Coalition launches Libya attacks

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joel`
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That "table" you speak of is a freaking charade, you've got the US and 14 asslickers and Lybia. What do you expect to get from that?
sigh the us wasnt even the lead on this, the french were....

---------- Post added at 04:10 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:09 AM ----------

when they go in.. which they almost definatly will, its okay for the politicians to sit there and make these decisions and not give a **** about those who will have to go and fight..
there currently absolutely no plans, but feel free to speculate on that...
I agree with you. Killing should be stopped. But the "UN" way is wrong. And you cant say they didnt attack Lybia, they did!

Read it again, please. Invasion is different from attacking. We have "attacked" government forces killing civilians. We have no invaded, and will not.

And about United Nation. Who control UN ? Big countries like USA, England, France and Germany.
Belive me GodCubed, I felt what UN can do for one country. I come from Bosnia, and fact is, USA sold us weapon to fight each other. After some time, they stopped war and we signed peace. And they are peacemakers now. This is reason why im so bitter. They have nothing to do with Lybia. Give Lyibian people food and wather. Not weapon.

Sigh. Nobody controls the UN. Everyone has a vote, and the majority voted to help the Libyan people.

So what, the US sold you weapons to fight each other. The US sell weapons to everyone who wants them. The US sold weapons to the Irish to fight us, the UK. I'm not going to hold a grudge against them for it.

Don't you see? It is rather hard to give the Libyan people food and water without getting shot at by government soldiers who don't want you to give it to them. This is WHY we're attacking their army, to be able to aid the Libyans.

I didn't say anywhere in the thread that I didn't think peace would be a good thing and I agree that we should be doing something about Libya rather than allowing our troups to die in an un-winable war in Afghanistan.

Right then. So why do you object? You object because we buy oil off them. Well, see the quoted post for my response.

when they invade..

They won't.
sigh the us wasnt even the lead on this, the french were...

Do you really believe that ****? The french can't even lead a retreat...

//Edit - Feel free to glorify your army, your allies or whatever **** you believe in, be my guests, everyone is entitled to an opinion. But I know better than to buy this freedom bullshit. You may call it speculation, I call it experience. That said, I'm out of here, otherwise I'll get ****** and end up with a couple infractions.
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ARGHH Internet is slow. Ffs...

Do you really believe that ****? The french can't even lead a retreat...

Nothing quite like a stereotype, is there? The French are a powerful voice, just as much as we are. Don't be naive.
Its not our problem to be fighting. YES it is bad Libyan Civilians are dying. British troops however should not have to go in and risk their lives for something that's nothing to do with Britain.

I no way at all am i saying it is okay for Libyan people to be killed. Just don't think it is something Britain should be getting so involved in..
Do you really believe that ****? The french can't even lead a retreat...
sigh, whatever you have a opinion you cant really follow up on. find me some actual facts, meanwhile im just hoping the situation is resolved soon and more civilians dont have to die
Its not our problem to be fighting. YES it is bad Libyan Civilians are dying. British troops however should not have to go in and risk their lives for something that's nothing to do with Britain.

I no way at all am i saying it is okay for Libyan people to be killed. Just don't think it is something Britain should be getting so involved in..
it isnt our problem, but we care anyway. for all out flaws thats one thing this country has largely been good at, doing the right thing

Evil prevails when good men do nothing...
and why were they in bosnia, becuase of mass genocide....

The fact is, they were welcome in Bosnia, and they helped to stop the war. But before that, USA sold weapon to us. Thats mindfuck Mike.

how can you give food an water in a battlezone, before they can do that they have to stop the fighting first

Yes, stop fighting by killing more Lybians. You are aproving killing Mubarak's soldiers, but not rebels. It doesnt make sence to me, sorry. Killing is not good. They need to find some peaceful solution.
how can you give food an water in a battlezone, before they can do that they have to stop the fighting first

Exactly. And what good are food and water going to do for people who are being murdered by their own president/leader who has far superior weapons and power available to him?
Its not our problem to be fighting. YES it is bad Libyan Civilians are dying. British troops however should not have to go in and risk their lives for something that's nothing to do with Britain.

I no way at all am i saying it is okay for Libyan people to be killed. Just don't think it is something Britain should be getting so involved in..

We have a duty to try and keep the peace. As a rich and powerful nation with the power to stop such violence, we morally HAVE to do this.

What kind of people are we if we have the power to stop the strong man killing the weak man, but instead stand idly by? What kind of people are we if we decide that apparently our citizens are worth more than someone else's? What kind of people do we want to call ourselves, and how can we possibly take any pride in being British or indeed in being humans if we do not help our fellow man?

