just continue your save mate and see who offers you a job while you're unemployed?!?!?!
Chapter 27
The rest of the season went by the way i expected, we was knocked out of the Champions League by Inter and finished 5th in the League, just a point behind Liverpool. We did beat Liverpool 2-1 in the Fa Cup however, so i felt my job was safe. That is until i got the call.
"Hello, Steven, it's Abramovic."
"Oh hello Roman, it is great we done the double this season ain't it."
"Well, yes, it is, however, we feel you did not do well enough this season. Doing the double was great, but that was a minimal expectancy, you did not get Champions League football. That is something we have not done in many years at the club. I am sorry Steven, but we can't take you on for next season, we are currently looking for a new manager. I'm sorry."
"What! Your sacking me!"
"I'm afraid so. I wish you all the best Steven. Goodbye."

With that he hung up and left me. Unemployed. My plans of going out with a celebration drink with the players tomorrow had turned into a day of job hunting. Bollox
Chapter 28
A few months ago i had it all. Great girlfriend. Amazing job. Fame. Fortune. Everything i had always dreamed off. Now. Nothing. I sat in my empty flat watching the Olympic torch being carried in some place i had never heard off. The Olympics was only a few months away, maybe i could get a job there? The security is **** at the moment and it can't be too hard keeping Bin Laden's cousin away from there surely?

A few weeks went past and still nothing. I needed a job badly. That's when i got the most random phone call off the most random person.
"Hello, is this Steven Stuart?"
"Um, yes? Who's speaking"
"Stuart Pearce England manager. I am sorry too hear about you losing your place at Chelsea, however, i have a job offer for you. How would you like to manage Great Britain under 23s at the Olympics."
"Is this a joke?!"
"No, take it or leave it."
"Yes! I would love too"
"Great, come down to Wembley tomorrow to sort out paper work and everything and you can sort out your squad."
"Okay Stuart! Thank you!"

I could not believe it. I had just become the manager of the Great Britain Olympic squad.
Chapter 29
I headed down to Wembley the next day and met up with Stuart. We went through rules of the Olympic squad and just boring stuff, and he said he had faith in me (although so did Roman Abramovic and that *** head sacked me.) He told me the group i was in, and it was not that tough i didn't think, we was drawn with Australia, Ivory Coat and Uruguay. I had to have my squad decided by the 17th of July, so i better start planning.

The Euro's was a big boost for England, as we done the impossible and won it after a final against an overachieving Bosnia and Herzegovina side. This was the perfect time for Great Britain to show it's true sporting colors and show the world what we can do! And i felt proud to be part of it!

The 17th came and i named my 18 man squad, and as i looked at the sheet of paper infront of me, i felt confident that these lads would bring home the gold! The team was as follows:

Goalkeepers: Joe Hart, Jason Steele

Defenders: Ryan Bennett, Kieren Gibbs, Chris Smalling, Kyle Walker, Phill Jones, Danny Wilson, Ashley Cole

Midfielders: Gareth Bale, David Beckham (Because what **** would leave Beckham out?) Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, Tom Cleverly, Jay Emmanual-Thomas, Jack Wilshere

Attackers: Daniel Sturide, Andy Carroll, Theo Walcott

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Suprising you didn't take Rooney!!! But really glad you're continuing the story mate! :)
Chapter 30
Are first game against Australia was in just 4 days time, so i did not have long with the players so every second would count. I decided to use a 4-2-3-1 with 2 attacking wingers. Having Andy Carroll was great because i had a tall and strong target man. I knew that although this was a temporary job, if i done it well another full time one could be just around the corner.

Thursday 26th July came fast, too fast for my liking, and i only had a rough idea of who i was going to start. I put together what i though was my strongest line up and hoped it would go well.

"23 minuets in, Carroll passes to Walcott, who runs into the penalty area! Goes down! Penalty! Jackson brings down Walcott, who looks to be injured. I don't think he will continue, and Daniel Sturidge is being stripped to come on. Carroll with the penalty to put Great Britain in front. Carroll! 1-0! Great Britain off to a great start."

