Championship Manager 2010

downloaded the full game last night. The skin is very user UNfriendly and i just cannot seem to adapt to the 1-100 attributes. Love there tactics,training and the 3-d pitch though and the game is fully up to date as of September 1st

Maybe i will get used to it...not sure but i only paid £2 for it so no big loss if i don't
Well i bought the game this morning and put it in my laptop nothing happened then i put fm 2009 back in and nothing happened, my laptop has decided not to read disks for some reason :S
I paid for it but Ive still not got the e-mail to download it. Any ideas?
if you google cm store....sorry not at home so dont have direct link and you just put your user name and password in...will take you 2 the dl link
will there be facepacks n logos badges downloadable like fm?
here is your CM2010's megaupload link( never die)

please download, use File splitter and Joiner to Join 20 files, extract, mount with daemon tool, setup and play
Have fun!
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I'm getting really frustrated with this game it looks so great but why is it soooooo slow!

On a match day it plays 1 minute in 1 minute, but when i minimize champ man it does 90 minutes in about 30 seconds.

Any know if there is a problem here? and how to fix it?
Yeah it's so slow it's unreal....i really love the tactical freedom and the training but everything else is really starting to get to me.
i love it got to admit though it doesn`t grab u and make u want to play it 24/7 like when a new fm comes out but its defo the best cm in a very long match days aren`t that slow and some of the goals i`ve scored have been awsome like 40 yarders lobs n first time shots ect look great on that 3d engine ,
has anyone got any diffrent skins for it yet or a logo pack? thx
I really cannot get used to it. Played it once since buying and I just don't like the skin, or the 1/100 stats, that's the worst. The transfers are boring and there is too much rubbish to look at on each screen, soooo overly complicated.

Also does anyone know how I use the facepacks and stuff?
I have bought the game installed it and am currently managing everton and i must say it is not bad but i dont think it is as good as fm 09 so i definetely dont think it will be as good as fm10 and as soon as i can get a copy of fm10 i dont envisage myself playing champ man 10 anymore but it is ok while i am waiting for fm10....
Mine Is Still downloading from last night

How long did ppls take
took me half an hour...Stopped playing it already....glad it only cost me 1p
took me half an hour...Stopped playing it already....glad it only cost me 1p

its alright lads not long to wait for fm now, and in the mean time can buy either the new fifa or pro evo, which ever you prefer to keep you going until it does.
other than the lack of real logos i`m quite enjoying it still i`m i the only 1?? or is anyone else like this?
just about to play cm full game im a hardened fm fan so its gonna have to be outstanding and i predict as usual fm will walk all over cm but always ready ta eat my words lol yum yum