Clubs 'wanted to let Pompey die'

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if you want to make a points thats fine, but if you are overly agressive/rude towards others you will recieve an infraction, i edited out the unnecessary bits. consider yourself warned.

your post suggests you do not fully understand what the hmrc were trying to here. it wasnt just taxes they were after, which they were in the right do, they trying to nail pompy to the wall because they wanted a lankmark ruling in image rights as well. zebedeee explains very well the implications of what they were trying to do, i suggest you go back through the thread and read what he wrote.
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even if HRMC wins they have no chance of getting all of the money owed anyway. Either way creditors lose. Now what's the right thing to do? Go full tilt and try to set precedent and make a lot of people unemployed - not just players/coaches but the guy who cleans the toilet, car park attendant etc etc. who will in turn have to be subsidised ie funded by taxpayers if they claim unemployment benefits. Or get some money back, keep people employed, keep the organization operating so they will be able to generate income (hopefully) which can be taxed in the future?

That being said Pompey got off light IMO and really the level finacial mismanagement was at best incompetent bordering on fraudulent. I really don't know if the 10 point deduction was enough but I don't what would be a just and fair sanction. I look at a team like Arsenal who are perenially knocking on the door but being financially responsible however their ambitions take a hit on the pitch and think it's kind of unfair on teams who are doing their best to balance everything out
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