Hello Raikan and everybody else in here!
I am struggling with my Arsenal team, to make them play great and find the right tactic, maybe you want to take a look at my team, teaminstructions and my traninggames?!
My CB are set to total defense, and i also told my backs to be more defensiv. Want more possession, conceed less goals and create more chances. And by the way i seem to conceed more goals through corner and freekick situationens, something you can help with?
Seems to me that you're playing with way too fast tempo and ur passing is set to More Direct, which means they will look for more straightforward passes.
My suggestion is, try these:
- Since you're Arsenal, I'd slap in Fluid instead of Balanced since your players are able to play in a fluid system.
- Slap in More Expressive Creative Freedom.
- Slap in More Roaming instead of default.
- Raise your D-line in order to push the team up, meaning you will press hard which will force opposition players into mistakes. Play also offside with High D-line.
- Lower your Tempo to Normal or Slow.
- Make your more attacking players Move Into Channels so they can receive a pass. You can also make some players swap position (e.g. AML & AMR)
- Use Hold up ball sparingly, I'd place this to FB's and both CM's.
- Run from Deep sometimes/often, depending from the position and how you want the player to act. Run from Ball to rarely/sometimes to force passing.
- Make your players put through balls often so you create chances.
- Tweak Time Wasting between Rarely/Sometimes.
- Dont think this is necessary in FM13 since its easier to rack up passes but you can always lower your attacking players mentalities to Normal, so they will not be so attacking.
- Ive also found that if you dont allow your AML & AMR players to roam from their position, you're pressing will work better as then they will stick near to their man (FB's) and there aint no space to pass to FB's.
This is pretty much from Raikan's first post in this thread
