Franjo: A Journeyman Story (New Episode Every Week Day)

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If you're way ahead, it may not matter now, but I'd have also gone with JakeC's advice. I've had some success on losing streaks like that by going very structured, simple, no frills football and try and build up the morale/confidence.

Failing that, I reckon self preservation is in order and you need to find yourself the nearest centre d'emploi!! :S

I've got to vicariously follow this now I've finished my story!!
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Yeah, sorry about that! Had a bit of a derp moment and forgot you were way ahead!

Two wins on the board is good stuff though, stop's the rot!

Just out of interest, what is Hicham's ability rated at now you have been promoted?
Ha, no worries :) i’d actually love to be able to play the game as I post it so that I could take people’s advice into account, but with this type of story it just wouldn’t work, there’s too much prep to do!

The 2 wins are actually very welcome, yeah. And I’ll check Aidir’s ability when I get home, but I’m tempted to say either 3 or 3.5 star . I know Andre’s definitely 3.5, can’t remember if he technically outranks Aidir
I was slightly off: our top 3 strikers according to coach reports are Andre (4*), aidir (3.5*) and ferhat (3*)
Been a bit absent recently as my second kid was born a couple of weeks back, but all caught up now.

Not going entirely to plan, is it...! I know you're obviously a ways ahead on the save cos otherwise I'd make some tactical suggestions... Aidir and McCarthy both failing to live up to my expectations :(
Awesome week!

Seems you have the voodoo sign over Zlatan. I'm pretty sure that makes you the greatest human ever.
No way has that happened, terrible luck! Decent run of form though! Just got to keep eking out the points game by game and I reckon you can stay up! How good is that keeper at penalties! I've been on the other end of that in my Coventry save, in the last 2 seasons we have missed 8 of the 15 penalties we've been given.
Ha I know. I suppose it evens itself out to a degree, we lose are best 2 strikers for the season but we’ve got a keeper that saves nearly every penalty he faces and Arturo Vidal who (I think) is 2 for 2 on them!
Well that's friggin unfair. 3 of your best players - one busted leg and two busted ankles.

4 points from 2 tough games is superb in those circumstances. Vive La Resistance!
Yeah mate! Genuinely surprised we’re in such good form considering! I’ve pushed the next ep back a week as last week was frantic with me trying to work full time, binge all the world cup matches and also write episodes. I’ll be back monday when the groups are over and it’s calmed down a bit!
i read that it's good story i read your all 10 episodes all is good and interested i am waiting for more episode