Coalition launches Libya attacks

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joel`
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The opinions of the ill-informed always make me laugh.

How people think we could have just sat back and let whats happening in Libya continue, just baffles me.
have you even been following this? this was the last action, they have taken every other measure for the last 3 weeks

Joel, Lybia isnt the same as egypt or tunisia, the levels of violence supercede that, this is effectively civil war and mass deliberate attack on civilians

I know it's different to Tunisia and Egypt, but there have been civilian killings in Bahrain and Yemen too.

Not too sure on the politics of the situation, but I assume America have some sort of alliance with those states, I mean it took Obama long enough to side with democracy over Mubarak in Egypt.
Oh god, I hate this pessimism.

First off, we actually can't get involved for Libya's oil. The UN has backed plans for intervention to help the lives of citizens in Libya. Not to invade. We can't split Libya's oil between the whole world, it just wouldn't work.

We're not "bombarding" Libya, we're making sorties to prevent the government from bombing their own civilians. This is a just and good cause, whatever you say. We're peacekeeping, we're not starting a war. It's already a war. And it's not the *ahem* BRITISH/French/Americans, it is the UN. This is crucial.

In Iraq, we went in without the backing of the UN, and as a result got a whole bunch of bad will from the international community. Now, we're going in as a collective world, all agreeing that something must be done.

We already have rights for both shell and BP to get oil from Libya but all of our workers have had to evacuate so the quicker they can sort out Libya the quicker they can return.
by way for those who havent been following this, Gaddafi has threatened to attack any and all military and CIVILIAN installations and shipping in the mediterranean
We already have rights for both shell and BP to get oil from Libya but all of our workers have had to evacuate so the quicker they can sort out Libya the quicker they can return.

Okay... but I fail to see how the restoration of peace and order can possibly be a bad thing? Who cares what motivates it, so long as it is done in a good cause and with a good outcome for everyone?

Joe said:
Surprised the french havent run away yet.

Tbf, nobody's fired at them yet. It's hard for even a Frenchman to run away from, uh, clear air. :P
I know it's different to Tunisia and Egypt, but there have been civilian killings in Bahrain and Yemen too.

Not too sure on the politics of the situation, but I assume America have some sort of alliance with those states, I mean it took Obama long enough to side with democracy over Mubarak in Egypt.
they have been slow here too, the only reason we are here is because of the UN mandate, it would be the same in those countries
When British troops start to die when they invade, you'll all regret backing it..
Oh god, I hate this pessimism.

First off, we actually can't get involved for Libya's oil. The UN has backed plans for intervention to help the lives of citizens in Libya. Not to invade. We can't split Libya's oil between the whole world, it just wouldn't work.

We're not "bombarding" Libya, we're making sorties to prevent the government from bombing their own civilians. This is a just and good cause, whatever you say. We're peacekeeping, we're not starting a war. It's already a war. And it's not the *ahem* BRITISH/French/Americans, it is the UN. This is crucial.

In Iraq, we went in without the backing of the UN, and as a result got a whole bunch of bad will from the international community. Now, we're going in as a collective world, all agreeing that something must be done.

Precisely. It's not about oil, it's about Genocide. The reason we haven't gone into Bahrain and Yemen (yet) is because they haven't escalated to the same extremities as what has been happening in Libya
Oh god, I hate this pessimism.

First off, we actually can't get involved for Libya's oil. The UN has backed plans for intervention to help the lives of citizens in Libya. Not to invade. We can't split Libya's oil between the whole world, it just wouldn't work.

We're not "bombarding" Libya, we're making sorties to prevent the government from bombing their own civilians. This is a just and good cause, whatever you say. We're peacekeeping, we're not starting a war. It's already a war. And it's not the *ahem* BRITISH/French/Americans, it is the UN. This is crucial.

In Iraq, we went in without the backing of the UN, and as a result got a whole bunch of bad will from the international community. Now, we're going in as a collective world, all agreeing that something must be done.

I agree with you. Killing should be stopped. But the "UN" way is wrong. And you cant say they didnt attack Lybia, they did!
Pentagon officials say the US and the UK have fired more than 110 missiles.
And about United Nation. Who control UN ? Big countries like USA, England, France and Germany.
Belive me GodCubed, I felt what UN can do for one country. I come from Bosnia, and fact is, USA sold us weapon to fight each other. After some time, they stopped war and we signed peace. And they are peacemakers now. This is reason why im so bitter. They have nothing to do with Lybia. Give Lyibian people food and wather. Not weapon.
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Okay... but I fail to see how the restoration of peace and order can possibly be a bad thing? Who cares what motivates it, so long as it is done in a good cause and with a good outcome for everyone?

I didn't say anywhere in the thread that I didn't think peace would be a good thing and I agree that we should be doing something about Libya rather than allowing our troups to die in an un-winable war in Afghanistan.
When British troops start to die when they invade, you'll all regret backing it..

Because we'll obviously be walking in and attacking them face on, won't we? Don't be dense.

Yes, British troops may die, but it is their job to fight and die for their country. Their lives are not worth more than a Libyan's. So a few score Britons die (at most, really at most) or we don't "invade" and potentially thousands of Libyans die.

I know which one I would choose.
I agree with you. Killing should be stopped. But the "UN" way is wrong. And you cant say they didnt attack Lybia, they did!

And about United Nation. Who control UN ? Big countries like USA, England, France and Germany.
Belive me GodCubed, I felt what UN can do for one country. I come from Bosnia, and fact is, USA sold us weapon to fight each other. After some time, they stopped war and we signed peace. And they are peacemakers now. This is reason im so bitter. They have nothing to do with Lybia. Give Lyibian people food and wather. Not weapon.
and why were they in bosnia, becuase of mass genocide....
there are no troops there, apart from special forces who deploy in any crisis....

when they go in.. which they almost definatly will, its okay for the politicians to sit there and make these decisions and not give a **** about those who will have to go and fight..
have you not been following this in any shape, they have been at the table for weeks, this didnt just happen out of nowhere

That "table" you speak of is a freaking charade, you've got the US and 14 asslickers and Lybia. What do you expect to get from that?
Im not sure most of the people here understand!!! Gadaffi is killing his own civillians he doesnt seem to care at what cause, way or effect it'll have so the fact that some people are saying lets deal with this peacefully is completley ignorant!! Do you not think that it would have been dealt in that way if it were at all possible!!! and this is something completley different to Iraq firstly this has been sanctioned by the U.N where as the U.K and the U.S were not legally allowed to start a conflict in iraq
When British troops start to die when they invade, you'll all regret backing it..

And when hundreds or even thousands of Libyan's of people are killed, you'll be fine with that, will you?
I agree with you. Killing should be stopped. But the "UN" way is wrong. And you cant say they didnt attack Lybia, they did!

And about United Nation. Who control UN ? Big countries like USA, England, France and Germany.
Belive me GodCubed, I felt what UN can do for one country. I come from Bosnia, and fact is, USA sold us weapon to fight each other. After some time, they stopped war and we signed peace. And they are peacemakers now. This is reason why im so bitter. They have nothing to do with Lybia. Give Lyibian people food and wather. Not weapon.
how can you give food an water in a battlezone, before they can do that they have to stop the fighting first