Here is a lsit of QUALITY players you can get for ANY formation this one included!

- Mammana CB
- Cubas DMC/MC
- Thiago Maia DMC/MC
- Embolo AMR/AMC/Striker (easily trained)
- Jorge DL (Flamengo i think, world class and cheap)
- Peruzzi DR (not the highest rated but does the job brilliantly!)
- Ødegaard AMC <-- Fantastic, simply OP and can be trained to fill any offencive position.
- Sondre Rossback GK (decent for lower teams, grow into a very good keeper with some years on his back)
- Jon Hou Sæther DMC/MC Norwegian talent who with playtime (feeder club) will boss youre midtfield for years
- Kristoffer Ajer DMC/MC, Currently holding a startingposition rated my 2nd best midtfielder after Pogba in 3rd season with United
This is my "to go to" list whenver i start a career. Players that i always more or less pick up unless i completely have no use for them.
Worked wonders for me so far :)

There are more expensive players with more quality when you start a game, but you pay for that to, so i reccon a championship team can ****** a few of these aswell as prospects/subs/Future stars for any Premier league team.

I simply love this game <3

for people thinking about try, my only complaining is i got too many cards, some games more than 5 players, got 2 red cards, against chelsea in the end of game and against tottenham, i use no OI's and match training is always att moviment

Thats down to your players being agressive I had hard any red card and if I did its always the same player who have aggression of 17...many others have try with no card complaint..why do people always have to be negtive but never add a postive as well
You forgot Guedes. He is my favorite wonderkid

Also Barbosa and Rajkovic are must buy. Especially Rajkovic

theres no way, you can create a tactic and go undefeated fro 3 seasons...and u know how you can prove it..not with the saves..with the injury history of all the players..if theres no player injured for more than 3 weeks..he will need all the star players to go for the most amount of games avoiding injuries with saves..thats how u can know if its real or doesnt mean the tactic aint good but claiming 3 seasons without a single loss....thats BS
theres no way, you can create a tactic and go undefeated fro 3 seasons...and u know how you can prove it..not with the saves..with the injury history of all the players..if theres no player injured for more than 3 weeks..he will need all the star players to go for the most amount of games avoiding injuries with saves..thats how u can know if its real or doesnt mean the tactic aint good but claiming 3 seasons without a single loss....thats BS

**** you **** and i did lost few games at the end of the third season but again **** you hating ***** sick of people hating man block me admin
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theres no way, you can create a tactic and go undefeated fro 3 seasons...and u know how you can prove it..not with the saves..with the injury history of all the players..if theres no player injured for more than 3 weeks..he will need all the star players to go for the most amount of games avoiding injuries with saves..thats how u can know if its real or doesnt mean the tactic aint good but claiming 3 seasons without a single loss....thats BS

What's your point ?
Why do you loose time posting this if you don't believe in this tactic ?
lads sorry for snapping in my other post its just that i created a tactic that worked for me this isnt the first time XPER mate a tactic a while back and i also went one or two season with no lost also tinkerman had a 4231 for 15 which was the same also sir goalalot for fm15..what people is not getting IT WORKED FOR ME dont mean it will work for can just sit and watch the game hoping there some magic tactic out there you have to be a manager read the game adjust as the game go along make the right shouts if needs be....and i did lose a few games at he end of the third season...jesus
lads sorry for snapping in my other post its just that i created a tactic that worked for me this isnt the first time XPER mate a tactic a while back and i also went one or two season with no lost also tinkerman had a 4231 for 15 which was the same also sir goalalot for fm15..what people is not getting IT WORKED FOR ME dont mean it will work for can just sit and watch the game hoping there some magic tactic out there you have to be a manager read the game adjust as the game go along make the right shouts if needs be....and i did lose a few games at he end of the third season...jesus worked after you save and load a lost game or when a player got injured....just like u said..there is no magic tactic...but u have to deal not only wuth injuries, the language, happiness, lucky factor a lot of things and YOU were able to create a MAGIC tactic that didnt lose for 3 seasons? if u got mad and snapped is cuz i said the truth, there was another guy asking for saves and u didnt even response, but when i talk about the injuries you just got mad immediately, that means i found your magic trick Super Manager, keep telling yourself until you believe it XDXDXDXD worked after you save and load a lost game or when a player got injured....just like u said..there is no magic tactic...but u have to deal not only wuth injuries, the language, happiness, lucky factor a lot of things and YOU were able to create a MAGIC tactic that didnt lose for 3 seasons? if u got mad and snapped is cuz i said the truth, there was another guy asking for saves and u didnt even response, but when i talk about the injuries you just got mad immediately, that means i found your magic trick Super Manager, keep telling yourself until you believe it XDXDXDXD

