Celtic plan to ban poppy appealers.

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That's not a great example as a lot of German people hated Hitler was well and wouldn't stand for it if they saw a German team wear a Swastika. The poppy is sign of respect for those who lost their lives to make future generations have a better life, not a sign of support for the mass genocide of a group of people.

This. How can anybody make the comparison between the holocaust and the poppy foundation? oO)
That's not a great example as a lot of German people hated Hitler was well and wouldn't stand for it if they saw a German team wear a Swastika. The poppy is sign of respect for those who lost their lives to make future generations have a better life, not a sign of support for the mass genocide of a group of people.

No like button, at a time when I need it most. Well put, sir.
i think its a good example. if people think that way they deserve to get waht kris mentioned...

Well that's pretty idiotic. Kris made an ignorant comment, I don't think the English, scottish etc would appreciate it if people went about making fun of the soldiers who died would they? As said, a contradicting comment also. Don't think racism of any sort should be tolerated.
if German teams started to wear a Swastika for one game every season do you not think that english people who supported that team or lived in Germany would try to stop them wearing it? would you also think it fair if there where english players at the club who where asked to play with it on there jersey?

I couldnt even laugh at this.

Sick, sick child.

Go think about what you said.
scums... no need for that, if their family/friend died in the war what would they be like?

---------- Post added at 01:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:56 AM ----------

NO **** !:O:O:O:O:O and what is scotland apart of... :O

---------- Post added at 01:57 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:56 AM ----------

i think its a good example. if people think that way they deserve to get waht kris mentioned...
They deserve famine because of their, in my opinion totally justable, opinion?
That's not a great example as a lot of German people hated Hitler as well and wouldn't stand for it if they saw a German team wear a Swastika. The poppy is sign of respect for those who lost their lives to make future generations have a better life, not a sign of support for the mass genocide of a group of people.


totally agree dude (H)
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the soldiers are being remembered for killing irish people, if a german club decided it wanted to remember hitler because he tried to make a big empire like Britain had done and used a swastika on there shirts you wouldnt be happy. Hence why i am not happy about irish people being asked to wear something that supports people controlling and killing irish people. England where not much differnet than **** germany dont kid youself be thinking otherwise ;)

@neall: why would you praise kris for that comment, what he said is far wrose than what the celtic fans put on the banner. Many of the people that fight for your freedom have familys from other countries including ireland so everyone of you who like what he said a criticized the celtic fans are hypocrites.

Swastika = symbol of supporting people who killed innocent people

Poppy = symbol of supporting people who killed innocent people
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why would you post condemning racism etc. and then post that oO)

Celtic was set up by an irish person and many of their supporters are of irish families so have a connection with ireland. The supporters who are of irish decent(SP) are still Scottish and have every right to stay there.

Glasgow Celtic was formed in 1888 by a Marist Brother and some Irish businessmen as a charitable trust to raise money to help the poor mainly Irish immigrant population of the East End of Glasgow

celtic are a irish football team that play in Britain

You said it not me. I think you are the racist here Kris.In what way is the Banner racist. Anyway Kris **** off slagging the potato famine. That is ******* too far Kris.

Apparently I wasn't the only one to catch the contradiction in Kris's post.

I don't think Kris ever said the banner was racist, but he certainly did a 180* with his posts.

Wow.Admins/mods should set examples.

Sigh, Unfortunately I left FM-Base open when I had a 'friend' over and he felt the need to be a ****. I apologise to anyone who has been upset or offended by that post.

My girlfriend happens to be of Irish decent and a catholic so it would be very hypocritical and down right indecent of me to make such a statement.

Again, apologies.
OK to all the people calling these fans scum. They peacefully protested and started no fights.
I guess with that reasoning Gandhi was also scum for standing up for himself peacefully to gain what he wanted. Maybe censorship is the way to go
Sigh, Unfortunately I left FM-Base open when I had a 'friend' over and he felt the need to be a ****. I apologise to anyone who has been upset or offended by that post.