We went 2-0 after 37 minuets, with David Beckham scoring a tap in, with substitute Sturidge being the architect, and then it went quiet. That is until the 73rd minuet when Beckham dived in two footed and got a red card. Even with 10 men we looked in control however, but then Bale got injured and we had used up all are subs. Looks like we was going to finish with 9 men! I prayed we would hold on. Somehow though we still dominated, and Phil Jones powered home are 3rd from a Daniel Sturidge cross and we ended up 3-0 winners even with 9 men.

My main threat in this competition was Brazil, as they was hot favorites and i knew getting them would be a real tough game to play, and they showed that by winning 8-0 in there game, with the rising start Neymar grabbing 5. Brazil looked the team to beat. Back to are group however and we had Ivory Coast next, who looked nothing without my former player Drogba as we coasted past them 4-0, with Smalling and Carroll both got 2 too secure us into the quarter finals. The toughest team in are group seemed to be Uruguay, as they too won both there games comfortably, and this would be are real big test. Would we be up to the test?

"Chamerlain, to Sturidge, who plays a one-two with Carroll. Sturidge out wide, cuts in, plays it too Carroll who is just outside the area! Carroll shoots! Scores! 1-0 England against Uruguay thanks to a fantastic strike from Andy Carroll who is having a great tournament."
The rest was history. 3-1 winners, with Uruguay being the only team scoring past us in are group thanks to a mistake from Hart. Chamberlain and Emmanual-Thomas got the other goals for us to set up a quarter final clash with Morroco. This was when the **** just got real.
Chapter 31
I knew Morroco would be an easy game. It wasn't them i was worried about, it was who we would get in the Semi's. After easing past Morroco 2-0. woth Daniel Sturidge and Ashley Cole getting a goal each i sat nervously waiting for the draw.
"Great Britain will play ... Uruguay!"
What a relief. Brazil vs Spain was the other quarter final, which meant the final was not going to be easy, whoever went through, but Uruguay were still a good side and could prove an upset. Only time would tell.

"Cole bursts down the left side, he finds Beckham in the middle, Beckhams got a lot of space which is something you cannot afford to let happen, Beckham plays a fantastic ball to Chamberlain! Goal! 4-1 Great Britain! They will play Brazil in the final in 5 days time for the Olympic Gold medal! This has been a great performance from team GB"

4-1 was the final score and i could not be happier. Chamberlains got 2 goals against Uruguay, and Cleverly and Kyle Walker both got one to set up a Very Juicy final against Brazil. Uruguay also remained the only team to score against us in the Olympics, and i payed that it would not change.

Saturday 11th August was a sunny day. Birds singing. Sun shining. Wembley buzzing! I had been to Wembley twice in my carear with Chelsea, and come back victorious on both occasions. I wanted a hat trick. The players lined the tunnel and i could hear the fans in the stadium roaring like a hungry lion. This was it. I craved the gold medal not just for me, but for my country! The stage was set, so lets play ball.

"This is a great spell for Great Britain, lots of possession, but can they make it count. Walker up the right hand side playing a one-two with Beckham, Walker is bombing down the right hand side, can he cross? He does! Bale's there! GOOOOAAAALLLL! Gareth Bale has done it for Great Britain! 23 minuets gone and Great Britain have taken the first blood against the favorites Brazil!"

I jumped out of my chair and run down the touchline jumping like a little kid! The players run over too me and we got in a huddle and started jumping about. Although only 20 minuets had gone, and there was still so long of the game for things to change, i had a feeling things were going to go are way. We just needed to hold on.

