Frankenstein Tactic 3-2-3-2

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Im now in the 2029/2030 season. I will go with The Lost CAM next stadium,old players who take a step away for the new formation for the team so a new ilusion for the fans lol Will be interesting my comeback to the "fullbacks" tactics haha ;)

Mate its ok - I did not get enough sleep yesterday and was way to active for my own good lol - so many good things I saw in several of my experiments, I tested your four plaayers on top wings and strikers in a 424 lol and that looked great I also tested it in the 442 direct attacking and that was good too, though I drew against Real madrid so I wasn't happy with that - I almost lost before that game my team hadn't lost a point in 3 seasons in la liga. So I went back to the tactic I had the 130 win run with and only changed the strikers to CF=20 and that was electrical - If I have a player that look like a genius that's what I do. I have adequate cover for both striker positions and can honestly say in Barca it should be CF=20 - Messi plays like a dream on this setting as well, I bet the same probably goes for someone like CR7. So I decided that it was better to keep the things the way they were in the 442 direct attacking instead of Frankenstein settings - but I enjoy both styles, but maybe its better to utilize the poacher settings in Frankenstein because of the overload that is going on in that tactic actually I will say I understand why Dávesnes is highly succesful for you, but actually I think you will unfold him if you do give him CF=20 - in the same way highly talented players should be given CF=20 good but not stars should be given CF=0. CF is not such a grey area anymore for me, its highly easy to understand and I agree it should be used. CF=14 that langvatn keep many of the positions on in some tactics is not bad either it makes sure the lesser players get some CF and the demands on players quality is being lowered for sure. I think Frankenstein CAM should be having a higher mentality - player should be a genius and have as it have CF=20 and if he drops back a longer passing ratio 10-15 on the ps slider. Dropping back though shouldn't be associated with the mentality though not for a CAM, because it takes away the positives he can do as well when playing positive football playing the balls forward with through balls. So for me the mentality for the CAM in Frankenstein is for me an error, if you want him to drop back he already does through the run from deep set to rare, mentality set to defensive is an expensive way of getting him to drop back :)

Mate if you should try a tactic I really recommend you to try the 442 direct attacking and change CF=20 to a few players preferable the strikers.

Their is no new tweaked tactic Porkshire - I vouch for the 442 direct attacking featuring Langvatn in defence tactic. For strikers though if they are not as talented as Messi looking at the indicator which is for me the mental attributes and the technical attributes decisions and creativity especially - I would give a striker CF=0 if they look overpowered CF=20.

Ok m8 ill give the 442 a crack, what CF would you give rooney and van persie?

thanks again.
Ok m8 ill give the 442 a crack, what CF would you give rooney and van persie?

thanks again.

In my view they are not special - If they start looking like Messi - Zinedine Zidane - Maupay developed correctly - Diego Maradona - or a superstar regent, Rooney is average in these terms - I dont know persie but if he is good or shall i say special then highest CF its your own evaluation, I suggest keeping it at the same levels as it is already at.
Update on 442 direct attack with Cartagena. Have finished season and went very well. Last 16 in Euro Cup, Man Utd beat me on agg, which wasn't a surprise. Lost to RM in Copa Del Ray Final. I am competing with A Madrid, Barca and Valencia, not winning but at least drawing against them. RM I can't live with at the moment. League was astonishing really, even after last season. Finished 4th and qualified for CL. Which was a big surprise. As I said earlier, looks much better visually and player ratings are also improving from previous season. So all in all a big success for the squad I have.

Also have got Sandro and Ollsen in on free transfers so will make team better for next season.

Final League Table

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P.S. Croatian CD I posted SS of earlier is a regen, came through in first youth intake.
I remember a tactic called something like EDK amazing playmakers, a 4231 with 3 AMC. The 3 AMC played insane,specially the center CAM. I remeber awesome goals and plays from him...well I just try to clone into frankie 2nd Visit...I destroyed Juventus at home 10-0 with 3 goals of the CAM (well,2 from penalty lol) but play awesome funny. Its just another possibility for my own "carreer" haha.I didnt say that for discover another amazing tactic,its just for tell us how my season goes lol
I remember a tactic called something like EDK amazing playmakers, a 4231 with 3 AMC. The 3 AMC played insane,specially the center CAM. I remeber awesome goals and plays from him...well I just try to clone into frankie 2nd Visit...I destroyed Juventus at home 10-0 with 3 goals of the CAM (well,2 from penalty lol) but play awesome funny. Its just another possibility for my own "carreer" haha.I didnt say that for discover another amazing tactic,its just for tell us how my season goes lol

sounds exciting though - don't dismiss a good setting if it exists

Update on 442 direct attack with Cartagena. Have finished season and went very well. Last 16 in Euro Cup, Man Utd beat me on agg, which wasn't a surprise. Lost to RM in Copa Del Ray Final. I am competing with A Madrid, Barca and Valencia, not winning but at least drawing against them. RM I can't live with at the moment. League was astonishing really, even after last season. Finished 4th and qualified for CL. Which was a big surprise. As I said earlier, looks much better visually and player ratings are also improving from previous season. So all in all a big success for the squad I have.

