Maybe you should consider some other way of training .Less individual and more concentrated on tactics
You have several players who are talented but their nature is not so technical like messi or giggs .So you need to focus on other aspects of the game .For example when I increase the workload in defence and tactics the team appears to be more concentrated ,more determined and generally more compact .The pitch is the perfect mirror on how well your schedules work .Also you need to be very carefull with the calendar .You need to know when to iincrease and when to decrease the level of fitness training during the season .Also you need to keep notes about the stimulous that you give to the footballers in the specific
categories .(tactics ,ball control,set pieces and so on)Take care about your team's progress and dont focus just on the individuals .Football is a collective sport and when you ignore
the nature of football you can be in very wild adventure .Simply be informed ,keep some track and during the season think very carefully on when you will make some adjustments .
I can tell you several advices but simply there are several coaching philosophies .I will write down some indications considering that every coach thinks different .
Months Target
June-July 1st/2nd stage of pre season
August-September 3rd stage of pre season ,beggining of team blending .
October The team should start to perform according to its real standards
November The team should play close to full potential ,however some injuries will occur for sure .The team should be at least 20 %better from October
December The team must perform even better and should reach the pick of performance in the closing of 1st half of the season .Rotation should be used .
January Some leagues dont have winter break ,so you need to be concentrated even more in tactics .Your team should be kind of "loaded" because of winter
February The majority of the top teams have a decrease on their forms from middle of january till middle of february .Dont worry so much ,but work even harder .
March The team is going to the last 1/3 of the season .Your hard work will start to be rewarded .Otherwise...The machine need to recover the soonest .
April The hottest month of the season .The most decisive here is the character of your team .Motivated your players the most that you can and try to drive their
egoism in the sky .Try to convert the teams performace into a fierce and wild play in the pitch .Be benefited from your tactical ideas and cohesion
May Since third week of april everything becomes "win or die " .This is the so called bull's eye triumph .Every win counts double .No experiments ,no risks .
Your only aim should be result ,maximum concentration on tactics and iron willed defence .The men will be distinguished from the kids ....
For every excuse there is one defeat .Its allowed to fall down ,its obligatory to raise up .Football is a beautiful game .But nothing is more beautiful from the victory ...
I have to suggest you several trainings who work extremely well .Maybe you can take a look