The final whistle was like a godsend. I ran onto the pitch and was followed by the whole backroom staff To win a Gold medal was one thing, but too do it in your own backyard in front off all your fans was just another level. Getting that gold medal around my neck was the proudest moment of my life, and just for a second i felt like the greatest manager alive! Then the reality sunk in that now the Olympics was over, i was back to where i was a month ago. Unemployed. Looks like it's back to the job center tomorrow.
Chapter 32
A new club. A new era.
I knew i would not get any offers for a few months, i would have to wait until the Premier League kicked in and hope a club does so **** they sack there manager and make me the new one. Sounds simple doesn't it? The waiting was the hardest part. The season finally did come around and as i sat and watched "match of the day" it felt like the old days, before i became Chelsea manager. I was watching football as a fan once again, but i could not wait for that too change. Management is like a drug, once you get into it, you never want to get out.

After a few months of the season i could tell some managers were close to getting the boot. Funnily enough the new Chelsea manager was one of them, Chelsea were 10th in the league and doing ****, which although as a fan made me sad, it made me feel like i had not done a bad job and i hope Roman Abramovic rued the day he sacked me. Tottenham was also in a bad state, 12 in the league and they looked certain to go out of the champions league, so it was no surprise when Harry Redknapp was sacked, leaving a nice empty manager spot. I pounced straight away.

My CV was handed in just hours after Redknapp was sacked, and now i just had too wait. It was not until a week later that my phone rang. the "Unknown caller" made me get butterfly's.
"Hello, may i ask who is speaking"
"Hello, this is Daniel Levy, from Tottenham FC."
"Oh Mr Levy! So good of you too call! Is this about my job application?"
"Well yes, we have scanned through a lot of applications and we know what you done to Chelsea and you are in the top 3 candidates, therefore we would like you to come to an interview tomorrow at 4pm. Wear something decent mate. Goodbye"

He hung up, and a burst of excitement came through me, although it was not the same feeling i got when i got the Chelsea job, maybe because Chelsea where my boyhood club? Or maybe because i had been through this all before? All i know is i had an interview at Tottenham tomorrow, and i was in no mood to **** it up.-
Chapter 32
Posh shoes. a suit and a **** scary interview
I made my way down to White Hart Lane for my big interview wearing my new £80 shoes and my £700 suit looking like a "******* G". As i got into the car park i was met by a crowd of press and a barrage of questions.
"Don't you feel you are betraying your "boyhood club" by joining there rivals?"
"Have you been unveiled as the new Tottenham boss yet?"
"Why do i have moles on my genitals?"
I pushed through the crowd and made my way too Levy's office. My big interviews awaited.

I knocked hesitantly on the door and was greeted by a soft voice, which sounded just like the voice i heard on the phone. I knew this was the right place, unlike my Chelsea interview where i walked into the ladies toilet. I opened the door and edged my way into the room, which happend to look just like the one at Stamford Bridge.
"Good evening Steven, please, take a seat"
"Thank you Mr Levy."
"So, Steven, with are club in a very poor position at the moment, the Premier League is already a long shot, we are practically out of are champions league group and already out of the League cup. So what do you feel we can achieve this season?"
"Well, Champions league qualification is still possible, so i will try my best to squeeze us through, as for the league, anything is possible. There is also the Fa cup, and i will try my best to bring that back to White Hart lane."
"Are you sure you are not just trying to use this position to get one over your old club Chelsea?"
"Of course not! Chelsea was my old club, and Tottenham will hopefully be my new one, and i will do everything i can in order to make this club great!"
"In that case it is settled. When can you start?"
glad you decided to continue it mate! Looking forward to more updates!
Chapter 33
Unfinished business.
My first problem with Tottenham was confidence. Without confidence you will struggle to win games, so i called all the players together and introduced myself and tried to pick them up a bit, saying this was a new start, and i promised to do everything i could to rescue them. Next problem was who we had in are first game. Chelsea away. In a cruel twist of fate i would be making my Tottenham debut against my old club in a stadium i had cherished for years. There was some unfinished business to be sorted.

