Billy the Greek

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Are I'm just too tired(it's midnight) when I did see Eden Hazard in Liverpool?! OMG that would be huge if he can play like last season :D
Are I'm just too tired(it's midnight) when I did see Eden Hazard in Liverpool?! OMG that would be huge if he can play like last season :D

No you were not mistaking ! They managed to grab him on a free transfer (his contract was running out) !! I was blind not to see that earlier and bring him to the Spurs !
After a productive season that brought the Spurs to the fifth place in the BPL, Billy was now ready to start planning his third year in the wheel of Tottenham. Once again he knew what his team needed and he was ready for some transfers. He did want much though since the overall performance of the squad was very good but he had seen that his defensive line wanted some improvement.

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"A fast and strong left-footed defender and a young back up for Lloris and we are fine" , said to the board and they granted his requests.

The friendly matches was a joy to watch! Tottenham smashed all their opponents and the team was looking ready for some big things this year.

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And while he was preparing his team, our hero received a lot and very attractive offers from Europe nationals teams. After his sort adventure with Italy though he did want to coach in international football any more.
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The opening game looked as the ideal opportunity for a good start but the opponent goalkeeper was amazing! He managed to stop almost every attempt of Tottenham's attackers and the low of football (when you cannot score a goal , you receive one) made his appearance one more time. Bentley in the next few days received his award as the goalkeeper of the week !

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Billy wanted this win bad since City took away his first chance to celebrate a trophy with the Spurs in last season FA Cup. He managed to get the perfect revenge. With Xydis out for 5 weeks the two wonder kids Lambert and Huber played very well and Tottenham managed to escape from Etihad Stadium with the win !

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The next day, Billy was informed about his first rival in the Capital Cup. A good chance to give some playing time to players who were not having many games in their feet.
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You play your favorite game and just before you leave home you press "save" and after 2 seconds the power is out !!!! The outcome ? The save is corrupted ... Not only that but I have a strange habit of deleting the previous versions of my save. That 's it for the story guys. Thank you all for your quotes and your likes. You 've been a wonderful audience ! Good luck in your saves and I hope this bad luck won't happen to anyone else ...
Such a horrible way to end such a great story :'(.

Hopefully you start another at some point.
Such a disappointing end, this has been a great story! I hope you start another one very soon!
Such a disappointing end, this has been a great story! I hope you start another one very soon!

I know it so furstrating when something this like this happens. Unfortunately it is not the first time for me since this happen last year as well...

Such a horrible way to end such a great story :'(.

Hopefully you start another at some point.

Thank you very much for the support. When I started this story I would not expect to attract so much interest! You all have been great !

Sad to see this is over a great story and I enjoyed reading it

Your support has kept me going so far guys ! Once again thank you a lot !!
I brought a friend of mine who is expert in data recovery and he is certain that he will manage to bring my save back to life. Finngers crossed guys ! It will be an amazing weekend if he manage to do it !!!
OFF TOPIC : Due to technical problems the the next posts will not have the regular screenshots of the games but the general overview. After a few posts the normal layout of the story will continue.
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The Europa League draw brought Napoli in Billy's way. The interesting thing about the two games against the Italians is that Napoli had offered Billy a job when he was still in Olympiakos, and that the favorite team of Diego Maradona as Vadala and Niang in its roster. Billy's both favorite (Vadala)and worst nightmare (Niang) players !!

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I don't want to say anything about this game , but just to show you this ...
View attachment 182212 As it happened in the opening game with Huddersfield our opponent goalkeeper was named as the best keeper of the week !

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We were ahead early in the game with a comfortable two goal lead. They did not give up , they fought back and got the win. The players thought that the game ended in the 15th minute where we scored our second goal but Leicester proved them wrong.
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View attachment 182209Billy first visit in Greece as Tottenham's coach was succesful even though Atromitos put a great fight. A lot of Olympiakos supporters were at the stadium today in order to cheer for their former coach. Billy still has a lot of friends in Olympiakos camp!

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Only Redmond tried today. One players against a whole team is never enough.

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A win against a smaller team with an own goal at the last minutes of the game. That says it all for the team's performance.

View attachment 182197View attachment 182201We were lucky to escape with the win today. Xydis late goal gave us a vital win. We have to do better than this though.

View attachment 182196View attachment 182199We manage to get a good three goal lead but in the end we lost our concentration and we almost lost a game which would have been a comfortable win. Wake up guys !

View attachment 182195View attachment 182198Billy's shouts after the game against Bursaspor did not wake up his players. Swansea and especially Simone Zaza kicked our but today. Tactical changes must be done or Billy is going to face troubles with Tottenham's board again.
In the chessboard

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Billy had to think of the way to improve his team strategy. After the heavy defeat in the game with Swansea, our hero sat down with his assistant in order to discuss the alternations that needed to be done.

The team has players that can create chances with some direct passes and defend well at the same time. Redmond and Sane has been really good as wingers but the Spurs play had now been very predictable. After hours of thinking and talking, Billy came down to this tactic.

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​Instead of using a defensive midfielder decided to play with a regista and start the attacking play of his team from defense via short passing. He would continue advising his midfielders looking for the overlapping of the wingers since the Spurs had the luxury of having fast and good dribblers both from right and left. The players would stay in their feet instead of going for the tackle that can disorder the shape of team. Lastly Billy advice his boys not to close down all of the time since this instruction had left the team exposed in the back many times.

So the tweaks had been made. Now it was time for the matches to prove whether these changes were right or not.
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So the new tactic worked wonderful against Norwich and our attackers had been lethal scoring four goals with only six shoots on target. The important thing though whether the team could keep up or not.
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A big away win against Napoli filled Billy and his lads with confidence that if the keep playing like that they can achieve a lot this year. Once again we were very accurate in front of goal scoring three times with only five shots on target.

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We could have won Newcastle but the draw was not a bad result in the end. The good thing was that the team continues its efficiency in offence.

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One of the best performances of Tottenham with Billy as their manager and against a team which have been really impressive this year. We gave no room to Januzaj and since he has closed down well they became powerless offensively. To cut a long story short , we totally outplayed them.
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A good win since Billy in order for his players to get use to the new tactic he had decided not to rotate so much. Even though the players looked a bit tired they got the win and they return home with the three points in their bags.

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Another good show against Napoli. The score could have been bigger since the ball hit the post twice and Napoli's keeper made some very impressive saves and he was the only who tried from his team. Even though he conceded four goals it was nothing he could do since he always exposed by his defenders.

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​We are on fire !! Six wins in the past seven games ! The team plays a very attractive football and all in Spurs camp are optimistic that they can continue like this. Frankly there is no other way since we are quite behind in the table from the place which lead to the next season's Champions League (this is Billy's goal for this year).

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The new tactic seems to be working wonders for you nice job hopefully you can keep it up
The new tactic seems to be working wonders for you nice job hopefully you can keep it up

Thanks a lot ! I am happy with the team's performance right now ! We are playing better in offense and we look solid in the back!