No, definitely not. You set it yourself from the main tactics screen, not the pre-game screen, and then it's automatically applied for each game.
Can I change mentality from Standard to Control?
Just downloaded the tactic, which I have started using pre season. I have never used the OI before so was wondering how you set the OI from the main tactics screen rather than pre match. I have looked on the tactics screen but can't see an always apply button!
Off to a shaky start with Everton this time and the morale of the team plummeted so I had to deal with it through team meetings and stuff,got the team up and running again and hopefully we can finish top 4
View attachment 1059961
I have made some tweaks to this tactic and making it 4-4-2.
First season with Newcastle and just signed 3 - Barbosa, Maia and Zivkovic
First impression.
View attachment 1059950
I will see how it does through out the season..
From the main tactics screen, not a gameday screen, do it a different day to be sure, click on opposition instructions:
View attachment 1060010
Change the settings to this and then you can just leave that screen, you don't need an always apply button, it will automatically be set for each game.
View attachment 1060012
Cheers mate, in League 1 struggling to find a trequesta and complete forward so may have to train or find players with reasonable stats for the role
Nice - keep us updated on those results![]()
Can you change the Wingers to IF's or not?
I've answered that one before. I tried it, wasn't as successful. This tactic is HUGE with crosses and IFs simply don't get wide and cross as much as Wingers, so you'll score a lot less.
Try Florent Cuvelier from Sheffield United
Cheers mate, in League 1 struggling to find a trequesta and complete forward so may have to train or find players with reasonable stats for the role
Still so erratic - the tactic's fluid, the OIs are set, training's as instructed, players are good but performances are meh...
I find it frustrating because I feel my QPR team, which has had some heavy investment, is capable of achieving more than a 6th / 7th place finish. Particularly given the amazing results I'm seeing in these posts.