I do individual training by position that will play.

Goalkeeper: Sweeper Keeper
Defendef Left: Wing Back
Defender Right: Complete Wing Back
Defender Centre: Central Defender
Defensive Midfielder: Ball Winning Midfielder
Midfielder Centre: Central Midfielder
Attacking Midfielder Centre: Advanced Playmaker
Attacking Midfielder Centre (Left/Right): Shadow Striker

Teams Talks Tylerbode

Kick-off: 'Nothing'.
Half-time: Winning: Calm 'playing well, but there is more to come'. Drawing or Losing: Aggresive 'far from pleased/show me something else?.
Full-time: Won: Calm 'well done, I'm pleased, good win for us'. Draw or Lost: Assertive 'far from pleased/we should have won?.
In my opinion it's not very useful to train certain roles. If you train for example a striker on "Complete Forward" or a midfielder on "Box to Box" then you will train a lot of attributes. The more attributes you train, the slower they will develop. Your coaches can only give limited time to each player, so a player who trains on a few (say 5 or 6) attributes will increase much faster on those attributes than a player who trains a lot of attributes (say 12+).

Therefore i think the following roles are the best ones to train looking at the importance for the position and the speed at which they will increase:

GK: Goalkeeper
DRL-WBRL: Full Back
CD: Limited Defender
DM: Half-Back
CM: Deep Lying Playmaker
MRL-AMRL: Wide midfielder
AMC: Advanced Playmaker
ST: Deep Lying Forward
With this training schedule, you basically train your players on the most necessary attributes for their positions. Personally I use "Tactics" training as team training, because it will increase the mental attributes more than any other team training.
So by using above player training in combination with "Tactics" team training, you’ll make sure your players will improve in every area.
Note: If you are a lower league team, I would advise to put team training on "Fitness" because that will benefit your players more.
Is it just me or does the defensive positioning match training is much more effective than the attacking movement. I have more success rate applying the defensive positioning which is weird.
This tactic is really good. It got me back to back promotions to the Premier League as Sheffield United, easily winning both League One and the Championship. In my first season in the BPL, I finished 7th (media prediction was 18th) and one my AMCs even won the golden boy that year which was a pretty incredible achievement because attribute wise he was a passable Premier League player at best.

Only problem with this tactic is that it feels a bit weird to play with no striker... although the way it plays it doesn't really feel like you're lacking one, plenty of goals are scored. Well done TFF!
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This tactic is really good. It got me back to back promotions to the Premier League as Sheffield United, easily winning both League One and the Championship. In my first season in the BPL, I finished 7th (media prediction was 18th) and one my AMCs even won the golden boy that year which was a pretty incredible achievement because attribute wise he was a passable Premier League player at best.

Only problem with this tactic is that it feels a bit weird to play with no striker... although the way it plays it doesn't really feel like you're lacking one, plenty of goals are scored. Well done TFF!

its not working for me lol, do u have any tips
its not working for me lol, do u have any tips

What team are you playing as? I don't really think there's much advice I can give that isn't already in the OP. I think the most important of all is to make sure that your players have the correct strong foot, even better if they are either footed for the attacking midfielders since that means they can play AMCL or AMCR. When you're looking for players to sign then try to find ones that already have the suggested PPMs (or at least one or two of them) so you don't have to spend time trying to teach the correct ones.

This isn't really related to the tactic, but a general rule I follow is that if a player is performing poorly then I have no issues dropping his *** to the bench, no matter how good his attributes are. I go for the form player over the player with high attributes every time. The player that I mentioned before (the one that won the golden boy award) had been with me from the very start and was one of my best players, and yet he was only rated 2 stars (and he was 1.5 stars when I first started using him in League One). Don't be afraid to give a player with lower attributes a chance if your main players are underperforming and they might just surprise you.
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im playing as north ferriby in skrill prem, I was using def postioning all the time for match prep and for the last 4 matches I changed it to att move and I won all games lol
Ah yeah, I can imagine it being a bit tougher as a team that far down the leagues. Sheffield United have a very big transfer budget for a League One team so I was able to buy the players I needed. That's the other problem with this tactic, most teams won't have enough AMCs for this tactic so you need to buy at least 1-2 of them unless the strikers in the squad can play there. Skrill Premier teams don't really have the funds to reshape the squad and have to try to make do with what they have for the most part. This tactic requires you to spend a bit of money at first for it to work, I think. :)
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Ah yeah, I can imagine it being a bit tougher as a team that far down the leagues. Sheffield United have a very big transfer budget for a League One team so I was able to buy the players I needed. That's the other problem with this tactic, most teams won't have enough AMCs for this tactic so you need to buy at least 1-2 of them unless the strikers in the squad can play there. Skrill Premier teams don't really have the funds to reshape the squad and have to try to make do with what they have for the most part. This tactic requires you to spend a bit of money at first for it to work, I think. :)
Can you recommend some bargain players to sign with lower league clubs? I really want to try this tactic with a low reputation club and build it up like you have done.
Can you recommend some bargain players to sign with lower league clubs? I really want to try this tactic with a low reputation club and build it up like you have done.

I don't have the save in front of me anymore since I uninstalled FM14 due to FM15 being released and my memory is a bit fuzzy since it a while ago that I last played that save but I'll do my best to remember.

