Compact and Impact™ by Raikan007

  • Thread starter Thread starter Raikan007
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Doesnt seem to work for me. And my tweaking, suprisingly, only made things worse. :)

You definitely can get a decent result with it, as it's very solid in defense but when it comes to attacking this tactic really struggle to create any chances. Possession wise, also not great. It is between 50 and 55 when u play weaker teams and against stronger opposition around 50.

I tried various things to increase it, changed style of play from fluid to rigid, from rigid to very fluid, mentality from control to standard etc. None of it helped, which again doesnt really suprise me, as im bit **** in it. Odd thing - with your M&M tactic i could really dominate possession at times, so maybe the team setup is the issue here.

Im going to test it with 4-5-1, see how it goes.

hey i just downloaded this and gona give it a try, i dd notice tho that both my strikers are in a poacher role, is this correct or did my game **** u? i only ask cause in ur lil diagram theres 1 poacher and one other forward^^
it is both poachers :) I will edit the OP now mate, I realised it the other day, forgot to change it :)

I will be uploading a newer version tomorrow :) with some fantastic results :)
pro stuff sir!!! tried with with my fcak team im doin the pentagon challenge with and im 3-0 with it so far haha lookin good^^
Looks really good, will try the newest version on a new save, with some weaker team. Something from polish league, perhaps. :)
This one works nicely, but I think naming it as a possession tactic is quite misleading. Very nice for counter attacking approach.
I have made a few changes to stop the possession by giving more attacking options, mission to change the name :) it was meant for possession, but its even better now with a few changes, but it does keep me over 60% each game :)
Yo raikan :)

i will try your tactic with the rival of @j@x... PSV :) i will let you know..

quick question: the change you made are in the tactic? or do you mean to use the other shouts who are bolded?

i use this tactic at crewe and it work wonder man. make me survive west ham with 1-0. here is the strategies that i use.
direct, slow pace, offside trap ( the key of my defense againts counter. because both of wb always late to came, any longball can be nullify with only 2 back performing offside trap.)

4 back, 2 wb attack, 2 ld stopper.
1 dm dpp-support/anchor for rainy day
3 cm in middle 1 ball winning-def, adv playmaker- attack and dpp support.
2 striker, 1 poacher, 1 dpf attack.

with this formation, i can hold down the ball in the middle. anyone who managed to get past my bwm, need to deal with my anchor/dpp supported with 2 ld closing him down. and suppose someone decide to expose my flank, well he got my goalkeeper to beat... man...

however, my possession is quite terrible, which raise some question... it's true that this formation ensure a lot of interception in the midfield but how come the possession is way off standard? i had a game againt's a lesser club (forgot the name) but my possession is 30/70 in midfield.

the attacking potential of this formation is also very limited. with 2 wb you can make some width but most of the goal came from through pass.

that's all from me. please gave me some feedback.
I Cant try this tactic out on my saves bcous i simply dont have enough cm 's But if i can give you an advice on lots of passing i wouldnt play wit 2 cm Id play 1 Dm 2 Cm 1 of them Am and the other bwm or cm and then an am .This way your Cm Ap has always a teammate to pass to .And i would put the AP on sup instead of attack bcous if the distance is too big he will start walking with the ball instead passing (wich is the goal) But these are just my 2 pennies Gl with it looks very promising
im not lazy and all that but when i dowload this do i need to change anything on the team/player instructions page?

K Just started a Barcelona save will try this and will tweak it if needed and post updates etc
im not lazy and all that but when i dowload this do i need to change anything on the team/player instructions page?

hey mate, not really, it depends on your players though! if you have really slow strikers I suggest changing the roles to TM or DLF etc and ask them not to run with ball always... things like that to suit your players :)
I Cant try this tactic out on my saves bcous i simply dont have enough cm 's But if i can give you an advice on lots of passing i wouldnt play wit 2 cm Id play 1 Dm 2 Cm 1 of them Am and the other bwm or cm and then an am .This way your Cm Ap has always a teammate to pass to .And i would put the AP on sup instead of attack bcous if the distance is too big he will start walking with the ball instead passing (wich is the goal) But these are just my 2 pennies Gl with it looks very promising
lol :) I play the Central Cm in the Amc position sometimes against weaker teams :)

the PI's of the wider Cm's allow the options of passes for the the central cm :)

hows it going with Barca?
Yo raikan :)

i will try your tactic with the rival of @j@x... PSV :) i will let you know..

quick question: the change you made are in the tactic? or do you mean to use the other shouts who are bolded?

yoyoyoyo :)

If you want more chances but less possession/passess then I suggest using the bolded shouts :)

hows it coming?
@ Raikan

Hi mate,

Im playing as Stalybridge in the BSN league. All players (obviously) are very very low on stats. Would you recommend this tactic for a team in such a low league?

Im trying to create a very narrow 4-4-2 tactic myself using short passing and attacking mixed (middle & flanks), but although watching the replays, the defending and closing down looks really good, I am still leaking more than I am scoring!
@ Raikan

Hi mate,

Im playing as Stalybridge in the BSN league. All players (obviously) are very very low on stats. Would you recommend this tactic for a team in such a low league?

Im trying to create a very narrow 4-4-2 tactic myself using short passing and attacking mixed (middle & flanks), but although watching the replays, the defending and closing down looks really good, I am still leaking more than I am scoring!
hey mate :) I would suggest this tactic :)