Arsenal vs Chelsea - Monday 27th December - 20:00

What is wrong with Walcott's touches today ? Kicked it too far from him again and lost the ball.
If Arsenal continue to miss these chances, you know what comes next...
Walcott's getting a lot of freedom on this right hand side, but Terry's looking solid as always.

They should be looking to get him one on one with Cole. The fact Cole is on a yellow card means if he beats him then Cole can't get back and he'll have to get the ball in before Cole catches him...
Drogbas hardly touched the ball let alone been in the game. -touch wood-
Walcott has played poor so far, considering the freedom he's given on his side
Despite Arsenals dominance i still think Chelsea will win :(.
Oh my god, wonderful shot but too weak, enough time for Cech to watch it coming and make a brilliant save
Nasri nearly put Arsenal in the lead then, great effort.
what save, brilliant piece of skill from nasri though
I can see chelsea getting a red in this game , hopefully for cashley
Alex Song.

Arsenal 1-0 Chelsea

It's been coming and it's more than deserved. Great goal.