No thanks. No options on how I want to play it so this time I'm not paying for it. (6)
Why is it the two games I love the most [FM & Rome2] are the two games that receive the most abuse from the people who play it? Or is that the case for all games with quite dedicated followings?
Its same for all games I think, go on Europa Universalis forums for a few days after a patch has hit it makes fm haters look timidWhy is it the two games I love the most [FM & Rome2] are the two games that receive the most abuse from the people who play it? Or is that the case for all games with quite dedicated followings? FM is not broken, you are.
I see a lot of people saying that press conferences should be revamped, as it happened is the past FM editions.
Even if they put more options, there's always one that will boost team morale and you will eventually use it so many times that you will be bored in doing it over and over again.
I don't know if this is the way of making the game more entertaining for all after so many long saves.
Now, if they could put corruption in the game you may find yourself with a huge team in 2032 and booom, relegated because your chairman didn't play by the book!
Or getting more unsettled players, more players not coming from vacations,a s it happened with Oblak for 2 years on a row, or even getting team mates punching each other in training!!!
Getting this every other year would spice the game enough for you to not bother if the press conference is always the same, because you are focused in solving the club problems
Pretty much the same for all games. Rome 2 was fundamentally broken on release though, so you can kind of appreciate the anger. The problem is most of the time feedback from users only comes when something goes wrong. If someone's happy with the product/game they just get on with it and enjoy it.