Darren Bent hands in transfer request?!?!

Godcubed - don't you think that agbonlahor is over-rated anyway. everyone seems to think he's such a good player, but I reckon he'll never be a top, top player. you put him one on one and give him time to think, he almost always ***** up. i think at least with bent, even though it's a tough price, you've got ap layer you can rely on to finish those important, pressurised one on one situations.

No, no I ****** well don't. That's partially because nobody seems to rate him: on this site alone the majority of people who've talked about him have criticised him (wrongly) for being nothing more than a speed merchant.

I don't think he'll be a world class player, but he's got the tools to be an extremely good Prem player. Finishing skill can be taught, and we've seen signs that he's improving in that department. Besides, what we're discussing here is the big Heskey question: how much do you trade off? Heskey won't finish, but he brings so many other things to the game its worth playing him. Likewise Agbonlahor isn't the best finisher, but his pace forces the opposition to play deep, his strength holds the ball up and he's not so bad in the air either.

Also, it's rather a moot point, since I'd keep him just so he can score in the derby AGAIN, as he seems to do every time. ^^)
I think this is a top class signing for Villa, as this is what the fans have been dreaming of... a goal scorer. It's the perfect signing in the sense that he can help us out of the immediate trouble we are in, as well as still having his best years ahead of him.

And with Ash, Downing and Albrighton there to supply him, I think he will score more goals for Villa than he did for Sunderland :)

I also have to agree with GodCubed that I would definitely play Albrighton ahead of Gabby on the wing, as his crossing is far superior.

Good times ahead for all Villa fans....
Gabby isnt over-rated, hes burnt out and struggling to get consistent 90minutes, the fact you call him a non clinical striker is not justified by the supply he gets, this season there havent been alot of driven cross or balls played off the shoulder, often its been direct as our cb's think all long balls are good balls and we havent got someone with the killer instict passing aside from bannan and stephen does eff all ireland; thats not to say we cant play football, ive seen some of the best of it this season (in dire situations too lol) we've just lacked guess what... a finisher, now it happens to be we've got someone on par with drogba and rooney.

4-4-2 with young - delph / bannan - makoun - albrighton and agbonlaor - bent up top will kill teams next season, for now we have to aspire to 8th at best, next season we will all panic if 5th / 4th isnt achived.
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I think Villa should play 442.

Bent Agbonlahor
Young Bannan Makoun Albrighton
I think he wanted a new challenge in Aston Villa. In sunderland they had Gyan and Welbeck too, he wanted to be the number #1 striker. And he wasn't anymore..his latest form tells it all.

So he heard about Villas intrest, and knew they didin't have any other very good strikers. And he wanted to be the man who scores goals. And he can do it now in Villa. It makes sense right?
meh, I've watched agbonlahor a few times and that is basically what he's got going for him, his speed. and I know, I know his finishing can be worked on, but it's the hesitancy and the period where you have to think one-on-one where he's lacking, and bent isn't. now I'm not saying agbonlahor isn't a good player, I just think he's over-rated and without his pace, he wouldn't be in the premiership.
Gets worse for Brucie. Wellbeck out for 6-8 weeks, and annoyed that Houllier didn't get in touch with him about the transfer of Bent, out of "respect". Must be tearing his hair out lol
meh, I've watched agbonlahor a few times and that is basically what he's got going for him, his speed. and I know, I know his finishing can be worked on, but it's the hesitancy and the period where you have to think one-on-one where he's lacking, and bent isn't. now I'm not saying agbonlahor isn't a good player, I just think he's over-rated and without his pace, he wouldn't be in the premiership.

No ****. If Walcott didn't have his pace, he wouldn't be in the Prem. If Lennon was slow, he wouldn't be in the Prem. If Owen never had any pace, he wouldn't have been anywhere near as good. If Messi didn't have his pace, he would be nowhere near as good. If Ronaldo didn't have pace, he wouldn't be as good as he is. Likewise Cole, Ash Young, Torres, Villa, and more or less every winger in the Prem. Your argument is totally redundant. You're talking about a mid-table club's second most important striker here, not Steven Gerrard. His pace makes him what he is: no, really? He's maximised his physical ability, and apparently that's a bad thing? Honestly, I despise it when someone uses someone's main weapon, pace, against them. Just because they have pace and have adapted their game to utilise it fully doesn't make them a bad player. You play to your strengths: if he hadn't got so much pace, he wouldn't be a Prem player. If Fowler didn't have so much natural finishing ability, he'd be a rubbish player. As I say, your argument is redundant.

