayoun and Zhirkov who are both very expirienced at International and Champions League level.

Roll on Wednesday, no matter what i love nothing more than watching my side play.

Bound to be we didnt deserve to be one up at half time..

Did i say that??

Guys look at CJACKO's sih ''We got our Chelsea back'' LOL Get in ther 3-0

That chant is starting to go around the Bridge by the older fans who supported the side while we where ****. The chant isen't to say we are back winning again it is the total opposite so makes you look like a right mug.

Come on Arsenal, Just wait for somebody *cough* cough* cjacko to come on and say chelsea played better :p

Again where did i say that??


3-1 against chelski :wub::wub:

Drogba who?

Didier Drogba, you know the lad who has scored 13 in 14 games against you?? Surely you can remember him.
It's just bickering about Jacko the whole time - Opponents score against Chelsea, everyone - "Ooooh, can't wait to see what CJACKO says, oooh." It's ****** disgraceful and unfair to him, and the few other Chelsea fans who back him up. All he is is a passionate fan, none more than us, it's not on, and unfair
To be honest he largely brings it upon himself, though frankly i'd be much happier if a number of members on here grew up. Its boring and each time sooner or later it ruins a thread, and its seriously tiresome
Tottenham pipping Chelsea to 4th this season? To be honest I would f*cking love it.

Would definitely be a nice change, but I'd hate the Yids getting into Europe again. Realistically, I'm hoping for a top two finish.

Nani, fancy changing your mind who your biggest threat is now this season? :$
It was nice to see the Premier League brandish its unpredictable head again.

Although it did me no good on my dream team :S it was a great game and i thoroughly enjoyed it
Tbh Jacko deserves to be called out since he is in total denial, but it is childish.
It's just bickering about Jacko the whole time - Opponents score against Chelsea, everyone - "Ooooh, can't wait to see what CJACKO says, oooh." It's ****** disgraceful and unfair to him, and the few other Chelsea fans who back him up. All he is is a passionate fan, none more than us, it's not on, and unfair

Oh leave it. I'm just messing with him, he'll be along soon enough, give his views and leave again. At the end of the day, this is just an online forum, and whilst I respect his passion I think it's fair for me to have a pop at him in good faith. Personally, I can't wait to see what he says, whether Chelsea win or lose, because I am interested in his views. Say what you want about him, but he's always up for a debate. If someone were to do that to me, I honestly wouldn't be that affect. It's all in good humour.

Enough of that then. Chelsea are looking shaky, wonder what the odds are on them dropping out of the top four altogether? Not saying it's likely, but on this form anything is possible.

I think the game was summed up when we brang on Kakuta to try and change the game, yes our squad is a little thin in expirenece but lets not forget we are missing Benayoun and Zhirkov who are both very expirienced at International and Champions League level.

I keep on forgetting about Benayoun. I hope he comes back as strong as he was, he's a good player and crucially a versatile one.
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Was surprised how many times Chelsea were caught in possesion today.

Great performance by Arsenal and very neat finish by Walcott for his goal. He's fantastic when there is space to exploit.