Budget cuts to Universities?

So why should we [students] lose out on an education in higher learning just because the generations before us were **** ups? We are going to be the ones picking up the pieces long after Cameron, Clegg and Brown are gone. You say your friends haven't gone into the profession they have learnt at uni? Give them a chance, unless they've lived their entire life then I don't think you can really judge. And of corse they spend money on alcohol, do you know how boring uni is when you have nothing to do 70% of your time.. Parties and clubbing is really the only option. The only "fookin lazy layabout"'s are the dickheads who've sponged of the state and the retarded bankers who would do anything to get a big undeserved bonus.

Yeah ill quite happily pay my taxes for that...And don't be silly, everyone is paying the price of previous **** ups. Your not losing out. If you want a career in something work for it, a bit more debt is not going to stop that. And what ajt09 said about pointless degree's, my mates did a degree in music, which really doesn't get you anywhere. Why should us the taxpayer pay for these things. Theres been cut's everywhere, id rather have a finacially stable country than funding universities trying to polish a ****.

N yeah give my mates a chance, if they didn't go into a job 4 years ago they most likely are not going to now. Peoples interests change.
And there's people much worse off, and you don't see or hear them complaining. So they just grow a par of balls, and like someone said SUCK IT UP. Life is hard. Boo frickin hoo
Smashing windows live on national telly + acting like morons.

Just what I wanted to see...

People need to just accept that it has gone through imo...
there all over the place there smashing the supreme court now and there in oxford street two
if i was the government i would raise them even more now to pay for the damages that are being done.
I'm a student myself at college, going to uni next year so the fees wont affect me, but will affect my brother and sister, and i would like them to have the same opportunities that i get, so i support the protests, but i dont agree with them being violent.

Anyway, im switching to ITV to see if Al Qaeda do infact attack corrie
I'm a student myself at college, going to uni next year so the fees wont affect me, but will affect my brother and sister, and i would like them to have the same opportunities that i get, so i support the protests, but i dont agree with them being violent.

Anyway, im switching to ITV to see if Al Qaeda do infact attack corrie

Off topic but Al Qaeda attacking corrination street, what?
Why aren't the police knocking the **** out of them? It's not a protest anymore its a frickin riot. O yeah - civil liberties and all that b*llocks :@
N yeah give my mates a chance, if they didn't go into a job 4 years ago they most likely are not going to now. Peoples interests change.

Well it depends what degree your friends did, as to how easy it is to get into jobs. I know with the degree i have just done, it'll probably take me another what 2 years to get into the desired job i want, and that's just getting into the industry, nevermind going to a well paid job.
Be surprised if anyone gets a job tbh thanks to the previous government destroying the country's infrastructure. God, can't believe i'm talking politics on a FM site lol. Thats y i love it
if i was the government i would raise them even more now to pay for the damages that are being done.

The damage is being done by college students I think, probably "gangs" from East London looking for a fight..
Be surprised if anyone gets a job tbh thanks to the previous government destroying the country's infrastructure. God, can't believe i'm talking politics on a FM site lol. Thats y i love it

On FM-Base, we talk about anything:P
I wonder how many people will actually be discouraged from going to uni because of the fee rises? I still plan on going.
****. they're heading along to where Talksport is smashing places up. better leave it alone-it's my only pleasure in life (along with FM) . But why would they smash up Top Shop? Isn't that where they get studentdiscounts? Bunch of wilfs
I totally agree with Sean earlier in the thread, i am into my last year as we speak and i have been going on since the first year that has been 3 GRAND!! Seriously that is a massive amount of money for things like this...

- hi guys today ill read you this powerpoint, it has been up on your online uni accounts since this morning, so take notes but it will all be on there, "is there a point in him getting paid?"

- were having an outdoor activity week for this module, its only malvern, so if you can drive take others!!! oh and btw its 100 quid to go or you fail the module... "thanks so thats another lovely sum on top of the fees"

- for attending our uni you will get a bursary, oh thanks thats nice, 100 quid a month from december until april, oh but if you receive a grant because your home income is lower than the set amount to receive one you will receive 150 pound!! "please no one bring this up, sore subject"

- Oh and please join the sports clubs you wish to join, oh there's a yearly fee to join, and the kit costs over 100 quid, thanks again. Although i do understand that this is run by SU and isn't financially liable for the Uni, but it ****** should be!!

- and the best and most insulting one of all... use one of our many many printers, BUT you will have to pay 5p per page!!! ROBBING B*STARDS!!

Basically the young ones out there thinking of going to university, save up, win the lottery, rob a bank.
Because the place bleeds you dry in every aspect, whatever you do at university they will charge you for it!! Parking £2.00 a day!!!

Now those of you that know me on here will realise that i have strong opinions and dont mind voicing them, how many times do you think the sentence "im paying over 3 grand to do this S**T are they having a F'ing LAUGH!!!" came out my mouth? I really cant imagine what i would say if i was paying 9 grand per year!!
And you can absolutely count on universities still doing these ^^^ shenanigans regardless of the rise.

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All comments made above are concerning the University of Worcester. Other Universities may be totally different, but from what i have heard they are not that different. Please do no be put off applying for Worcester University due to the comments made by one individual. We recommend you find these fun facts out all by yourself, happy studying.
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Im from Scotland so don't really care.. Must admit what the **** do all those fancy pants studies really think rioting is going to do to a politicians opinion. Absolute idiots. They all get what they deserve with there 9k student fees. :)