I think the best signing I made was Adrien Trebel, £78k from Nantes. He didn't have the most amazing first season, although he wasn't bad but after that he became my best central midfielder. His average rating in my Championship season was 7.42 IIRC, I can't remember what it was in the BPL but it wasn't much lower. His market value was around £6.5M at the point when I left the club after Swansea offered me a job. Not too bad for a player I bought on the cheap as a League One Team. Another signing I made in the first season who was with me untill the end was Julien Cetout, brought him in on a free, he didn't exactly set the world on fire but he did a solid job for me as a RB during the three seasons he worked under me, he can also play as a defensive midfielder, so he can provide cover there during injuries or whatever. I also brought in Andy Robinson from Tranmere for a little over £100k in that season, he's old but he's either footed and IIRC, he already has the cut inside PPM. He scored around 13 League goals for me in the first season I think so he was a pretty decent pick up. If you do sign him, try to make it a 1 year contract if you can.

In my second season, I think my best pick up was Jay Emmanuel-Thomas from Bristol for £650k, left footed, has cuts inside PPM. He had an amazing run of form for me in the first half of the season but then he got injured and it took him a while to get his form back. Would still recommend him though. Also brought in Craig Alcock on a free from Peterborough during this season. Or it might have been at the start of my third season, either way he played quite well for me too.

I'm not sure if this commonly happens, but at the end of the third season, I signed Jason Steele on a free after Middlesbrough didn't renew his contract. He's a great GK for a newly promoted Premier League side and I'd assume he'd be fine with signing for most Championship teams too. I conceded LOADS of goals during my first season in the Premier League but I probably would have conceded even more if I had kept using my previous GK. Before him I had Ben Williams who I signed for 500k from Hibernian which probably wasn't worth it even though he played well during the 2 seasons I used him. I also signed Will Hughes for about 3.2M but I'm sure you already know about him. I'll edit this post if I remember any more but I think these were most of the good signings I made.

When looking for players, I would recommend using the filters and lowering all the attributes by 2-3 points and see if anyone decent shows up, if not then search for players who have 1-2 of the recommend PPMs already.
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No. I did notice that the option to teach cuts inside wasn't available for some players, though. I'm guessing they need a certain level or attributes before you can even attempt to teach it to them, but I am not sure what they are.
No. I did notice that the option to teach cuts inside wasn't available for some players, though. I'm guessing they need a certain level or attributes before you can even attempt to teach it to them, but I am not sure what they are.
That's not true.. The PPM "cut inside" is Always available, i think it's under movement training? The only reason why it should be unavailable is because they already have that PPM..
That's not true.. The PPM "cut inside" is Always available, i think it's under movement training? The only reason why it should be unavailable is because they already have that PPM..

Yeah, it's under movement training but sometimes I couldn't find it in the list even for players that didn't already have the PPM. Maybe I just missed it because the list is pretty big...
I've just been promoted with East Grinstead from the Skrill South to the Skrill Premier and the only things I did differently to the opening post were around the players I bought and the training.

I still use the filters but I drop them until players start appearing. I then remove technique (or lower it further) and 2 or 3 other attributes which I don't feel are so important in the lower leagues (physical are more important). I then raise all until there are only 4 or 5 players to choose from. This has worked pretty well.

With training you need a very cohesive squad. If the performances drop on the field then change team training to Team Cohesion. Almost everytime the performances pick up. You can then return to normal (Balanced) after a couple of weeks.
fourth season

After a slow start (do not know why, but this tactic is incredibly good at the end of the season), becoming the first 8 points, little trace we get points and be champions.

In the UEFA Champions League started very well be top of the group against Dortmund, Monaco and Maccabi. Wolfsburg, Schalke 04 and Arsenal rivals before reaching the final where we lost on penalties to Real Madrid

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Fifth season

Another Premier League more to the collection, but the Champions League is a nightmare. Second consevutiva final against Madrid and second loss. Went above most of the match but could not be

After playing so long with my Arsenal save, I decided to give my self a different challenge and opted to play Elfsborg (Swedish team) and give them a crack.
Since I didn't set the date right at the start to play longer in the pre-season I only managed 3 games. 1 loss, 1 draw and 1 win. I didn't have much in cash to buy "quality" players as I normally can in my Arsenal save, but had some quality players to use.
Did manage to get a cracking player, Jack Collison on a free transfer. Was by far one of my best deals ever.

Started my season with the Svenska Cupen, Which I was happy to have win with ease.
The start of the Allsvenkan league was not how I wanted a 1-1 draw against Åtvidaberg (Away) But after that game the rest seemed to go well. Lots of wins and the odd draws.
Found myself also getting into the Europa League. Eased our way through the quailyfying rounds and to get a tough group: Celtic, Shakhtar, Anorthosi. Well first game was Celtic "away" I new this was going to be a hard game let alone the group and was hoping for a draw at least. Sadly tho, Celtic was to strong, dispite my team holding firm on possession and shots on target. Celtics counter runs did to much damage and in the end won them the first game 3-1. The rest of the Europa group games ended us being top (I was more shocked then anyone) I had faith in my boys but did not expect to top that league. So was proud of the team effort that they did.
Wining that group has put me in a EL 1st round knockout against AZ Alkmaar (next season) which I am currently on.
Any I have gone through the whole 2014 Allsvenkan season "Unbeaten" a few draws but all wins. And I was happy to finally unlock my #Invincible achievement# :D I have been Arsenal for so long now on one save, I have never managed to do a streak of being unbeaten. And yet with this EPIC tactic of yours, I won the Allsvenkan title and the Invincible achievement in one season.
I was hesitant at first due to the "No Strikers" as I do like strikers, but after some molding with players (Not all) but most found this tactic to be entertaining and enjoyable to watch.
So massive thumbs up for this tactic.

P.S How do I add screen shots ect?
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I freaking love this tactics, holy ****.
best fm tactic I ever used, and I tried a LOT here.
god bless you