My girlfriend happens to be of Irish decent and a catholic so it would be very hypocritical and down right indecent of me to make such a statement.

Again, apologies.
apology accepted

i think neall will post soon saying how the same happened with his friend considering he will realise that it is not a cool thing to say.
the soldiers are being remembered for killing irish people, if a german club decided it wanted to remember hitler because he tried to make a big empire like Britain had done and used a swastika on there shirts you wouldnt be happy. Hence why i am not happy about irish people being asked to wear something that supports people controlling and killing irish people. England where not much differnet than **** germany dont kid youself be thinking otherwise ;)

The soldiers are NOT being remembered for killing Irish people! Get this into your head! The living soldiers are being SUPPORTED, and the dead soldiers are being REMEMBERED for giving their lives to protect their country in wars, which Ireland had none of! Revolts, yes, but no wars since the poppy appeal started! Stop this Ireland nonsense, the poppy appeal has NOTHING to do with Ireland.

If a German club decided to use a Swastika to remember Hitler, they'd be roundly condemned by everyone in the country and beyond. It's no business of mine what they do. It's not my matter. I wouldn't care. Especially as, as everyone has already said, your example is stupid.

FFS... nobody is asking Irish people to wear poppies. They are asking Celtic, a SCOTTISH club, to allow their players to wear a poppy in remembrance of SCOTTISH troops who have died across the ages! On top of that, I hardly see any troops in Ireland "controlling and killing irish people". Whether they did that in the past is beside the point, condsidering you were using the present tense.

And Britain (not England, you mug) is completely different from **** Germany, you idiot. **** Germany was a facist dictatorship ****-bent on ethnic cleansing and the destruction of entire races. Britain was just an empire, doing what empire builders do.
Shay Given- That is the shittest comparison ive ever seen.
apology accepted

i think neall will post soon saying how the same happened with his friend considering he will realise that it is not a cool thing to say.

Whether or not you believe me is up to you, I have made my piece. I can only hope my previous statement and record on this forum will amount to something.
the soldiers are being remembered for killing irish people, if a german club decided it wanted to remember hitler because he tried to make a big empire like Britain had done and used a swastika on there shirts you wouldnt be happy. Hence why i am not happy about irish people being asked to wear something that supports people controlling and killing irish people. England where not much differnet than **** germany dont kid youself be thinking otherwise ;)

@neall: why would you praise kris for that comment, what he said is far wrose than what the celtic fans put on the banner. Many of the people that fight for your freedom have familys from other countries including ireland so everyone of you who like what he said a criticized the celtic fans are hypocrites.

Swastika = symbol of supporting people who killed innocent people

Poppy = symbol of supporting people who killed innocent people

The Swastika only symbolises the mass killing and torture of an unpresidented amount of innocent people. The poppy supports the help and rehabilitation of soldiers and soliders family who have been affected by war, wars which have helped us here in Britain (both World wars) and also those abroad (Iraq and Afghanistan). If you knew people were being obressed in another country and not being given the fundamental human right to free speech and you had the power to do something about it, wouldn't you do it? People just like you and me are making huge sacrifices to do just that and the poppy is just one way of supporting this. I can apprecitate what you are saying about what has happened to Ireland in the past and the innocent people that were killed as they were simply protesting against the British government who wouldn't help them when they could have done. But can you not look at the bigger picture? Can you not support the poppy for those who have had their lives drastically altered for preserving our freedom? If you can't then you are not only disrespecting the English, Scottish and Welsh but you are also disrespecting those in the British army who are Irish. If anything at all, wear the poppy for them :)
Sigh, Unfortunately I left FM-Base open when I had a 'friend' over and he felt the need to be a ****. I apologise to anyone who has been upset or offended by that post.

My girlfriend happens to be of Irish decent and a catholic so it would be very hypocritical and down right indecent of me to make such a statement.

Again, apologies.

You are just covering your *** <)<)<)

btw, you should probably take my advice, the thread is degrading
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