So uhh, im supposed to be planning my Wedding over October/November.......
"Sorry hun, but FM16 is out"
I'm sure she won't mind the wait

So uhh, im supposed to be planning my Wedding over October/November.......
"Sorry hun, but FM16 is out"
I'm sure she won't mind the wait#priorities
"IMO" you don't realise how much work goes into the game every year, including the ME.Even though FM15 was a decent enough release, I feel they've fallen off since their marquee titles (FM07, maybe the very solid FM12, and for the old school players, CM01), and they just add tiny details in order to provide more depth to an already very structured and automated functioning title every other year to quiet down many of us asking for stronger changes.
I don't get the sense the good folks at SI really take into consideration, what I feel, are much needed aditions, adjustments, etc. Many are so simple as to just get back to the old way of doing things (sliders in tactics for me was key to leave it in alongside the newer tacitcal interface, and the classic version of tactics as well); others are eternal promises that are never met, such es radical ME improvements (big part of the experience today) as well as interaction with the press, and now your players, which could not be any simpler and non challenging. These last two are particularly disappointing because every year we hear the phrase "better than ever before", yet it's as one dimensional and simple that after 5 seasons into your save, you just want to beat the **** out of every press conference you have to make. Player interaction makes all your players seem stupid in their reactions.
Imo, SI is just making tiny changes, nothing within the chore architecture of the game (even though it's needed), to keep their fanbase happy for a couple of months after their new release. This, to me, is unacceptable. Year after year thousands of diehard FM fans provide hundreds of recommendations that can truly make FM a remarkable buy every single year, yet only the simpler ones make for the easier adjustments, sort of like seeing the wasy way out by SI.
Thus far, from what little we've been shown of the newest FM release, the one thing I'm liking is the prozone adjustments and the extra instructions to have during games (even though this is something you can technically already do). The rest seem, once again, tiny additions to add some more depth (even though it'll likely won't be a determining factor). The tactical interface (along with the set piece creator), looks unattractive.
Of course, more chances will be seen once the final version arrives, but, to me, FM16 will be the pivotal release, the breaking point.
If the game doesn't provide an experiencia like what FM07 or FM12 gave, I won't be buying FM releases for a couple of years at least.
Imo, as fans we deserve a lot more from SI after the loyalty they've received from hundred of thousands of fans around the world that have made them very wealthy people.
Even though FM15 was a decent enough release, I feel they've fallen off since their marquee titles (FM07, maybe the very solid FM12, and for the old school players, CM01), and they just add tiny details in order to provide more depth to an already very structured and automated functioning title every other year to quiet down many of us asking for stronger changes.
I don't get the sense the good folks at SI really take into consideration, what I feel, are much needed aditions, adjustments, etc. Many are so simple as to just get back to the old way of doing things (sliders in tactics for me was key to leave it in alongside the newer tacitcal interface, and the classic version of tactics as well);
"others are eternal promises that are never met, such es radical ME improvements (big part of the experience today)
as well as interaction with the press, and now your players, which could not be any simpler and non challenging. These last two are particularly disappointing because every year we hear the phrase "better than ever before", yet it's as one dimensional and simple that after 5 seasons into your save, you just want to beat the **** out of every press conference you have to make. Player interaction makes all your players seem stupid in their reactions.
Imo, SI is just making tiny changes, nothing within the chore architecture of the game (even though it's needed), to keep their fanbase happy for a couple of months after their new release. This, to me, is unacceptable. Year after year thousands of diehard FM fans provide hundreds of recommendations that can truly make FM a remarkable buy every single year, yet only the simpler ones make for the easier adjustments, sort of like seeing the wasy way out by SI.
Thus far, from what little we've been shown of the newest FM release, the one thing I'm liking is the prozone adjustments and the extra instructions to have during games (even though this is something you can technically already do). The rest seem, once again, tiny additions to add some more depth (even though it'll likely won't be a determining factor). The tactical interface (along with the set piece creator), looks unattractive.
Of course, more chances will be seen once the final version arrives, but, to me, FM16 will be the pivotal release, the breaking point.
If the game doesn't provide an experiencia like what FM07 or FM12 gave, I won't be buying FM releases for a couple of years at least.
Imo, as fans we deserve a lot more from SI after the loyalty they've received from hundred of thousands of fans around the world that have made them very wealthy people.
"IMO" you don't realise how much work goes into the game every year, including the ME.
At this point, I don't give a **** and, honestly, I'm starting to hate that excuse. This isn't some little indie company, they're the maker of one of the biggest games on Steam. They're a business and if they want to keep my custom then they need to make good design choices. The way they're going about it atm is not a good design choice in my opinion, taking the Bethesda route of adding huge amounts of breadth instead of depth. There are lots of features that have been added or reworked to essentially be nuisances which, whilst mimicking reality, aren't especially fun. Essentially you get all of the **** sides of being a realistic football manager (micro, ridiculous player interactions, injury crises etc etc) without the benefits a real manager gets in training and tactics. It's beginning to feel a bit like FM is all fur coat and no knickers.
features added in FM15
- New motion captured animations; new lighting and improved ball physics add extra depth and realism to the 3D Match Engine.
- Revamped and redesigned scouting system.
- More personalized managers: ability to gain coaching qualifications.
I'd call that depth.
If SI moved FM more in a direct that you didn't like, fair enough. I hate FIFA for the same reason i love FM: it provides me with a challenge and makes me worth for my wins. But I disagree that training and tactics are neglected.
FM14 had a huge tactical overhaul and more far more closely intimating real life with the player roles than the tactical sliders ever could have.
I would say those are the very definitions of breadth, features that don't add to the core gameplay (tactics, squads and training) but instead add other little things that, although nice, are far from essential. I would happily give all of it up, the press conferences, the player talks, the negotiations, customisable manager, everything, for a slick, accurate engine and greater tactical control.
The problem I have is that they took away the sliders people were using to essentially hack decent tactics into the engine and replaced them with a set of defined roles that were generally inferior. They're a much better option for plug 'n' play but for more developed tactical setups they're so much more limited. I don't begrudge their decision, I'm opposed to the fact that they did it before they actually had a better alternative in place.
You have a lot to say 'silent' Jay
Would still like the training to go kind of back to how it was in some ways.
I'll be buying anyway. Might see if I can finally get Milan to play well. Not tried since 14 but they all shot from distance constantly!
Looking forward it it
(also not going to bother pre ordering yet. It always goes to around 20 quid shortly before launch anyway)
The roles aren't inferior and it's more realistic moving to football terms than notches on a slider that no one knew what it did.I would say those are the very definitions of breadth, features that don't add to the core gameplay (tactics, squads and training) but instead add other little things that, although nice, are far from essential. I would happily give all of it up, the press conferences, the player talks, the negotiations, customisable manager, everything, for a slick, accurate engine and greater tactical control.
The problem I have is that they took away the sliders people were using to essentially hack decent tactics into the engine and replaced them with a set of defined roles that were generally inferior. They're a much better option for plug 'n' play but for more developed tactical setups they're so much more limited. I don't begrudge their decision, I'm opposed to the fact that they did it before they actually had a better alternative in place.
Bigger than that, but still tied to training will be development of players. It's far too easy to just buy a 5 star PA and "know" he'll be great as long as he gets playing time. IMO, that should be the next big feature.