Thanks mate, no one ever answers those "help i know nothing about tech" threads lolCPU and GPU could both be better but they're decent and honestly I'm not great at laptop hardware. Looks like a solid set up to me.
Thanks mate, no one ever answers those "help i know nothing about tech" threads lolCPU and GPU could both be better but they're decent and honestly I'm not great at laptop hardware. Looks like a solid set up to me.
Lovely stuff. You don't need to put in a real email address or like to get a code too. Just put in [email protected] and you still get the 5% code
At some point it will probably go a quid or two cheaper but I don't care, 20 quid is a bargain anyway![]()
Instead they're constantly adding new features that are just a hassle to deal with. Seriously , is anyone even reading the interviews and press conferences? I just click through that ****, and haven't bothered to look at the text for many years now. Meanwhile, every 2 or 3 editions, they announce huge revamp of pressers that is going to be "amazing". No, it won't.
And a lot of **** that they're adding is incredibly half-assed. So they realized too much micro is a problem and made Director of Football an option. Great, too bad he sucks at his job and can't be trusted to negotiate contracts or transfers. I could understand if he was getting worse deals then I get , but he often fails to secure deals at all, and I have to do everything manually. And while we're on the subject of this being a "simulation", I'm pretty sure Mourinho doesn't have to negotiate contracts.
Now you're bringing in pointless err... points. SI aim to make the game more realistic each year. That means that it's not there yet and it'll probably never be. That isn't the point. Moving away from sliders to football terminology WAS more realistic. It also gets it closer to your example of contextual commands as it'll apply within the context of that role. Eventually we'll have all 4 phases of play to directly control and not just 2.
They ARE striving for realism, like it or not.
This don't give access to BETA, or it will do afterwards?
Unfortunately I don't think it comes with access to the BETA, but for £20 you can't grumble.
More desirable with additional features, yes. The aim is still to get it more and more realistic every year.Bullshit. They are aiming to make the game more desirable so they can sell it even more. And that's perfectly fine as long as game is good.
Every time the old "sliders vs instructions" discussion pops up, I inevitably remember the introduction of the Half-Back as a prime example for why the new "player role + instructions" was introduced. Player Roles aka strict AI scripts had to be implemented to allow for player behaviour that you couldn't produce with the old generic roles and sliders. You couldn't instruct your Central Defenders to position closer to the lines for your DM to drop between them.
Yeah, player roles were a step for more realism, but also an expression of sheer laziness. The whole role/duty system would become obsolete if SI really cared for realism and finally gave us separate positioning for defense, transition and attack as well as custom-designed movement patterns. Also, much more precise instructions. Because, y'know, I'm sorry, but coaching is about details nowadays. Not trying to be disrespectful here, but using the current simplified model ("Oi Bob, you play as an Anchorman tonight, also pass it shorter") in real football today, you'd probably end up fine in lower English leagues and/or Stoke City. But it's nowhere ****** near the detail effort proper managers put onto the training pitch. Do you really think Guardiola would've won a metric ton of trophies if Louis van Gaal and Johann Cruyff had their players treated like overly-distractible elementary schoolers?
Customization is great if there are parameters the AI can use too. The AI now can customize its own tactics, depending on the players available.So, uh ... in my opinion, although role/duty works fine as a basic framework for general player behaviour and enables us many fancy things, it's just not sufficient as a depiction of actual tactical coaching work. While "realizing it up" would probably require a total revamp of the game core, it is going to be inevitable in the long run anyway. Might also open up new possibilities for SI when it comes to marketing FM for professional and/or educational applications.
No, sliders aren't the way to go either. Customization is.
Player attributes are 0.1 to 200.(Although nobody ever came up with an explanation why 20 slider steps are way too much, but player attributes in the old 1-20 range are non-debatable.)
It'll depend on player personality, possibly his rep and your rep (whether you're respected by him then).I'd love it if they could rejig the morale thingy a bit. It's a bit nonsensical for your player to be snide and sarcastic after telling him he had a good game only for him to disagree and have morale lowered. Same applies to winning but conceding lots of goals say 4-3. You can't tell your defence they did **** without ******* off the entire dressing room.
First of all I want to say that Miles dont know his job,I mean every year he releasing product what is unplayable on the start fulll of bugs,full of mistakes with player atributtes and so on. I know that SI want that everbody feel as sucesfull in this game but what is with experience players like me who want more realistic game where manager is constantly under pressure from all sides,this I want to see in future. The game is curently joke,every experienced player will fight for Champions leauge spot in first season even with worse club.This game need some kind of verz hard mode where game saving whill not be posible all the time or prior important games for trophys. Game needs to be more realistic and more harder.
That will run FM very well. At what price?Maybe the wrong place but do you guys think this would run fm16 well??
Operating system- Windows 8.1
- Free Windows 10 download
Processor- Intel® Core™ i5-4200H Processor
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- 3 MB cacheMemory (RAM)8 GB DDR3
Graphics card
NVIDIA GeForce GTX 950M (2 GB GDDR3)
1 TB HDD, 5400 rpm
- 128 GB SSD