i see sorry misread it sorryRidiculous as in QUALITY!
i see sorry misread it sorryRidiculous as in QUALITY!
Great work Guzzla you're really doing well progressing your tactic. Personally I am not getting on with the stoppers. I am having much more success with my CB's set to defend.
The way I am playing it is. I start with nxtplay5 (CB's defend). If I'm strugging to break through or I realise they are leaving space down the wings I switch to nxtplay3 so that my fullbacks can throw in crosses rather than go narrow. Then when leading late on I use your counter b2b tweak. It's working well.
I'm using that set, CE's set, Eusabios Tuga set, and my own set. I have to admit right now, i'm really enjoying yours.
Why aren't you using your tactics from the other thread?
* why would you use match tactics training after lets say 1 season ? what's the point if tactic familiarity is allready at its fullest?
* i've never used " show onto weaker foot" OI , and had good results too , maybe its not needed . just informing you .
* striker instructions : you've added "move into channels" , great tweak imo . would the tactic work with f9 instead of cf ? I've sold Mitrovic and have no real cf atm in my team . will try it anyhow but would like to hear your opinion (overall play of tactic > 1 player instruction )
ps : this tactic looks da bomb ! i really enjoy watching them play like this . sweet attacking control footballkeep it up
Mastah !
He wrote :
I'm using that set, CE's set, Eusabios Tuga set, and my own set. I have to admit right now, i'm really enjoying yours.
How many versions have you got of your tactic mate? I'm currently using super mikes tactics which are BRILLIANT. But I've got one spare slot. Which one of yours would you recommend for Spurs? Got Balanta and John Stones as first choice c.b's....
would suggest both of them nxt3 and 5 but if you have 1 slot than def the nxt5 which is the improved version or so i like to think