Depends if the opposition is better/equal/worse than me.
1. I usually use 1 plug and play tactic that Ive downloaded, another dounloaded tactic (tweaked by me) and my own unbalanced 442. If I start with one of the downloaded tactics the first thing Ill try to do is change tactics to the other downloaded one for about 10 minutes. If still cant impose myself Ill try my own unbalanced 442 which is "designed" to use OIs and follow Assman's instructions in match.
2. But the above doesnt help you or anyone as its not a real answer to your question. So Ill try to give you another:
(a) Equal/worse opponent: Ill push higher up the field and try to be more aggressive. The idea is to press opponents and not let them be comfortable on the ball. passion4fm in his excellent site (linked in previous posts) for FM13 had an excellent article on pressing/regaining possession. Ive read and assimilated that into what I do. I even have a set of team instructions saved called Win Back Possession for this purpose. This is obviously risky as the opponent may get behind you. I use more direct and wider and I even instruct specific players to tackle harder. I may even man mark opposition cms or tweak formation to add bodies in mf. My wbs/fbs may even get instructions to stay put (eg defend duty).
(b) Opposition better. I basically dont worry that much about not seeing more of the ball, try to be compact and keep my shape (weirdly drop deeper is not that messed up by using hassle and get stuck in). I never use counter on FM14 cos for the life of me I cant make it work.