Be the Board - FM Base Boardroom Story - IT'S YOUR CHANCE

What team shall we take over?

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'm just giving you advice because I've done one of these previously (granted it was cut short from laptop crash)

From what I've seen only 2 board member (3 including you) have had their say on who to sign. What about the other 6/7? I'm just commenting because the rest of the board haven't had a say so you're essentially excluding them from decisions.
No one's objected to Willian because you haven't given anyone the chance lol
I didn't mean set up a poll. You give the options (which you did) then wait for all the board to comment on their opinions and then you count up the votes and then sign the player.
Anyway, no need to get touchy, I was just trying to help you out and make this a better story/save...
Anything the board puts I'll take under consideration. They have the chance to post it's just that I want to act quickly as the story has been up for two days and nothing has happened with the actual save. Everyone who wants a say will have it. Shall to make you happy just pack in the save? Just delete it? Your posts aren't helping, they're just annoying tbh and distracting from the save. Why not post on your own stories and stories which you enjoy, instead of coming on here and spamming?
How much have you spent already? And how about Sigurdsson (spelling?) for an AMC?
Seriously why has no-one mentioned Erick Torres for AMC. Immense player and versatile too.

Plus this all has moved very fast :s
How much have you spent already? And how about Sigurdsson (spelling?) for an AMC?
I have the update so Sigurdsson has just gone to Spurs and would anyone prefer me to restart the save so more people can have a say?
Seriously why has no-one mentioned Erick Torres for AMC. Immense player and versatile too.

Plus this all has moved very fast :s
I know mate, shall I restart it so more people can have a say (the save not the story)
I would start it again mate. It was ok, but with a few tweaks it can be perfect :) I would let the board suggest signings and take their opinions into considerations more (for example, i don't think we were informed of the welbeck signing till it had happened). Has been fun though and i'm def up doing another one :)
I know mate, shall I restart it so more people can have a say (the save not the story)
Yeah I would, maybe give us a team report screenie then let every board member(including yourself) suggest signings. Total up the votes and try and sign those players.

Thats how the previous board game I was in was run.
I've restarted the save guys, anyone know how to make a poll online?
not sure but suggestion from director of football Steven Caulker,Mbaye Niang,Adam Webster and Emmanuel Adebayor would be a superb signing

thing is with you creating these polls theres loads of players we should sign that aren't on there?!

Niang, Fierro, Erick Torres, Muniain(maybe)
thing is with you creating these polls theres loads of players we should sign that aren't on there?!

Niang, Fierro, Erick Torres, Muniain(maybe)
there will be a different poll on signing players for the future mate :)