Franjo: A Journeyman Story (New Episode Every Week Day)

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I'm telling you, it's those ****** Saffers.

Changing the subject entirely. I decided to mix things up a bit on my current FM16 journeyman save where I've reached the 2027/28 season. I retired, and then went on holiday until 2050, and now I'm starting again from scratch with a new unqualified manager with a whole shedload of leagues loaded (recently upgraded my PC too).

Reason I mention this? Well, on the one hand I figured I might as well mention it somewhere since the FM16 story board is dead. But also because I was offered the Farense job. I seem to remember you took them on at one point. I turned them down, because... dunno really. I probably should've jumped at the chance to manage in those ridiculous Portuguese lower leagues. I think Angrense were champions of the Campeonato too.

Oh, and I definitely decided not to load the Polish leagues, because **** them.

Anyway. Looking forward to reading more, whenever that may be.
Haha brilliant :) I did beat Farense in the Taça de Portugal when Kevin scored a worldie (Had to just read back to jog my memory). You probably did right cause they can’t be that good if they lost to a team from the league below (Although an admittedly rampant one) and for me, you absolutely did right to swerve the Polish leagues. I think that season has contributed significantly to me struggling to get the story together at the minute, it was that soul destroying!

So have you found a team to manage in 2050? It’s an interesting idea managing in the future like that. I think I tried it once but decided that my PC wasn’t up to the sheer amount of processing required, so good idea upgrading. How did your original 12 seasons look? Did you write about them?
The first 12-or-so seasons were extremely successful, yeah... I never bothered putting it up on here because I only started the save a few months back. I never bought FM17, you see - I'm an every-other-year purchaser. And by the time I'd started, the FM16 story forum on here was completely dead.

I started at Chelmsford, won the Vanarama South, then moved to Accrington after they got relegated to Vanarama National, won that and then League 2 in consecutive years, then resigned because I was a bit bored of England. I had to wait about 6 months for another job offer, and Pescara in Serie B came in for me. I turned their season around (21st up to 7th if I recall correctly), then won Serie B the next season.

I then jumped ship halfway through the Serie A season with Pescara safely in mid-table, taking over at 19th-placed Fiorentina. Turned their seasons around too, finishing 7th. Next season I came 3rd, and the season after I improbably won the league, mainly down to the goalscoring exploits of Pedro Marques whom I picked up from Sporting for about £1m or something stupid - I think Sporting were in financial troubles or something, or they just had too many good strikers. I also won the Europa League two years running, which was pretty awesome - the second season I won it having dropped out of a ridiculous Champions League group containing (from memory) Arsenal, Barcelona and someone ****.

I didn't stick around long, though, because there were a few good jobs going over the summer, so I resigned to increase my chances. Bayern Munich, Monaco and Real Madrid all offered me jobs, but I went for Bayern and promptly won 4 straight league titles and 2 Champions Leagues, building the club into an absolute money- and talent-producing machine. And then I got bored, plus the Barcelona job came up, and I took that one, before plundering all my worldies from Bayern (I was naughty and gave them all low release clauses just before I left).

I also had the Romania and Holland jobs briefly, but I don't especially enjoy international management, especially with the weird European League thing they had in FM16 (I don't understand those leagues).

And then halfway through the current season with Barca, trying to reintegrate tiki-taka, I decided to skip ahead to 2050. Given I have something daft like 60 leagues loaded, there were a LOT of jobs available... I went for a whole bunch, included Farense, and it seems that young, unemployed managers must be a rarity in 2050 because I was offered a whole load of jobs.

I ended up taking the gig at Royal Mouscron-Péruwelz in the Belgian third tier - not entirely sure why, really. Primarily just for a change of pace, I think. I believe they're a real-life Belgian Premiership team, which probably explains why they were able to offer me over £500k to spend. Crazy amount considering we're a semi-pro outfit and half my players are on non-contract deals.
Haha ****, it really was successful! Hope I can get that level of success in mine!

Yeah International Management is strange.. I fully intend to manage a national team at some point in this story but I’ve got no idea how I’d make it work. It’s not naturally very entertaining unless you’re actually at a World Cup or the Euros etc.

the Mouscron job sounds interesting. You should just try to sign all the players in the league so you win by default :D
I should point out that I've been playing FM16 (well, FM in general) for years now and I've got some very reliable go-to tactics. Hence the, y'know, insane success. Heh.

Looking forward to your return whenever that should be mate.
Partially because I want to show that I’m not even nearly finished with this story, partially because I needed to write about this at some point, and partially because I do love a good rant every now and then (And who doesn’t), it’s new mini-sode time! If you are based in the UK and voted leave, I’d say probably give it a miss.

Brexit (Franjo: A Journeyman Story - Mini-sode
Good to have you back!

So you like playing centre halves at full back... Pulis Mk II

Seriously though, those are some bad Determination stats. The players look pretty reasonable across the board to me, bar that Determination... maybe worth looking at some journeymen to bring in for tutoring? I can see poor Determination throughout the defence being pretty bad if you hit a bad run of form...

#6 and #9 on the wings upsets me. Moon looks like a good striker too, albeit too frickin' short...

Side note - I genuinely enjoy your use of nicknames. I forgot that feature even existed on FM until I discovered this story.

That tactic is quite similar to the one I've used well in lower leagues, although personally I go with a slightly deeper defensive line, clear to flanks, more direct passing and run at defence. That said, I can see the benefit of keeping it simple to begin with.
Cheers mate!

yep haha, I love attacking full backs qnd one day when i’m at a club that’s good enough to attract the ones that can defend and attack I’ll be over the moon, but with this kind of club I’ve found you have to pick one or the other and I choose defence :D

The determination in the squad is ******* frightening. The thing is we don’t have many young players with good potential so i can’t see tutoring paying off. I reckon we need to slowly but surely replace the entire squad with more determined players but for now it’s probably my biggest worry

the numbers irk me too but I don’t like redoing them, I’d rather let everyone keep their shirts haha

cheers! Nicknames are fun. I’m always worried of overusing them though

i may well adopt those exact instructiona at some point! But yeah I’ll add them as I get to know the players better and what suits them

good to be back!
Oh, Franjo... there was I thinking you'd got it sorted - a nice, simple, proven tactic showing early signs of success - and then you go and stick a veteran striker at sweeper...

Imagine my surprise when it seems to have worked!

Franjo's back, people.

P.S. this squad is crying out for a Hurley figure
Just can’t help myself mate :D

I know, I miss him already. We’ll reunite one day, even if it’s 10 years down the line and I recruit him as an awful U18’s coach
Dem match stats tho...

Efficient, that's what we'll call it. Silver linings etc.

Your strikers all seem to be pretty **** good... ever think about going 2 up top?