Embargo On Kit Competition's For The Time Being.

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Jun 28, 2009
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As recently there is bunch of kit making competition's on the forums which is making graphics section very untidy,so as of the day please no one create anymore competition's until further notice. Me and Stu will hopefully arrange soon like some major tournaments in real life when he get's back from holidays :).

Your Sincerely

Great Idea what i said in the beging, good luck ill probably participate
Good idea KevyMatts.

This forum is getting clogged up with half-arsed competitions with drop-outs and arguments.
as i put mine up before this embargo.. i am hoping you will honour the competition i am making and let that run as it's not just for show and tell as their work goes towards my next template pack..well, the winners work anyway :)
what ever happened to kotw? :O :(

that should just be the main kit competition IMO.
Good idea KevyMatts.

This forum is getting clogged up with half-arsed competitions with drop-outs and arguments.

Yes recently the graphics section has been a mess.

as i put mine up before this embargo.. i am hoping you will honour the competition i am making and let that run as it's not just for show and tell as their work goes towards my next template pack..well, the winners work anyway :)

Yes iota all competition's that have been running before today will take place.

what ever happened to kotw? :O :(

that should just be the main kit competition IMO.

Yes hopefully that will return with a few others.
Good initiave, couldn't see the trees in the forest or something like that :D

Always liked KOTW, really want it to return
Nice one, it will let me rebuild my ideas up instead of having 10,000 competitions.
take part in one kit making competition and you have taken part in them all. Each comp needs to be different tbh and not just another kit comp. (hence my brand comp! mwah :P ) but yeah, you get what i mean. Don't beat a dead horse..beat a live one.
I don't know why we don't just have an "official kit competition" which plays like fixtures or the Champions League (aka everyone plays a group game a week and points are given), then knockout.
that would rely on people not going away for long periods of time with out notifying people.. i mean, it is a good idea Dec.. but people are as unreliable as Buses unfortunately and it could potentiall go A over T because x amount of people sign up and only a third of them show up. So if ya wanted to propose that idea.. it needs to be heavily fleshed out to work around a situation like that. If you catch my drift.
If people go away points are awarded to the other people.

It would work like a Kit of the Week but I mean it could be like a table. Each person plays the other once and gets 2 points for a win and a extra one for 50 votes or something.
It would just mean one poll a week too. Everyone votes for their favourite 10 out of 20 and the ones with the most against each other wins.

(E.g. Dec - 20
Iota - 24
Player 1 - 10
Player 2 - 2)
Means Dec v Iota - Iota wins.
Player 1 v Player 2 - Player 1 wins.
It would just mean one poll a week too. Everyone votes for their favourite 10 out of 20 and the ones with the most against each other wins.

(E.g. Dec - 20
Iota - 24
Player 1 - 10
Player 2 - 2)
Means Dec v Iota - Iota wins.
Player 1 v Player 2 - Player 1 wins.

I'd be happy to co-run an idea like this with somebody?
hang on bradyo..it was Dec and i who initiated it..don't waltz in and claim it :P lol
Good idea mate :) Should despam the section a little bit :D
The beauty of it is that another league can be added for Season 2 or whatever if interest is shown. Then a cup competition can be introduced.
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