If we (the UN, the world) does not help, thousands die and a ****** and corrupt regime continues. If we do help, thousands could be saved and peace brought to a stricken country.

We have a duty to intervene.
Yes, stop fighting by killing more Lybians. You are aproving killing Mubarak's soldiers, but not rebels. It doesnt make sence to me, sorry. Killing is not good. They need to find some peaceful solution.
sigh they have tried. they asked him to stop, they booed them from the un human rights council, they frze his assets, they stopped his supporters frm freely mving about. this the only option left until he decides to surrender. you cant make peace if the other side doesnt want to....
When British troops start to die when they invade, you'll all regret backing it..

And when Gaddafi kills all that oppose him in Libya, Mainly innocent civilians, and then decides to invade other countries and kills more innocent civilians, you'll regret not backing it.

And even if our economic greed was fueling this action, which it isn't, does it matter? Gaddafi is killing innocent civilians and has threated to do the same outside of his country. That is a good reason to stop his reign.

Also in Egypt it was peaceful protests against the leader that got violent. The leader then held talks with the protesters and it all settled down within a week. He wasn't killing innocent people like Gaddafi.
Yes, stop fighting by killing more Lybians. You are aproving killing Mubarak's soldiers, but not rebels. It doesnt make sence to me, sorry. Killing is not good. They need to find some peaceful solution.

Not being funny, but do you live in Balamory? or some other make believe land?

In an ideal world, we would find a peaceful solution to every argument, in the real world, it doesn't work like that, it's not that easy.
Read it again, please. Invasion is different from attacking. We have "attacked" government forces killing civilians. We have no invaded, and will not.

Sigh. Nobody controls the UN. Everyone has a vote, and the majority voted to help the Libyan people.

So what, the US sold you weapons to fight each other. The US sell weapons to everyone who wants them. The US sold weapons to the Irish to fight us, the UK. I'm not going to hold a grudge against them for it.

Don't you see? It is rather hard to give the Libyan people food and water without getting shot at by government soldiers who don't want you to give it to them. This is WHY we're attacking their army, to be able to aid the Libyans.

Right then. So why do you object? You object because we buy oil off them. Well, see the quoted post for my response.

They won't.
I dont object to it, I'm just saying why we are getting involved. I think we should be sorting it out and we should have done something as soon as he opened fire on his own people.
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The fact is, they were welcome in Bosnia, and they helped to stop the war. But before that, USA sold weapon to us. Thats mindfuck Mike.

This is not the UN's fault, and the UN were the peacekeepers in Bosnia. The UN cannot control what or who the US sell their weapons to.

Criticise the US all you want, but not the UN.

Yes, stop fighting by killing more Lybians. You are aproving killing Mubarak's soldiers, but not rebels. It doesnt make sence to me, sorry. Killing is not good. They need to find some peaceful solution.

What Mike. said, basically. Plus the fact that the rebels are fighting for their freedom, and the soldiers are trying to oppress and kill.
The fact is, they were welcome in Bosnia, and they helped to stop the war. But before that, USA sold weapon to us. Thats mindfuck Mike.

Yes, stop fighting by killing more Lybians. You are aproving killing Mubarak's soldiers, but not rebels. It doesnt make sence to me, sorry. Killing is not good. They need to find some peaceful solution.

You act like we haven't tried. Do you think we just decided to go in all Gung-Ho because we fancied some military action to liven up Saturday night? Go read some of Gadaffi's statements, the man is a lunatic and isn't open to any sort of negotiations. Generally, when you get threatened with major military action, lie to those threatening at and proceed with civil war, you come into the classification of being **** suicidal.
I dont object to it, I'm just saying why we are getting involved. I think we should be sorting it out and we should have done something as soon as he opened fire on his own troups.
like what, tell him to stop? we did
boot him from the UN humans rights council? we did
Freeze his assets? we did

we gave him chance after chance for a peaceful resolution, even now diplomatic talks are still an option if he stops the fighting. He doesn't want peace, not yet anyway
Not being funny, but do you live in Balamory? or some other make believe land?

In an ideal world, we would find a peaceful solution to every argument, in the real world, it doesn't work like that, it's not that easy.

In ideal world we would all living in america.
I dont have idea whats Balamory, but i get the point.
Yes, you need to have faith where I live. Its the only way. I've seen the war, I felt the war and I know what war brings better than any of you! Let me ask you something, is it wrong to dream about better world ?
Yes, you need to have faith where I live. Its the only way. I've seen the war, I felt the war and I know what war brings better than any of you! Let me ask you something, is it wrong to dream about better world ?

No problems dreaming about a better world, but the reality is that it is highly unlikely to happen while people like Gaddafi are in power, anywhere in the world.