Also have got Sandro and Ollsen in on free transfers so will make team better for next season.

Final League Table

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P.S. Croatian CD I posted SS of earlier is a regen, came through in first youth intake.

That's amazing - Cartagena getting better by each season - its some very solid performances and sooner rather than later it will be a regents fest in Cartagena I reckon :)

Just about this particular 442 - I actually currently testing a whole lot of different things, and as it stands nothing should be changed to improve it - CF included, but I'm not finished looking at it. In the Brondby team I have included a really talented striker from Paraguay or Peru one or the other and I have given him 0 CF and it helps him, he has 18 finishing but he's notr very quick 11 in all the quickness attributes, but in general he looks really good, its just the lack of being quicker - so I thought to myself that maybe he will perform better if he was given just orders and no CF at all. Vise versa pretend Dávesnes was given alot of CF and I actually think that might be wrong - though he sometimes does some fantastic things, but that's not enough I want consistancy, so I'm checking each position to see if their is like a magic number for the CF slider to be standing still at - example I saw an amazing performance at CF 10 (middle) for one of the CM's I need to see that over many matches and it can still just come down to the quality of the player which then leads to my experiment here will be useless. I can ofcause not judge a slider after one match it needs many views and many different examples. I also raised the CF for CD's and FB's - starting at 10 I wanna see if that helps them make wiser decisions overall or genius stuff lol.

Anyway great results - I'm looking forward for more - Cartagena is a very exciting journey you got going on.

Ps Brondby haven't lost yet and they are champions many matches before the end - I sold a winger for 35m pounds for Brondby I asked 60m pounds and 50% sell on clause for him when I offered him - He was a talented nigerian winger, but nothing over the top like Eden Hazard would be. He was also a 1st team regular well a star in the team actually taking the corners and freekicks and first choice left winger. Now his replacement is a ukranian left winger that I get on a free transfer in a few months lol - I am trying to be independent from Barcelona the parent club, I'm loaning players from them to develop coming stars for Barcelona
and its working real good, but am getting more and more players of consistancy that is owned.

This is Vargas from Paraguay...

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Vargas likes women....Danish women so playing professional football for danish club was a dream come true for him - ok silly me. No this guy just looks so promising and with the correct development I see him able to develop into a mini tank, but I have to say currently I have him on a poacher schedule to improve his quickness and composure as I am frustrated with the quickness especially, this feels like wasting time - as I want him to be on the complete forward schedule right now, to harness his fantastic skill. I came across him by accident while looking for players he dug up - I signed him for 3m pounds which was cheap for a talent like this in my opinion. I can honestly say to find a player like this for a danish team you gotta feel blessed :)

I loaded in the 442 direct attacking tactic and Vargas plays in the SCL position - I gave him run from deep =often and then I took away his CF so that became =0 - nothing else was changed, its not a tactical tweak as much, its more an idea that Vargas will only focus on what he does best finishing, and when he finishes it looks awesome. So Bwomper's Dávesnes would also have CF=0 and is highly skillfull technically and mentally and I bet that french player scored for fun in Frankenstein 2nd visit. So that ofcause brings up the doubt whether to use CF at all for strikers atleast or just go with what I have seen works beautifully so far.

It feels wrong not to give someone like Messi CF=20 dead wrong!!!!! - so in a case of using Messi I would feel guilty not giving that to him. Machado my preferred portuguese star is ofcause in a bit of a same situation as Messi because he is so perfect all round. Without touching anything in the 442 direct attacking I have had tremendous success for Barcelona 130 wins in a row and victories in the region between 6-0 - 13-0 and very often its high scores.

Portugal have won 10 qualifying matches out of 10 for the world cup with suppreme results - that has never happened to me before with any tactic, not even the claimed best tactics. Portugal has also played many friendly matches their among Spain - Croatia - Holland and I think France as well and ofcause Sweden - All friendlies I came out as a Portuguese winner and many of these was away from home Sweden lost 6-2.

England who was my first International job - did not go as well in terms of success in general, but they got the job done in more than one way - it was topped with a European Championship title - which is something that rarely happens to me and I have to say doing that with an early on English team - no regents - I find to be a great achievement. By the way Belgium was the finalists and lost 2-1 into extra time.

