Coalition launches Libya attacks

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Crusading army? Now that's just low, they should leave religion out of this. It has nothing to do with it.

Ha, can't believe you're actually getting up in arms over religion. Gaddafi is running around committing acts of extreme crime and violence against his own defenceless people and you're protesting about the state television's choice of words?

Besides, crusading doesn't necessarily have anything to do with religion, not any more.
wait till nato confirmation, they already said it once and it turns out they were lying

---------- Post added at 06:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 06:39 AM ----------

and most of the more dangerous stuff, the SA-6 sites etc, will be hit by cruise missles as opposed to planes
Probably, there hasn't been any video evidence/reported deaths supporting this.
No, it isn't. However, it isn't going to solve anything. We need to go out and MAKE it a better world, rather than sitting around dreaming about making it one.

**** that world if you can only make it better by killing anyone who doesnt live by your rules.

how is that faceplam, use your head. killing a small number of lybain troop >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> watch large number lybian civilians die

You call Godcubed naive, yet i feel you are the one being naive here. tell me please, how you stop a man who is intent on killing people, and not loking for peace

Killing is killing. Theres no good killing.
How? Well, Gaddafi said he would stop war if rebels calm down. So, UN should calm rebels down for a while. Then, organise another elections in Lybia, and If Gaddafi wins again, its legit, if now, he should step down. If he dont step down, then use force. There are many smarter people than me, and they could find other options too.

No, YOU are not listening. At this moment in time, we have two options. Either move in with military force to keep the peace and stop deaths, or let them die.

Thank god it isn't your choice.

Funny you mention god. He would aprove killing someone, would he? You are wrong here. You are aproving killing, Im not. And Im the fool. Sigh.
Every nation is built on blood and tears. And as long **** exist, there will be wars. Sorry guys, Im different than you. I have my belives, and I cant take someones life to safe one. No mather what. Too bad my english knowlege is limited. I would love to say many things, but due this reason, I cant.
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Can someone explain to me what's going on is Libya gonna start a war with UK&SAD&France?
actuallly its up against the UN, including Arab countries. Its not a full blown war, airstrikes will continue until he decides to talk peace.
Crusading army? Now that's just low, they should leave religion out of this. It has nothing to do with it.

The state TV has been spreading propaganda for Gaddafi the whole time. It's easy to see from the repeated use of words such as "colionalism", "patriotism", "crusades" etc. that they're trying to twist this attack to gain support. Just don't believe a thing, their state TV is all lies right now.
**** that world if you can only make it better by killing anyone who doesnt live by your rules.

Killing is killing. Theres no good killing.
How? Well, Gaddafi said he would stop war if rebels calm down. So, UN should calm rebels down for a while. Then, organise another elections in Lybia, and If Gaddafi wins again, its legit, if now, he should step down. If he dont step down, then use force. There are many smarter people than me, and they could find other options too.

Funny you mention god. He would aprove killing someone, would he? You are wrong here. You are aproving killing, Im not. And Im the fool. Sigh.
Every nation is built on blood and tears. And as long **** exist, there will be wars. Sorry guys, Im different than you. I have my belives, and I cant take someones life to safe one. No mather what. Too bad my english knowlege is limited. I would love to say many things, but due this reason, I cant.
sigh i give up, he is killing rebels and civilians he is the one pushing the right, what are you talking about? they have tried all other options, do you not understand that? Stop ignoring the facts.
well yes, it is a typical move at these times, dictators often control the populace by using that kind of propaganda, it reminds me a bit of communists, always afraid of the monster of capitalism.

The state TV has been spreading propaganda for Gaddafi the whole time. It's easy to see from the repeated use of words such as "colionalism", "patriotism", "crusades" etc. that they're trying to twist this attack to gain support. Just don't believe a thing, their state TV is all lies right now.
**** that world if you can only make it better by killing anyone who doesnt live by your rules.

Killing is killing. Theres no good killing.
How? Well, Gaddafi said he would stop war if rebels calm down. So, UN should calm rebels down for a while. Then, organise another elections in Lybia, and If Gaddafi wins again, its legit, if now, he should step down. If he dont step down, then use force. There are many smarter people than me, and they could find other options too.

Funny you mention god. He would aprove killing someone, would he? You are wrong here. You are aproving killing, Im not. And Im the fool. Sigh.
Every nation is built on blood and tears. And as long **** exist, there will be wars. Sorry guys, Im different than you. I have my belives, and I cant take someones life to safe one. No mather what. Too band my english knowlege is limited. I would love to say many thing, but due this reason, I cant.

