I use time wasting when playing against a stronger team or when I am barely leading and it looks like the match is slipping away.
I have used it around twenty times in 2 saves (I only play online with friends nowadays) and I have conceded just once.
This season was a little bit "hard" at the beginning. I don't know why, but after I trained them in team cohesion and tactics it seems to be fine again.

Solounamigo, if the tactic's familiarity was already fully fluid but you still used "Match Tactic" as Main Focus for Match Preparation then you just wasted an opportunity to get a attributes buff for your players.

Here's some info about Match Preparation:

Main Focus: Defensive Positioning – it gives a temporary buff to defensive attributes for your players for the next match.

Main Focus: Attacking Movement – it gives a temporary buff to attacking attributes for your players for the next match.

Main Focus: Match Tactics – it speeds up gain the tactic's familiarity and if the tactic's familiarity is fully fluid already then it do nothing.

Media prediction now was 23rd, but after finishing 9th and 2nd in the league, getting such poor results with better players is disappointing.

Shirajzl, here's how the game works and how it will be working in the future at least guys from SI will do everything to achieve that:

If you mange the weakest team in the league that has the last media prediction then these scenarios are possible. Also, let's assume that you use a very good tactic:

1) If you are incredibly lucky then you can even win the league but the chance of doing it is extremely small.

2) if you have average luck then you'll finish somewhere mid table.

3) If you are very unlucky then you'll finish somewhere slightly below mid table.

As you can see if you re-play the season 100 times then few times you'll find yourself winning the league but most of time you'll finish somewhere mid table.

If you mange the average team in the league that has the mid table media prediction then these scenarios are possible. Also, let's assume that you use a very good tactic:

1) If you are incredibly lucky then you'll win the league.

2) if you have average luck then you'll finish somewhere Top 3.

3) If you are very unlucky then you'll finish somewhere Top 6.

As you can see if you re-play the season 100 times then most of time you'll finish somewhere Top 3.

If you mange the strongest team in the league that has the 1st media prediction then these scenarios are possible. Also, let's assume that you use a very good tactic:

1) If you are incredibly lucky then you'll win the league.

2) if you have average luck then you'll win the league

3) If you are very unlucky then you'll finish Top 3.

This is how the game woks and how it will be working in the future because quality of players always will be playing a sufficient role in this game and if at some point in the future something go wrong and you will be able to win the league managing the weakest team with 100% probably because of your tactic then you can be sure that SI will fix it very fast. ;)
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Thanks mate! So I don't know why it's always the same problem. The beginning of the season seems to be difficult in different ways.

What would you suggest do train in pre-season (if the tactic is already fluid). What about "team cohesion" and match prep "teamwork"? I want to avoid that problems :)
This is how the game woks and how it will be working in the future because quality of players always will be playing a sufficient role in this game and if at some point the future something go wrong and you will be able to win the league managing the weakest team with 100% probably because of your tactic then you can be sure that SI will fix it very fast. ;)

I agree, but with one important caveat: that's all true IF you want to use a plug and play tactic.

If you are ready to watch matches on full/comprehensive, use prozone extensively, make little tweaks here and there, react to every big change in match stats mid-game etc., THEN you can win the league with the weakest team even if you're not incredibly lucky. A lot of people, me included, don't want that.

SI have been trying really hard to stop plug and play tactics over the year and with each iteration they put more and more emphasis on stopping them and forcing people to actually watch loads of matches and learn how stuff with tactics work in minute details.

SI are winning that battle, too. If you look at the various forums for FM tactics now and, let's say FM 12 and games before that, you'll see a huge, huge difference. There are almost no good, consistent plug and play tactics out there.

Even here, where the tactics forum is active, 90% of the tactics are average at best. On other forums it's even worse.
If you are ready to watch matches on full/comprehensive, use prozone extensively, make little tweaks here and there, react to every big change in match stats mid-game etc., THEN you can win the league with the weakest team even if you're not incredibly lucky. A lot of people, me included, don't want that.

Shirajzl, you are wasting your time if you wait for something like that to become true in this game becasue this game is supposed to be realistic and you never will be able to win the league with the weakest team without incredible luck even if you are watching all matches in full and do micro management because if such were possible then it would made the quality of players you have irrelevant in this game but quality of players is supposed to play a big role in this game.

Of course, I'm talking about the highest division of major world leagues because the lower reputation leagues are much easier to win it even with the weakest team.

You need to understand that it's about 100 times harder to win Liga BBVA, English Premier League or Seria A with the weakest team then Vanarama because as you can see every league in game has "Reputation" which indicated the difficulty of this league.

Any tactic in the lower leagues works much better than in the top division because in the lower league AI mangers aren't able to exploited the weakness in your tactic and they use very poor tactics. In the top divisions AI managers are 100 times smarter then in the lower divisions and they use much better tactics and much better exploit weakness in your tactic.

