FIFA World Cup 2018 Russia!

Everyone englishman in England with 3 lions on his chest, hear me and heed my words as long as the fifa commitee of 22 old guys decide the world cup England will not ever get it, they hate us and blame it on the media, an easy excuse and convienent one really, but that's how it is, political racisism against England, the mother country of All football in the world today, never expect anything from them in the future because we never stand a chance at the moment with the current system in place.

Thank, rant over :(
Some obversations and conclusions -

1. Quite obviously Blatter's power is not on the wane. He wanted Russia to get it and got his way.

2. The voting system for World Cups needs to change. All very well giving it to countries ie Qatar that have never hosted but is it the common sense decision ?? Somehow I think not. With average daily temperatures exceeding 105 F

3. Collusion, corruption and double dealing seems to be FIFA's way of doing things. All they care about is how much money they make out of it. Clearly that has to change and it won't happen overnight.

4. I agree with Andy Anson. Pretty much a waste of time us bidding for a World Cup and probably a Euro as well whilst the current system is in place. We just won't get it.
Errrm... Yeah... Let's forget that they're one of the most powerful country in the world... And that they're the biggest country in the world... PUTIN OWNED everyone! xD
You nailed the sceptics' comments on the won bid with this remark. Isn't Medvedev suppose to be the most powerful man in Russia now?? Other than that: Congrats and let's hope for the better.
Ok Russia haven't hosted the World Cup before but think: Russia have a group of their own people who don't like Russia (Chechens) compared to England and the belgium netherlands bids who dont have any break away groups. Also think of all the travel its ******* ridiculous! I didn't think that England were favourites but Fifa is corrupt if it thinks that England would be the least suitable. They have almost all their stadiums ready, the country isn't too big, terrorism isn't constant and we have a lot of money. Im scottish and I'm saying this.
That's exactly what I was thinking on thursday. Russia has it's fair share of domestic issues whether it has the money or not. Can't help feeling that this might just come back and bite Blatter in the ****.