Not familiar with the phrase "lesser of two evils"? If you were given two choices between killing 100 people or 1000 people, would you not save the 900? Stop acting like people are enjoying the killing, these political leaders are elected to make these decisions. They suck, but someone has to do them. Just look at Japan, 180 technicians will most likely die from saving the reactor in order to save thousands. Get off your **** pacifist horse, like it or not with or without intervention there were going to be killings. How on Earth you can justify a bloodthirsty dictator slaughtering his own men so we can say our hands are clean is beyond me.
Clovis Maksoud, a former Arab League representative to the UN, tells the BBC that Arab states will soon join the operation in Libya: "They will do it within the framework of the United Nations. Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, perhaps Jordan, will join in one form or another in whatever the leadership of the UN operation requires. There is a willingness to participate in whatever capacity they can. Already they have deployed some of their aircraft to help the coalition."
Clovis Maksoud, a former Arab League representative to the UN, tells the BBC that Arab states will soon join the operation in Libya: "They will do it within the framework of the United Nations. Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, perhaps Jordan, will join in one form or another in whatever the leadership of the UN operation requires. There is a willingness to participate in whatever capacity they can. Already they have deployed some of their aircraft to help the coalition."
Qatar has already deployed, they are being readied for combat operations
I'm not even religious, I was just talking about the means they use to control people. This, and also bribing.

Ha, can't believe you're actually getting up in arms over religion. Gaddafi is running around committing acts of extreme crime and violence against his own defenceless people and you're protesting about the state television's choice of words?

Besides, crusading doesn't necessarily have anything to do with religion, not any more.
and this is why every other option has already failed. He doesnt want to step down

and thats why the UN have stepped in and started air strike!!!!

Its easy to understand people!!!!!
**** that world if you can only make it better by killing anyone who doesnt live by your rules.

I'm afraid it's the only world we have, so we can't "**** it".

Besides, my rules would encompass understanding and tolerance. I personally believe anyone who doesn't believe in those should be ostracised anyway. I admit there's a certain irony in punishing people for not conforming to a peaceful and tolerant society, but there is a limit.

Killing is killing. Theres no good killing.
How? Well, Gaddafi said he would stop war if rebels calm down. So, UN should calm rebels down for a while. Then, organise another elections in Lybia, and If Gaddafi wins again, its legit, if now, he should step down. If he dont step down, then use force. There are many smarter people than me, and they could find other options too.
You're not listening again. It's the lesser of two evils: either way, we have to kill. Either we kill a small amount of troops loyalist to an utter *******, or we stand by and let a whole bunch of innocent people get murdered.

****, and you called ME naive? Gaddafi won't stop the war if the rebels calm down, he'll kill them. There's a reason the rebels, well, rebelled, you know. They were being oppressed and killed at every turn. Gaddafi is a dictator, and he will do anything to remain in power.

Funny you mention god. He would aprove killing someone, would he? You are wrong here. You are aproving killing, Im not. And Im the fool. Sigh.
Every nation is built on blood and tears. And as long **** exist, there will be wars. Sorry guys, Im different than you. I have my belives, and I cant take someones life to safe one. No mather what. Too band my english knowlege is limited. I would love to say many thing, but due this reason, I cant.
God doesn't exist, in my opinion.

I am approving killing a small amount of people to save a greater amount. And I'm sorry, but what you're advocating is the continued genocide carried out by a simply evil man. You want far more people to be killed here than I do. I shall reiterate:

You have TWO choices. Either we sit and watch thousands die, or we go in and kill a tiny percentage of that number and save the rest. These are the only two choices left. I am choosing the second. What do you choose?
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well u can't read!!!!!

the plane shot down earlier today was one of Col Gaddaf's
the rebel's shot it down!!!!

Understand !!!
We were talking about how Libya's military said they shot down neto planes. So that makes no sence.
sigh i give up, he is killing rebels and civilians he is the one pushing the right, what are you talking about? they have tried all other options, do you not understand that? Stop ignoring the facts.

Im not defending Gaddafi. Im just saying killing is bad. I feel you guys are aproving killing.

Not familiar with the phrase "lesser of two evils"? If you were given two choices between killing 100 people or 1000 people, would you not save the 900? Stop acting like people are enjoying the killing, these political leaders are elected to make these decisions. They suck, but someone has to do them. Just look at Japan, 180 technicians will most likely die from saving the reactor in order to save thousands. Get off your **** pacifist horse, like it or not with or without intervention there were going to be killings. How on Earth you can justify a bloodthirsty dictator slaughtering his own men so we can say our hands are clean is beyond me.

Yes I am. But that doesnt mean I aprove killing ( as I said at least 10 times). You guys sounds to me like you aprove killing. And that brings me to conclusion that you are no better than Gaddafi.