If you didn't play in the top division of any major world leagues then you didn't see how the game can be challenging. The lower league is "easy mode" and you can greatly overachieve there at lease much greater than in top division using the same tactic.

Here's how European league reputation table looks like at the begging of the game.

Vanarama has 95th position in the table and if you struggle in such weaker league then imagine what were if you'd played in the top leagues?

Shirajzl, you should understand that this game isn't only about good tactics but it also about good players and your tactic can only contribute 50% to the success and other 50% depends on quality of your players and how much you can overachieve by using a good tactic always will be limited by the quality of players you have and guys from SI always will be trying to keep this limit realistic to avoid scenario when you are easily able to win the league with the weakest team in this league because of using some "awesome" tactic. Of course, there'll always be a very small chance to win any league with the weakest team in the league by using a very good tactic but this chance will be really small to keep the game realistic. Otherwise quality of player will become irrelevant and the game will lose its big and important part.

The higher reputation league has the harder to overachieve/play in it.

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What would you suggest do train in pre-season (if the tactic is already fluid). What about "team cohesion" and match prep "teamwork"? I want to avoid that problems :)

You need to train "Team Cohesion" only in case if it's low. You can check its state at the after match team talk’s feedback page. Your assistant manger inform you about it at that page.

If "Team Cohesion" is at high level already but you train it anyway then you're just wasting General Training.

Match Preparation(Teamwork) doesn't do any magic, it just gives a temporary buff to "Teamwork" attribute for your players for the next match and you decide which buff is better to have: "Defensive", "Attacking" or "Teamwork".

The beginning of the season seems to be difficult in different ways.

Let's say you manage a mid table team and the first 10 matches of the season you play vs teams from the top of the table that are stronger than your team so it's obvious that in the begging of the season your result will be not so good then obviously your result will improve because you'll be players vs team from the bottom of the table that are weaker than your team.

All that is logical and obvious and as you can see it's incorrect to say that you struggle at the begging of the season or at the end because there might be some logical reason for it which are inevitable.

If you struggle and looking for some help then you need to refer to a specific match and provide all details about the match such as match stats and CA of your team and your opponent CA and only then it's possible to give some advises.
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Shirajzl, you are wasting your time if you wait for something like that to become true in this game becasue this game is supposed to be realistic and you never will be able to win the league with the weakest team without incredible luck even if you are watching all matches in full and do micro management because if such were possible then it would made the quality of players you have irrelevant in this game but quality of players is supposed to play a big role in this game.

Guys like Cleon over at SI forums do it with ease because they know the game inside out. He wrote many articles documenting his style of play and it's amazing what kind of results he gets that way, simply destroying the AI.

However, it does need an in-depth knowledge of the ME, watching the first 15 mins of the match in full to do the tweaks etc.
still with benfica?

Yes m8 and totally dominating the trophies here :P

League table at start of January and still in ALL cup competitions

View attachment 186682

Only issue i am having atm is trying to keep hold of my best players. Got more money in the bank than i will need but cant seem to buy top quality replacements with the mega bucks i am able to sell my players for :/

Its a challenge anyway....to a degree :p

How goes your new save (assuming you started one) or are u still playing the Israeli league?
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After an awful start to the season, things somehow picked up and I caught a playoff spot in the last match!

Media prediction 23rd


I lost the playoff final. Again. Two in a row.

It's totally not annoying.
hi mate, ive been a member on here for years and used to make tactics for others just like you , ive been travelling for 2 years and this is my first time playing fm in ages an im very rusty, this tactic seems to be the most viewed on here by a long way and i know youve been on here for years making amazing results for people, just wondering does this tactic set work with the latest patch or is it like previous years where patch updates destroy everything? a reply would be very much appreciated, thank you very much
Media prediction 23rd

Shirajzl, improve your squad to at least mid table prediction and you'll win the league with easy.

Heh... what's point to play Football Manager if you don't like its major part when you have to buy/develop players to improve your team? ;) It's what this game about... Btw, even with the worst possible tactic you still can win any league if you have much stronger team than other teams in the league... so quality of players play even bigger role than quality of tactic in this game...

A good tactic just allow you overachieve more than a bad tactic considering quality of your players you have but even with a good tactic you can’t avoid the part when you have to buy/develop players to improve your team in order to achieve something more… or make your performance to be more consistent.

just wondering does this tactic set work with the latest patch or is it like previous years where patch updates destroy everything?

It works with the last patch.
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can anybody remind me of how to get the tactic into the game once downloaded? i remember having to make it a TAC file or something but have no idea how i used to do it, sorry for being so retarded
you need to put it on your folder:

C:\Users\"USER"\Documents\Sports Interactive\Football Manager 2016\tactics

In game, go to tactics and load your tactic
View attachment 186655

just landed myself a 3rd round tie against wolves after beating Corby in the 1st round 1-0 and barnet in the 2nd round 3-1 :) !! currently lying 8th in the league but have atleast 4 games in hand over everyone