Darren Bent hands in transfer request?!?!


Jul 16, 2009
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Aston Villa have reportedly made an 18 million pound bid to get Darren Bent and despite them being stuck at the bottom half of the table, and Sunderland in the top, he has decided to hand in a transfer request!
anyone else think this is a bad move?
Mehh, we've been discussing this in Transfer Rumour thread for about 20 minutes..
Didnt realise there was a thread on this so can whoever delete my thread please thanks
aye sorry mate. Beaten to it ;)
Because aston villa are a good team... you gotta look beyond bad form and look at the last 3/4 years of success... alot better than sunderland

Young, Downing, Agbonlahor, Petrov, Makoun are all quality players and no doubt villa should be challenging top 8 at least

makes perfect sense tbh
what DMF said, already discussing his move to sunderland

---------- Post added at 06:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:39 PM ----------

gonna leave it open because there is still more to this story
Because aston villa are a good team... you gotta look beyond bad form and look at the last 3/4 years of success... alot better than sunderland

Young, Downing, Agbonlahor, Petrov, Makoun are all quality players and no doubt villa should be challenging top 8 at least

makes perfect sense tbh

but their past 3/4 years of success was based on martin o'neill. plus downing and agbonlahor are so over-rated. sunderland have just as good a team - gyan, henderson, mensah, and plus they have an ambitious manager who's given bent a chance. if I was steve bruce I'd feel stabbed in the back.
Well, this sudden burst of cash, may tempt Bruce to line up a sneaky (or cheeky) bid for Wellbeck, or Young?
Bent + Agbonlahor up top with Young + Downing on the wings, not a bad attack at all, definitly fast!
but their past 3/4 years of success was based on martin o'neill. plus downing and agbonlahor are so over-rated. sunderland have just as good a team - gyan, henderson, mensah, and plus they have an ambitious manager who's given bent a chance. if I was steve bruce I'd feel stabbed in the back.

For £18M I'd snap his hand off for Bent. Yes he's a goalscorer, but with Gyan and Welbeck he has 2 other goalscorers and then he'll have more money to spend on possibly getting a replacement and strengthening other areas of the squad.
i think this is more of a sideways move / money. He not good enough for the top 5 clubs. Very overrated and show why clubs go aboard where players are cheaper and better
Well, whatever the reasons, and some do make sense, the real winner here is Sunderland FC (financially)
I'd of thought that Villa would go for a better header of the ball. No point in having those good crossers in Young, Downing and Albrington if your strikers aren't great at heading. Panic buy for Villa maybe, well Lerner's panicked.
So by spending all that money one player, we could assume that Houllier will be staying, and narking Villa fans for longer?
I guess 18 mil is a lot of money, but the goals that darren bent gets them.. I'm not sure gyan and welbeck really are natural goalscorers in the way that bent is.
but their past 3/4 years of success was based on martin o'neill. plus downing and agbonlahor are so over-rated. sunderland have just as good a team - gyan, henderson, mensah, and plus they have an ambitious manager who's given bent a chance. if I was steve bruce I'd feel stabbed in the back.

Still a better team than sunderland... downing although you say over rated has been one of villa's best players this season... and by handing in a transfer request more clubs will become interested knowing he is available because he is a brilliant goalscorer given the chance
I'd of thought that Villa would go for a better header of the ball. No point in having those good crossers in Young, Downing and Albrington if your strikers aren't great at heading. Panic buy for Villa maybe, well Lerner's panicked.

They Have Heskey as a target man, and this is a typical Houlier striker force, with a little and a large player.
Still a better team than sunderland... downing although you say over rated has been one of villa's best players this season... and by handing in a transfer request more clubs will become interested knowing he is available because he is a brilliant goalscorer given the chance

I wouldn't say he's been their best just because he's scored a few goals. if you actually watch him he does very little except from occasionally whip in a decent ball or be in the right place. he's not a touch on albrighton.
but yer fair kop, if he's pushing for a move to a bigger club then you can see some logic, but which of the top 4/5 would want him.
I wouldn't say he's been their best just because he's scored a few goals. if you actually watch him he does very little except from occasionally whip in a decent ball or be in the right place. he's not a touch on albrighton.
but yer fair kop, if he's pushing for a move to a bigger club then you can see some logic, but which of the top 4/5 would want him.

downing just gives them the creativity and pace and a few good balls similar to young and albrighton but i forgot albrighton .. he has been there best player tbh :p

and none of the current top 5 need him at the moment but liverpool could really do with him.. i beilieve liverpool will be back weather it late this season or start of next. and most people still consider them a huge club to play for... torres and bent would work wonderful imo if we had a decent winger tho :p