Barcelona Brilliance

Yeah, keep me updated mate.
As you will see from 1st few posts, they dont have much leway for money in the start yet they do generate a lot of money after the first January transfer window. along with self financing with player sells etc.
I find it a bit easier as I have a bit of a Wenger rule & prefer youth instead of over 30's.
So that made way for Puyol & Henry with Xavi a season later who is megabucks.
Ok thanks so ill wait till January to start buying and selling players. Wish me luck xD
nice bit of buisness:) my best is buying HULK for 8 million and 6 months later selling him to juventus for 25 million :)
My best was buying Glenn Johnson for 7.6mil and selling him to Real Madril for 19.5mil 6 months later... He was a good lil signing for my Man City team but Richards is probably better
Just finished my fourth season & have won Champions League every season so far 4/4 !!
Definately the best team I have ever had by a long mile & have also bought in more depth to the squad by adding both Marquihnos & Saivet.
Now I have 12 x WorldWide reputation players within my squad with 9 starting & only Fazio & Pique being Continental in the starting 11.
With Dzagoev, Balotelli & Saivert finishing it off on the bench.

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He is a legend. I can highly recommend Balotelli, Marquinhos or Saivet as possible options other than him, yet not if its for WB position. Ideally, Vargas plays well LB, but his best position is LW where he assists so many. But I just cant do it to Mata !!
can you post a ss of mata, sakho ,fazio and bojan please i want to see how they progress?
Its Tumma, you can download from the skin section on this wonderful site. You have a choice of custome colours for your background which is a nice touch !!!
one **** offf a thread mate! truely enjoyed nosing threw it! my hat goes off to you for the player managmnt! i think tim kruls a must buy ;) haha! well done dude
I have tumma, must need to tweak it to get it to look better. Thanks.
Hull city

Hi i just started a new game with hull and wonder if you could give me any advices for players i should buy.

I need a striker and a right winger and maybe a left back :)

Hi Pembo. Erm, Its a tricky one as I will have been playing with this Barca team for a few months now & money is no object so on Hulls budget, I would probably buy Schneiderlin (DMC - 2.5m) from Southampton as he becomes awesome & on my current game has just been Bought by Juventus.
Left Back - Jeremy Mathieu is very good.
Striker - Oscar Cardozo, or try loaning someone such as Saviola from Real.....
All depending on how much money you have really, How much do you have to spend exactly??
Also, Depending on how every game loads & plays, always keep an eye on the Transfer list as someone perfect may just crop up. Happened to me loads in this game.
Just thought I'd also share this player which has come through the Barca youth System this season. Got such a wicked name & is Spanish also, Hes a bit too good at 16 & my scouts are extremely excited about him & reckon he has the potential to be as good as my best World Class Sakho.

WOW !!!

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Hi guys, Sorry about the delay on this latest post. Been playing a different team, but gone back to my best.
I have just finished my 5th season with my Barcelona & I have by far emulated any team I have managed in all my years of playing Champo / Football Manager.
I seem to have created a monster of a super team & seem to be winning most games / leagues & Competitions with ease & also whilst rotating 2 x first teams which underlines my teams depth.
I have created a starting lineup of Superstars whilst buying Potential future stars to replace & become World Class players.
In which case, I won the Champions League again making it 5/5 & undoubtably my tournament. I cant believe it & by no means have I ever achieved anything like this before in my experiences.
This season my biggest transfers were selling both Daniel Alves (age) & Federico Laurito (Surplus) both in the region of £20m.
I tried to buy Azpilicueta to replace Daniel Alves yet his current team Roma wanted 78m for him which wasnt an issue but decided against it as I have a potentially world class regen in Rodolfo Gil (screenshot supplied) who is currenty being slowly drafted into first team with Santon rotating with him.
I also didnt feel the need to replace Laurito as I have Bojan as Lone striker & Balotelli as Rotation for him along with other AM/FC playes who can also play there too within the Squad.
I just finished my 5th Season & Spain asked me to manage them, which I gratefully accepted as this was a major honour for my career & is a first for me to manage both Club & Country @ same time.
Funny enough, I took over right at the end of Confedertaions Cup qualifying table & got a draw vs France to get to Semi Finals in charge of my first game. I then beat Argentina to go through to the finals in which I disposed of France in the final.
Going to wait until January & then I have some major changes in mind which will allow fringe players such as Sissoko & Dzagoev an opportunity to explode into the first team which they are showing signs of doing sooner rather than later.
I have just started my 6th Season & will keep you updated in the January transfer window which is just over 2 x months away.
Hope you enjoy................

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you can manage both club and the country team at the same time? like barcelona and spain?
yeah some1 i know managed wales and cardiff at the same time after getting offered the cardiff job whilst in quals with wales