Hi, your tactic look great and its plug and play
I will post a screen a soon as possible.
But i would like to know if you can put a screen of your Training please ? because, i don't understand what do you use is General Trainning and Match Training and Scheduling.
Sorry for my bad english
Match Prep is indicated on the first post = 50% on Attacking movement until tactic is at 100% fluid on the bars. Then the author says reduce to 30% and keep on attacking movement.
Match Preparation Training | Football Manager 2013 Guide
Also read the other tabs....I've just signed a whole new squad and want morale and squad harmony to increase before the new season.
That was my main downfall at Bristol Rovers after getting sacked from Blackburn.....I had to get rid of a load of players in january and try and sign better players but morale plummeted as players tried to learn the tactic but didn't know each other and thus a catch 22 scenario.
Ended up getting relagated (I am an experienced player btw......smashed it on FM12 but still finding my feet on this game)....because morale was just too low.
Having done a bit of research I personally am following this Pre Season game plan:
Phase 1: Fitness
General Training
Focus - Fitness
Intensity - Very High
This gives a nice boost to the squad's physical stats and gets them in shape quicker ensuring I can start the season with everyone fully fit. This apparently also reduces injury and fatigue as the season progresses (helps prevent the annoying "jaded in need of rest" scenarios").
The reason intensity is set so high is that you need to get the team on the same page by gelling them together ASAP! Having scheduling on 40% means that your general training workload is reduced. That means less time in the gym etc etc. In essence your setting up lower volume but high intensity fitness for your players.
Match Training
Focus - Teamwork
Keep both rest before and after boxes unticked
Something I have overlooked for way way too long. I tend to overhaul squads when I take over. For a tactic like this, you need players who can handle the way this tactic plays. By setting teamwork as match prep focus you gel the players together and improve the all important team blend.
Phase 2: Tactic familiarity
With such an intensive fitness regime, the time taken to get the players fit should be drastically reduced and means that you won't have to cram in loads of friendlies, just to get fringe players game time.
This brings me onto the next phase, learning the tactic. I will assume that, an average Pre Season is around 7-8 games. Hopefully by the 5th game, the team will be pretty much fighting fit.
Next step is to stop training fitness, and concentrate soley on team cohesion in general training. This will provide a bigger boost to the team blend.
I'll take the slider down to 30% and change match training focus to tactics. This will help recover the time lost doing fitness training and provide a boost to the tactic familiarity levels, whilst still gelling the team in general training.
At this point I expect to be approaching the first game of the season with a fully fit squad, that is just starting to get to know one another and the tactic. I will now tick the allow rest after match box so as not to overload my players too much.
Phase 3: Attacking movement
Once I'm 100% fluid on all bars I'll drop the scheduling slider down to 10% and change match training to attacking movement. It is at this point that the team will start to kick on and the tactic can be fully utilized.
This is my pre season plan. It may work...it may not but one thing is for sure......you need to be looking at team blend/cohesion as a major major piece of the puzzle.
The amount of times I've ignored my assistant in the match feed and pre match analysis saying x and y are struggling to fit in etc. Its team blend! Research has also thrown up a double wammy that poor team blend affects everything from passes connecting to morale to missing shots.....the list is endless.
It certainly provides me with an answer as to why my Bristol Rovers team sucked so badly....not because I had the wrong players....but because I didn't gel them together and improve morale.
Without morale...your utterly screwed, no matter what tactic your using. Your screwed. As a group we should delve deeper into this and see if we can come up with the best way to get this tactic firing at the start of the season using any team just by ensuring the correct pre season is followed and team blend is utilized!