Go suck your mother worked after you save and load a lost game or when a player got injured....just like u said..there is no magic tactic...but u have to deal not only wuth injuries, the language, happiness, lucky factor a lot of things and YOU were able to create a MAGIC tactic that didnt lose for 3 seasons? if u got mad and snapped is cuz i said the truth, there was another guy asking for saves and u didnt even response, but when i talk about the injuries you just got mad immediately, that means i found your magic trick Super Manager, keep telling yourself until you believe it XDXDXDXD

And are you ******* stupid I saidbi had draws and also list a few games at the end of the third season **** boy
and as some else said whats the point as most of us with common sense save their games in case of crash or anything like so we dont have to start all over again but anyway here i save it before my last again algaist wovles were i won on pen i guess i will will reload and i play again until i win and then post the result here ****.
and as some else said whats the point as most of us with common sense save their games in case of crash or anything like so we dont have to start all over again but anyway here i save it before my last again algaist wovles were i won on pen i guess i will will reload and i play again until i win and then post the result here ****.

a didnt say anything about the saves since is common, but what about the injuries..u havent said anything about injuries....or are you afraid to show that?
Remember...[h=1]Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.” Grand Master Yoda (H)[/h]
thats why you are suffering...due to your constant save and load after defeat and constant honest and only and only shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free John 8:32
Im testing tonight :) not sure what team as of yet, Everton, Southampton or my beloved toon (although i have like 5 toon games atm lol)
Works for me, although you do still need to change mentality to suit the circumstances
and as some else said whats the point as most of us with common sense save their games in case of crash or anything like so we dont have to start all over again but anyway here i save it before my last again algaist wovles were i won on pen i guess i will will reload and i play again until i win and then post the result here ****.

just ignore the ****...nothing good coming from him...listen the other that test ur tactic,,,i use your tactic occasionally because my main one which is sir goalalot tweak from mr eriksen..i like counter football.
i see the abuse from other but this is just a the ****** game,, i had one undefeated season in fm16 where it hard to achieve in current engine unlike fm 15 where i had 3 season undefeated back to back..

still when i used ur tactic, i never lost a match because in this current engine,,pep talk and shout so effective where lot of comeback i got from it(H)|)
just ignore the ****...nothing good coming from him...listen the other that test ur tactic,,,i use your tactic occasionally because my main one which is sir goalalot tweak from mr eriksen..i like counter football.
i see the abuse from other but this is just a the ****** game,, i had one undefeated season in fm16 where it hard to achieve in current engine unlike fm 15 where i had 3 season undefeated back to back..

still when i used ur tactic, i never lost a match because in this current engine,,pep talk and shout so effective where lot of comeback i got from it(H)|)

where can i get this "pep talk" and "shout"???
where can i get this "pep talk" and "shout"???

well it depend how the game going and how generally team attitude and morale at that time...i use ManUtd so if the game like 2-1 or several player dont played well, i usually go aggeressive in half time break pep talk,,so ManUtd team compose with highly professional & determined player, they usually react to my pep talk....if u are new manager of the team, use a lot of coutious tone pep talk so player to think u not going overboard,, and if having several good result,,always go to calm/assertive 'pick off where we left off'
Shout for me is the team talk in 3d match were it depend on what u need at that time,,1 shout = 10 minutes game time,,,u can spam like encourage your team, get creative,,just use your head sometimes...

in this FM16, i think morale of player played big part of your success.
just ignore the ****...nothing good coming from him...listen the other that test ur tactic,,,i use your tactic occasionally because my main one which is sir goalalot tweak from mr eriksen..i like counter football.
i see the abuse from other but this is just a the ****** game,, i had one undefeated season in fm16 where it hard to achieve in current engine unlike fm 15 where i had 3 season undefeated back to back..

still when i used ur tactic, i never lost a match because in this current engine,,pep talk and shout so effective where lot of comeback i got from it(H)|)

cheers mate glad its working for you