Darren Bent hands in transfer request?!?!

someone seems to be abit dissapointed mr benty wenty has left.
I aint little..... Thats for sure.

Whatever child. I see you support United too, do you live in Cornwall by any chance?

---------- Post added at 03:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:17 AM ----------

Lol! I could say the same about you pal, I made a comment that wasn't even directed towards you and you clearly tried to troll and start an argument with me by bringing my club into it, which you knew would provoke a reaction.

Stop trying to act like the innocent guy in all of this and just man up dude.

I'm not going to post again, as you were just trolling earlier and you got your reaction.

If you actually read my previous posts you would see I apologised and I said I wasnt looking for an argument. Again I apologise for any offence caused. But I would like an apology in return.
Whatever child. I see you support United too, do you live in Cornwall by any chance?

Nope, And i have you know i am no Child. (H) These Ways of getting at me, are really working mate, Keep up the good work...
someone seems to be abit dissapointed mr benty wenty has left.

Chelsea 0 Sunderland 3

---------- Post added at 03:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:19 AM ----------

Nope, And i have you know i am no Child. (H) These Ways of getting at me, are really working mate, Keep up the good work...

Im not trying to get at you. I apologise, I like this site and I just got a bit angry.
If you actually read my previous posts you would see I apologised and I said I wasnt looking for an argument. Again I apologise for any offence caused. But I would like an apology in return.

Chelsea 0 Sunderland 3
If you really want an apology, you can have one. But your comment to CJACKO really just backs up my point of you being immature.

I apologise for my comment, however I do stand by it pal.
I think you should just leave Mackem alone for a while, i'm sure he's frustrated/angry with Bent in the same way Man Utd fans were at the time Ronaldo left.
If you really want an apology, you can have one. But your comment to CJACKO really just backs up my point of you being immature.

I apologise for my comment, however I do stand by it pal.

Fair enough mate. Regarding the Chelsea comment, if someone is going to have a go at me I will have a go back. If that makes me immature in your eyes then fair enough but I wont sit back and just laugh it off.
I think you should just leave Mackem alone for a while, i'm sure he's frustrated/angry with Bent in the same way Man Utd fans were at Ronaldo.

I still loved Ronaldo even when he left.

Thanks for the Memories Crissy you tank.
I think you should just leave Mackem alone for a while, i'm sure he's frustrated/angry with Bent in the same way Man Utd fans were at Ronaldo.

Cheers mate.

---------- Post added at 03:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:23 AM ----------

I still loved Ronaldo even when he left.

Thanks for the Memories Crissy you tank.

He was still a divign little s**t though ;)
Cheers mate.

---------- Post added at 03:24 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:23 AM ----------

He was still a divign little s**t though ;)

That he was, But he was still the best Player in the league... ;)
Fair enough mate. Regarding the Chelsea comment, if someone is going to have a go at me I will have a go back. If that makes me immature in your eyes then fair enough but I wont sit back and just laugh it off.
Fair enough bud, but like you said about people having a go and having a go back, that's exactly what I did to you tbf, but all is done and dusted now and we should leave it at this, no hard feelings eh?

Anywayyy..ideas on who you'd like to see the Bent money spent on?
Fair enough bud, but like you said about people having a go and having a go back, that's exactly what I did to you tbf, but all is done and dusted now and we should leave it at this, no hard feelings eh?

No worries mate, cheers.

Oh and next time you see that Pompey fan with the tattoos can you take his bell off him, its annoying ;)
I can see Houllier playing Gabby on the wing for some reason...

Walker Dunne Collins Clark/Warnock
Makoun Petrov
Agbonlahor Young Downing

No Albrighton? Suicide. If not from the opposition, then from the fans.

No Agbonlahor godcubed?

Sadly, no. He'd be a useful impact player, going 4-4-2 late in the game with Bent and Gabby's pace would be fearsome.

I'm very happy with Bent, the fee looks a bit much but it's what Villa have needed for so long that i'll pay any price, should have some great service from Downing, Albrighton and Ash too, hopefully we'll use Gabby to terrorise tired defences later on in games.

Apparently, Lerner paid for this one partially out of his own pocket, in the sense that he pumped money into the transfer budget. Legend.

No Gabby? Think It's possible he'll go Walcott in reverse and start playing from the right?

I bliddy hope not. Walcott, like Agbonlahor, is better through the middle. Gabby's crossing is better than Walcott's, yes, but he suffers from the same problems in his sub-standard deliveries. Also, we have more than enough quality wingers.

But is £24m really worth it for just a poacher? Realistically? I guess prices are inflating everywhere for everyone since Man City turned up with their millions..

Yes, when it's the one thing we've needed for about three years now. And he is the complete poacher: fast, good in the air, clinical, fairly strong.
Yes, when it's the one thing we've needed for about three years now. And he is the complete poacher: fast, good in the air, clinical, fairly strong.
Didn't you just kinda describe Agbonlahor though lol? I guess apart from the clinical part.. lulz.
Chelsea 0 Sunderland 3

---------- Post added at 03:20 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:19 AM ----------

Im not trying to get at you. I apologise, I like this site and I just got a bit angry.

i know what the score was i was there lol.
Didn't you just kinda describe Agbonlahor though lol? I guess apart from the clinical part.. lulz.

That's just the problem: Gabby is a great link striker, an all-round magnificent physical specimen, but he just lacks that striker's clinical finishing instinct.
Apparently, Lerner paid for this one partially out of his own pocket, in the sense that he pumped money into the transfer budget. Legend.

I do love Lerner, he's done some great things for this club in the 5 years he's been here
Godcubed - don't you think that agbonlahor is over-rated anyway. everyone seems to think he's such a good player, but I reckon he'll never be a top, top player. you put him one on one and give him time to think, he almost always ***** up. i think at least with bent, even though it's a tough price, you've got ap layer you can rely on to finish those important, pressurised one on one situations.