This was probably going to be my hardest day as a football manager. I had only been with the club 6 days, there was 6 injuries to key players such as Gomes and Van Der Vaart, even Modric was only half fit. Morale was still low, but luckily, due to how poor Chelsea was doing, so was there's. I made my way down to Stamford Bridge with a belly full of nerves. Walking down to the Tottenham dressing room i saw Lampard and Terry, and they was very pleased too see me, and wished me luck and that they hope the best team won. I was happy that the players still respected me, as i would hate to be not liked my the players for my favorite team. The Tottenham dressing room was quiet, with players mainly listening to music. I entered the room and everyone looked up to me.
"Alright everyone now take out your earphones. Good. Now, lets go out there and show this Chelsea side why we are still one of the best teams in England! There doing **** in the Premier League and there manager is about to get the sack! So lets go and give that toss pot Roman Abramovic another manager to sack!"
"So this ain't got nothing to do with you trying to prove a point to Chelsea boss?" Said a very unconfident looking Brad Friedal
"Listen, anyone who thinks i am trying to get one up on Chelsea, i'm not. My past job was my past job, you lot are my priority. While i'm at this club i am going to do everything i can to make it great."
The players seemed to look happier and started talking to one another.
"So lets go out there and smash these ******* blues!"

The game was even in the first half, which i had expected. Neither side really wanted to risk going for it in case they left themselves open. That would change when i picked confidence back up ... If i could that is. At half time i got the players in and told them to take a few risks and try and give Chelsea something to think about. The second half was a bit better and we showed signs of attacking intent but it was not until the 80th minuet until the first goal came. Unfortunatly it was for Chelsea, as Malouda popped up with a goal. I was livid. I started shouting orders at the touch line and telling the team to sort it out. Something i said worked, as Gareth Bale made a fantastic run and slotted past Cech to make it 1-1 in the 88th minuet! A draw in my first game against my old club .. Not the worst start i suppose.
Chapter 34
The Revival
Now i had got the hard part out of the way, it was time to set my sights on Champions League revival. Qualification was a very long shot, we was 5 points off Juventus, with 2 games to play, one of which was against Juventus. I had to hope they lost to Real Madrid and then we could beat them in the last game to sneak through. First however we had to beat Celtic, which was my next game. It was a nervy game and we went down too 10 men within a minuet, and champions league qualification seemed even more impossible. It got worse when Celtic took the lead, but just like the Chelsea game we fought back too 1-1 just before half time, with Defoe getting the goal, and if there was any way to prove if i was a good manager, this was it. I gave the lads a pep talk and made two changes and sent them out hoping for the best. We dominated the second half and when Dawson got are winner in the 84th minuet i was beaming with pride. I really thought i could spark this Tottenham side back into life, and if i did then i would surely go down as one of the greats?

Real Madrid beat Juventus 2-0, so there was a chance we would go through! Back to the Premier League however, and things were starting too look good, as i picked up my first win as a Tottenham manager against Bolton 1-0, even though we was considered underdogs (when you are favorites to lose against Bolton you know your teams in the ****) with Jenas getting the only goal in the 12th minuet. Wolves were next, and just like last season, Wolves where flying, and sat 6th in the League. We was currently 16th so once again we was not high favorites. Once again though we proved the bookies wrong and gave the fans a glimmer of hope that i could make Tottenham great again by getting a fantastic 3-1 win, with Doumbia and Falque scoring one each, and we as helped out by a Stearman own goal. I hoped this would be the start of a high winning streak in the Premier League.

The big game came next against Juventus, and morale was very good in the club, which was something that was not very frequent up too yet, so i had high hopes. Unfortunately however, i was missing some very crucial players, with Van Der Vaart injured again, along with Modric and Lennon, I didn't have my strongest side, so i relied on youngsters to bring home glory for Tottenham. Unfortunately, they didn't and we lost 1-0, but i was still proud of my players as we gave them a really good fight, but it just was not too be, and the board told me they was pleased that i almost made it and hoped i would do well in the Europa League instead. I was still craving a European victory.

