Darren Bent hands in transfer request?!?!


Someone's angry at Mr Bent XD

What's that supposed to mean? "remember what we did for you"? The only clubs to whom Bent should be grateful is Ipswich for bringing him through, and to an extent Charlton for allowing him to make his name as a premiership quality striker.

Suprised at this, firstly at the attitude of Bent, who I didn't expect this sort of thing from, secondly at the amount they have signed him for. I mean I love the guy but he isn't worth that price.

Villa will get a very good goalscorer, Sunderland get a fat payoff to strengthen their squad, plus they already have Gyan and Welbeck, plus campbell to come back, I'd say the they got slightly the better deal out of this.
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And who will replace him at Sunderland? I dont think we will sign Welbeck permanently. Ferguson has made it clear he doesnt want to sell.

I think they will stick with Welbeck and Gyan to the Summer and look to sign someone player in that window, As Players prices are normally inflated in the January Window
I dunno who Sunderland could sign now, I can half see Bruce having a look at Nicolas Bendtner (sp)
Other than that they'll go abroad where i'm not too knowledgeable. I don't see them making a permanent signing this window though.

I'm very happy with Bent, the fee looks a bit much but it's what Villa have needed for so long that i'll pay any price, should have some great service from Downing, Albrighton and Ash too, hopefully we'll use Gabby to terrorise tired defences later on in games.
What's that supposed to mean? "remember what we did for you"? The only clubs to whom Bent should be grateful is Ipswich for bringing him through, and to an extent Charlton for allowing him to make his name as a premiership quality striker.

Suprised at this, firstly at the attitude of Bent, who I didn't expect this sort of thing from, secondly at the amount they have signed him for. I mean I love the guy but he isn't worth 24 mil.

Villa will get a very good goalscorer, Sunderland get a fat payoff to strengthen their squad, plus they already have Gyan and Welbeck, plus campbell to come back, I'd say the they got slightly the better deal out of this.

Sunderland fans adored Bent, and to see him hand in a transfer request is very shocking, and nobody expected it. So Sunderland fans are obviously going to be angry. But to tell the guy to 'die' is a bit too far
If we had our way:

Walker Cuellar Collins Clark
Makoun Petrov
Albrighton Young Downing

Also, we can stop the talk of Bent being overpriced and overrated now. Yes, he is overpriced, but that's the price you pay for a prolific, ENGLISH goalscorer nowadays who's entering their prime. I don't think he's overrated in my eyes, but then again I never rated him HUGELY. He's a very good player, but more importantly for us, I'm happy for us to spend up to 24 mil on something that will fix our biggest problem, a lack of a clinical finisher.

No Gabby? Think It's possible he'll go Walcott in reverse and start playing from the right?
Sunderland fans adored Bent, and to see him hand in a transfer request is very shocking, and nobody expected it. So Sunderland fans are obviously going to be angry. But to tell the guy to 'die' is a bit too far

Just a bit lol.

Yeah you are right I would be angry if I were a Sunderland fan.

He always struck me as a really loyal player when he played for us.
Nothing but I just thought it was harsh to call Darren Bent overrated when his club signed David Nugent. But im sorry, I forgot Max is some kind of god round here and I shouldnt have dared to have a go at him!

Overpaid and overrated with that price imo.[/

I dont think you can say that considering your club once paid several million pounds for David Nugent and look where you are now! You should have been kicked out of the league altogether!
Haaa. You immature ***,

This has got nothing to do with Pompey, or Nugent. I'm far from a 'God' around here. David Nugent was like £6m and yeah he turned ****, but this is Bent for £24m, bit of a difference lol? Grow a pair mate. I think someone was a little ****** off that their club just lost their best striker and is looking for an argument.

Anyway, on topic - Like i said.. overpaid and I don't think it'll work out for him.
Am I the only one who thinks 24M is a fair price for Bent. 24M is the average price for a striker who when on form will guarantee 20+ goals a season. A good deal for both clubs I would say.
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To be honest, when a player scores 24 premier league goals is one season, as well as being English, it's a fair price. I doubt Villa could have got much better in terms of proven goalscorers.
Am I the only one who thinks 24M is a fair price for Bent. 24M is the average price for a striker who when on form will guarantee 20+ goals a season. A good deal for both clubs I would say.
In some respects it's a fair price because he was a good track record of scoring goals wherever he goes, maybe not so much at Spurs..

But is £24m really worth it for just a poacher? Realistically? I guess prices are inflating everywhere for everyone since Man City turned up with their millions..
Haaa. You immature ***,

This has got nothing to do with Pompey, or Nugent. I'm far from a 'God' around here. David Nugent was like £6m and yeah he turned ****, but this is Bent for £24m, bit of a difference lol? Grow a pair mate. I think someone was a little ****** off that their club just lost their best striker and is looking for an argument.

Anyway, on topic - Like i said.. overpaid and I don't think it'll work out for him.

Oh dear I seem to have knocked someones nose out of joint! Ive already said im not looking for an argument.

Mods are you going to warn Max about his abusive behaviour also as I have already apologised?
Bent is a good goal scorer.. often scored like 20+ goals a season for an midtable clubs. I think it's a good signing for villa, hopefully he doesn't start with his scoring against City. :D
I apologise to everyone on this site for what I have said but Im guessing no action will be taken against Scott and Max. Ill probably be banned but I havent done anything wrong except give my opinion, if this is a crime here then fair enough, but I dont being called an immature *** lightly and I will fight back. Scott and Max you are both arrogant arseholes
Oh dear I seem to have knocked someones nose out of joint! Ive already said im not looking for an argument.

Mods are you going to warn Max about his abusive behaviour also as I have already apologised?
Lol! I could say the same about you pal, I made a comment that wasn't even directed towards you and you clearly tried to troll and start an argument with me by bringing my club into it, which you knew would provoke a reaction.

Stop trying to act like the innocent guy in all of this and just man up dude.

I apologise to everyone on this site for what I have said but Im guessing no action will be taken against Scott and Max. Ill probably be banned but I havent done anything wrong except give my opinion, if this is a crime here then fair enough, but I dont being called an immature *** lightly and I will fight back. Scott and Max you are both arrogant arseholes
..Really? Your not going to be banned, you wont even get infracted man, stop acting like the innocent guy and trying to use the excuse that favouritism is used on this site. Scott has pretty much nearly got the most infractions on the site and I haven't exactly got a clean slate. I don't regret the 'immature ***' comment because you clearly were acting like one, and you were trolling looking for a reaction, like I said.

I'm not going to post again, as you were just trolling earlier and you got your reaction.
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