First, it you read it properly the "snide" remark was meant has a joke! Jeez you need to chill-out!
Second, I thought the thread was about a discussion?
Third, If you cant understand bad AI then how can you make snide remarks about me bein a childish keyboard warrior.
I do apologise to the OP for sayin hes easily pleased an also slightly blind lol
I do understand the importance of hit detection, I just dont see it done very well done in this game (maybe im slightly blind)..players running around players is good, but alas only a minority of players do this anymore in RL.
Theyve gone the direction that tactics win football matches this game, not so much the players...which is (IMHO) hazzardous as weve seen on many peoples posts of unrealistic someone like Gambia winning the world cup in 2016, or Arsenal gettin relegated in the first season..which is cool as im not a gunners fan

Chelsea on my save are 16th
As ive said before im enjoyin the game at the mo, tad bit easy..Im managing Newcastle, an after a rough start am lying 5th in prem! I havent done a single shout or changed tactics for any given match..
I too am lookin forward to a patch, how an why they released it in its current state beggars belief.