Back in England, the Premier League was still my main goal, i had already known that winning it this year was out of the question, but i firmly believed we could grab 4th or 3rd, as we was only 15 games in and only a mere 13 points off 4th. No problem. My next game was against Middlesborough, and it proved that Tottenham have there fighting spirit left in them, as we was 1-0 down at half time, and despite my team talk, we went 2-0 down just after half time. On come Doumbia and Jenas, but surely a draw is the best i could ask for.
"It's Bale, 61 minuets gone and Spurs 2-0 down, 30 minuets to try and steal a point. It's still Bale, whips in a fantastic ball and Doumbia is there! Goal! Hope for Tottenham! Fantastic ball from Bale! 2-1 with 30 minuets to play"
"Doumbia, goes wide to Dembele, who plays it infield to Jenas who shoots! Scores! Spurs have drawn level! 2 goals in 7 minuets for Tottenham! What a comeback! Can they get a winner in 20 minuets?!"
Bale burts into the penalty area and goes down! Penalty! Upson brings down Bale! Scott Parker can put Tottenham in front with 6 minuets to play. Scott Parker from the spot. GOAL! it's 3-2 Tottenham! this must be comeback of the season! Spurs get 3 goals in 27 minuets! What a second half performance from Tottenham! The manager Steven Stuart is going crazy on the touchline! He is working wonders for this squad!"
What a game. 2-0 down and we pulled it back. I couldn't help but praise myself for my "super subs" who drew it level and changed the game and we was slowly climbing the table.

Chapter 35
Climbing the Premier League
We now sat 8th in the league, which is fantastic. 4th place was in sight and i was still unbeaten in the Premier League and was hoping that would not change in a hurry. The next team we faced was bottom placed Leeds, who had only picked up 9 points so far. Losing in this game was out of the question, we must smash them. After a great start, with Defoe scoring a fine goal after 9 minuets the game went quiet and a second goal for us looked imminent as we were smashing down Leed's back door (no sexual reference intended, although we were *** raping them in some ways) but at half time we only had a 1-0 win, so i warned of complacency and sent them back out. It seems my word of advice of not getting complacent didn't work as Snodgrass got an equalizer after 67 minuets. Once again we left it late, and we got are equalizer in the 80th minuet with Dembele saving are *****. You know what they say though, when it rains it pours, and Doumbia and Bale got a goal each in the 90th and the 93rd minuet. 4-1 and we was not sat in 6th.

Newcastle were my next opponent, and if we won we would go 5th, which is something no Tottenham fan in there wildest dreams would of though could happen just one month ago, i was proud of what i had achieved, but i still wanted 4th place to get Tottenham back into the Champions League next season. The game against Newcastle went as planned as we picked up a 3-0 win, with Doumbia, Dembele and Van Der Vaart getting a goal each, and we was now in 5th, and only 5 points off 4th. To celebrate my success with Tottenham up to yet, me, Daniel Levy and half the Tottenham side went out for a drink. As i returned home that night absolutely smashed off my **** i found that my front door was open, which defiantly sobered me up a bit, thinking someone had broken in (Unlike last time were i just found my wife riding the milkman) I braced myself for a fight and walked in, only to find that once again i had not been broken into, but i found Alice sitting on my bed.
"Alice?! What the **** are you doing here? Your meant to be cooking **** in Scotland!"
"I quit. I missed you. I couldn't be without you! I love you Steven!"
Just as i was about to go and hug her, the girl i picked up from the pub walked in with her **** out... Which was not the best thing that could of happend, and Alice did not believe that she was sister (mainly because i had already told her i was an only child, and also the girl kept asking me if this was a threesome). Alice walked out, red faced and i think a tad ****** off, and me, i sat there heartbroken, and felt like a gigantic cu...

I woke up the next morning wishing last night was a bad dream, but unfortunately it wasn't, as the girl i picked up laid naked in the bed next to me. (Well, i wasn't going to let her go to waste?) I got up and ready and made my way down to the training camp, Aston Villa was only 4 days away.
Amazing comebacks seem to be a thing for my Tottenham side, as we once again pulled back from 2-0 down to 2-2 with goals from 2 goals from Doumbia saving us a point. It's games like these that can be the difference between 4th and 5th, and although i expected a win, a point is better then nothing.