Overrated? Most of the people on this site seem to think of him what he is: a good player, but no better. I'd say, in fact, that as so many people take your misguided view that "OMG HE HAS PACE HE MUST BE ****", Agbonlahor is actually underrated. I've heard people say he can't cross (wrong) can't finish at all (also wrong) has bad ball control (wrong) can't dribble (wrong) can't head (wrong) is too weak (wrong) and can't pick out a pass (possibly right, but he's someone who creates space for others to take advantage of, not the other way round.) Strikers have more than one use, and if you can't finish it doesn't automatically make you a bad striker. Guivarc'h, for example, a world-cup winning striker, hardly ever scored. Heskey wouldn't have had such a long and successful career if he'd be a "bad striker". Likewise Rooney at the moment: he isn't scoring, but he's performing a vital role. Gabby doesn't have all the tools to be a great striker, but he has the tools to be exactly what he is - a good one.

Coming from a very fierce rival who HATES Gabby, he is a very dangerous, very skillful player!!

Whenever he gets the ball anywhere near our box your heart skips a beat. He used to be all about pace, he now has pretty decent upper body strength, starting to develop a brain on the ball and can finish pretty clinically! He is extremely effective in his role as GC said, creates a lot of space, is an out ball for pressure on his back line, and works the channels as good as anyone!

If he was ****, we wouldn't hate him!!
right well before you get on your high horse, you basically just said what I said. hes a good player, but hes not a top player :S
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right well before you get on your high horse, you basically just said what I said. hes a good player, but hes not a top player :S

You also said without his pace he wouldn't be a Premiership footballer, which was mostly what I was attacking.
what I meant by that was, if he wasnt as fast as he is, he would be in the championship, not if he couldn't run. if messi wasn't as fast as he is, he would still be good because he has incredible dribbling skills, great finishing etc. in my opinion, if agbonlahor wasnt as fast as he is, hed be a good striker for the championship but not the premiership and I beg you to argue with that.
what I meant by that was, if he wasnt as fast as he is, he would be in the championship, not if he couldn't run. if messi wasn't as fast as he is, he would still be good because he has incredible dribbling skills, great finishing etc. in my opinion, if agbonlahor wasnt as fast as he is, hed be a good striker for the championship but not the premiership and I beg you to argue with that.

*sigh* so I have to argue the same point again? :S

So be it. Taking it to VM.
argh whatever. you're not getting what I'm saying.
ive heard people say that hes one of the top strikers in the prem and that he should be in the england squad. I just dont think hes that good because the only reason he is ANY good is his pace. his alround game is okay but not great so I dont think he'll be a top striker.
but whatever. why does everyone have to get so stuck up with debates on here.
argh whatever. you're not getting what I'm saying.
ive heard people say that hes one of the top strikers in the prem and that he should be in the england squad. I just dont think hes that good because the only reason he is ANY good is his pace. his alround game is okay but not great so I dont think he'll be a top striker.
but whatever. why does everyone have to get so stuck up with debates on here.

Would you rather people just not debate with their opinion then? It's a sad day when that happens. Pace is one of the major attributes of any player, you say he's only any good because of pace, but you're still saying he's good, in your own statement. Do you think someone who's a fantastic dribbler should be picked over him, because after all, he's only good because he's a fantastic dribbler.
i actually rate gabby i think he is actually a good player. personally i think he is a good finisher and he is quite strong and can hold up the ball quite well and of course hes lightning quick
argh whatever. you're not getting what I'm saying.
ive heard people say that hes one of the top strikers in the prem and that he should be in the england squad. I just dont think hes that good because the only reason he is ANY good is his pace. his alround game is okay but not great so I dont think he'll be a top striker.
but whatever. why does everyone have to get so stuck up with debates on here.
again as has been said before, you take away pace from any of the top wingers out there, and most of the top forwards, and they wouldnt be anywhere as good. Robben Messi CR7 Ozil Rooney Torres Villa Eto'o i could go on and on. pace is a vital part of their games, and of course gabby isnt as rounded as them but he is still a good player, and ther is more to him than pace, holds the ball well,runns the channels brilliantly, just needs bit more composure
My only criticism of Agbonlahor is that his goal scoring is inconsistent, his goals seem to come in flurry's and then he just doesn't score for a while, similar to Bent actually.

However, if anyone is willing to correct me on this, please do.
Would you rather people just not debate with their opinion then? It's a sad day when that happens. Pace is one of the major attributes of any player, you say he's only any good because of pace, but you're still saying he's good, in your own statement. Do you think someone who's a fantastic dribbler should be picked over him, because after all, he's only good because he's a fantastic dribbler.

no, I'm not saying that, and I'm not saying people can't share their opinions, just don't have to get so stuck up about them , its only banter after all :L
If you read what he said, I've said all along that he's a GOOD player, just not a top one because his only exceptional asset is his pace imo.
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