Ok let's get constructive.
We'll play a little game. You will name features that work properly since 2012 that are ground braking add more realism and depth to the game and we'll name some things that we think will make this new feature add more realism to the game
Are you implying that this would be ground-breaking?? Really? Re-written player decision making and AI managers buying according to role and not just position is more ground breaking than this half-idea. Like I said, it needs better ideas for the mode to appeal to more people.
To actually be constructive, the only thing that could be added is a lot of interaction with players and the first team manager. There would need to be a lot added to make it interesting and a fairly often used module, since a youth team manager does nothing but training and match days. For all the interaction tree options to be added, it'd need a lot of development time, so you're back to square 1. Given how many people can't stand interaction anyway, it's probably not even a great idea.
A lot of development time...bu hu hu...it's not like they developed anything new in years. Same **** with a different cap on. They reverted to the side bar menu from a few years back. They should be going forward not backwards. This gives me the impression that they lack creativity to do anything new and that's why they said no from the start.And then they blamed it on the fact that people wont play it.
This is more ground breaking because it gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the world of football coaching/management. That's why we need academies included in the game.
You start as your average joe and with time and dedication, hard work and a bit of luck you could be managing a world class team in 10 years. You start with no badges and no experience, you take tests to start of with . After you do good in the tests you get your first badge. You coach local youths ...progressive age group (which means starting with 10 year olds and coaching them for a few years).You train them for 4 afternoons per week (you could make your on training drills) and have a match in the weekend. More hands on on coaching and training like identifying weaknesses in your players and making them work harder. After a couple of years of doing this you are headhunted by a team to take part in their youth setup. You are in charge of attacking training for the under 17 . You give feedback to the U 18 manager.At the end of the year you are assessed based on how your young players develop. Proper mentoring youths through words of wisdom.
And there's a ton of things we could talk about but the official answer is no so why bother.
All right then . All you under 16's out there....stop playing football ....it is against the child protections we have just for you. The ME isn't set up for nothing ....hasn't been for years. Either way the training module needs some love . It won't be a separate game...just a better game.
Odegaard's father had to give permission as he was under 16 and not allowed to be in the game.Then SI should renounce on the "worlds best football management simulation game" title .
I did not say that research should be done to that level. Use regens ..I don't mind. Odegaard wasn't in the game until his father gave consent to SI.
Maybe it's time for a proper ME that is set up for everything.
As people have already, youth management is very different. Essentially you'd be judged not necessarily on results, but how many players you're able to bring through. Given you wouldn't be able to sign any players and the training aspect of the game is somewhat limited, there's not a whole load you could do here. If you want that kind of challenge, you can manage a B-team as those are often feeding grounds for first teams that are filled with young players. Can't honestly see this happening any time soon, with or without a petition. But as always we appreciate people taking the time to raise these kinds of things here.
It was them saying it wasn't going to be fun, because it won't be fun.
So? It's my opinion. Why can't I have the opinion that it won't be fun? In fact, I share the same opinion as the game creators, so it's up to you to provide reasons why it would be fun, because most of what you can do now, will be unavailable to do as a youth manager.That is complete opinion. Why're you so against the idea? Pitch your point and move on, don't be shooting down other members with every post they make.
I'd definitely use this feature and have signed the petition. Unfortunately I doubt anything will come from it as it wouldn't boost sales.