It was January 1st, which is a day all people involved in Football cherish. The January transfer window was open, and i already had two players in. Guisippe Rossi and Bryan Ruiz were brought in for a combined figure of £53 million, and there was more still to come, but more of that later, Swansea away was first, and new signing Rossi was on the bench, well at least he was until Defoe got injured and he came on to make his debut early on in the first half. At half time he had shown why we had bought him, scoring on his debut, and Doumbia got 2 to make it 3-0 at half time. Rossi then added his second after half time making him seem as a fantastic signing for the club! ... Until he elbowed someone in the face and got a red card. Swansea did pull a goal back, but Modric canceled it out, making it 5-1 at full time, and new signing Rossi really did have a mixed debut. So after just 7 games in charge i had lifted Tottenham from a relegation battle, and put them in a position where they can challenge for 4th, and more importantly Champions league. Not a bad start i would say.

Chapter 36
Hard games and transfers.
The Fa cup had arrived, and having already won the title, and even though i was not with Chelsea anymore, i wanted to defend it. We got a kind draw with Brighton at home so i decided to give the younger players a chance to prove themselves and give the more experienced and quality players a rest, as we played Manchester United who where top of the league in just a week. The fact we played youngsters meant we did not have much real quality in the squad and it showed, as we drew 0-0. A replay is not what i wanted, as after United, we had Liverpool, and the replay sat in the middle of them. 3 games in a week is hard enough, the fact two of them where world class teams seems like mission impossible. I also forgot to mention that Rossi was suspended, Defoe was our for the rest of the season and my top striker was playing in the African cup of Nations... Oh well. My Tottenham side were capable of anything, and a win against either United or Liverpool would be amazing, a win against both? Well, that would just be greedy?

White Hart Lane was packed come the day of the United game. Thousands of Tottenham fans with hope restored. I really did not want to disappoint. The game started well for us, creating lots of chances and come close of many occasions, but no real sparkle. That was soon to change.
"It's Bale bursting down the left, Bale cuts back in and finds Modric who returns it back to Bale. Bale shoots! Great save from Lindergard but it comes to Dembele! GOAL! The stand in striker who normally plays out wide has scored for Tottenham! Against all odds, Tottenham have the lead here at White Hart Lane with 37 minuets played."
I burst out of my chair and ran down the touchline celebrating. I knew that there was still a long time to play, and United would have chances to equalise, but still, 2 months ago Tottenham were near relegation, know with me in charge they are beating the Premier League leader, if we hold on we will pull of a major upset.
"Rooney plays a fine ball through to Berbatov, who goes into the area and goes down! Penalty! Dawson fouled Berbatov and United have the chance to level with 15 minuets to play. It's Rooney from the spot. Saved! Gomez guessed the right way and that is a fantastic save from Tottenham's number one! This is not United's day today, and Tottenham can surely hold on now!"
We did, and i was delighted! I was chuffed with the lads, and 4th placed looked like a reality for the first time this season. Brighton then Liverpool left. Could we really pull this off?

The draw for the Fa cup 5th round was not as kind to us. If we beat Brighton we would get Manchester City. We would of played 3 top clubs in 6 games. Things where just starting to get harder.

Before the replay with Brighton i brought in 3 new players, Simon Kjaer for £20 million, young RB Serge Aurier on a free transfer, and a player who i had signed before, Jose Callejon for £5.5 million from Chelsea to help us achieve that 4th place spot. Back to the Fa Cup, and I was forced to play the reserves again, as Liverpool was 3 days after, however, this time they grabbed us a 1-0 win with Kaboul getting the only goal after 67 minuets. Then came the trip to Anfield with a lot of big players injured and the ones that weren't injured where tired, so I was not too surprised with the 1-0 loss, and we were lucky it was not more. So i finally lost in the Premier League, but at least it was too a good side. Consequently however we dropped to 6th, but there was not much between 6th and 3rd, so Champions League football was still possible.