Brondby - I took over at the beginning of my current season - they are a feeder club to Barcelona, which is something I have modified using the fmrte program - Doesn't really matter it just secures that I can get players if I'm in need, and here in the beginning I wanted to test the water with Barcelona's talent department. Well Brondby has still not lost - which isn't a big surprise, but as some know Brondby is not the same team that it was in the 90's. I don't know if any of you know but they were in the cup called UEFA CUP Semi Final - thats the equivalant of The Euro League today. They beat the like of Eintract Frankfurt 5-0 and several other german teams were shocked by this Brondby team led by a very tough and german inspired mentality Morten Olsen who later on became Danish National manager - the best Denmark has ever had as a coach and as a manager. This guy also had something traggic happen with his wife that fell overboard on a ship - back to what I was saying here lol - Champions with many games in hand and I have to say thats very easy to get such achievement in such a league. All that done with the 442 direct attacking and 16-21 year olds.

France the national team - Spain - Brazil - or Denmark is my goal to manage one of these - I'm only 1 and a half month away from the World Cup and I got several players that will not enter the next big competition due to their age - so would be perfect timing to become world champion :) - I will ofcause do as last time - try and make that a little interesting - alright

Cheers guys
Well I have been busy with Pes CM for android, but I got the chance to play FM 2013 last night.. took Boston United and it went well.. I have used a modified tactic of WoW for this and it wasn't that good.. but I will be using the 4-1-4-1 direct attacking for next season in Conference Premier..

this is how it finished in Conference North..

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Well I have been busy with Pes CM for android, but I got the chance to play FM 2013 last night.. took Boston United and it went well.. I have used a modified tactic of WoW for this and it wasn't that good.. but I will be using the 4-1-4-1 direct attacking for next season in Conference Premier..

this is how it finished in Conference North..

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Great this one haven't been really tested yet, but how it will go I don't know - let us know how you go mate - its under the same principle as the 442 attacking, except its using the 4141 rock classic framework, which was a very strong tactic with small teams and poor players, now its changed to a more direct style, so maybe that disrupts its potential for the small teams.

Season is almost over - and will make an update that illustrates the last 3 seasons league table put next to each other, but before that happen I will just show you a couple of matches I find highly amazing due to its insanity and hope that illustrates what the 442 direct attacking or shall I say the 442 trippletweaked modified into a direct passing style combined with more forward thinking players.

VS Real Madrid in the CH League semi final

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Copa del rey final VS Celta Vigo

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I always feel confident that this tactic will provide me with success - I feel I never go wrong - next season I will sell older players and give younger players a chance to see how I will go, but I'm confident it will go well - so I'm not worried with that.

Anyway this was just before the end of season update and I will be back with that soon.

So how many did those two score overall ? in the league alone that's alot!!!

well I almost use the duo Rauball-Mizin for cup and CL games but Kostka: 71 goals in 43 D`Avesnes: 56 in 39 Rauball: 23 in 32 and Mizin : 27 in 26 .
My season is over and its time to show the final outcome using the 442 direct attacking tactic. I'm gonna show you 3 seasons in a row because what happened this season was both annoying and spectacular, I was experimenting this season but only a tiny bit, but I feel it still counts atleast for the annoying part, anyway here it is.

The league table 2015/16

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The league table 2016/17

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The league table 2017/18

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CH league 2015/16

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CH league 2016/17

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CH league 2017/18

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Barca overall squad stats

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So you can see 1 draw in the league 2-2 vs RMA and it was very bad I was experiementing and I had to judge the settings as a fail and should not have tried new things, but sometimes that's what happens. for a very long time only 3 goals was conceeded in the league, but ended up with being 7 goals conceeded, which is the best defensive record I've had and honestly I'm not sure I can beat that ever again - in the coming season I will be selling several defenders and I don't know what that will do to the whole defence as a whole. The danish league is not finished yet, but almost - Brondby secured the championship long before the last 10 posts lol and they won 6-0 in the danish cup final - I'm very excited with Brondby because they will own alot more players in the new season so I will have alot more influence in hopefully what becomes a succesfull era for Brondby. I scouted very thoroughly some really nice looking talents from both Africa and South america - so I hope this will make it even more fun to manage them. Then they have to play CH league football if they qualify for it though, but with Avesnes and Vargas I feel that could be possible, sorry I call him Avesnes in Brondby the Dávesness from Bwompers save that I modified to look 97% just like his. uhh I'm getting a beast of a striker in Brondby that will challenge Vargas - damnit - I love Vargas he is so simple in the way he acts on the pitch and thats somehow refreshing to see, no big actions except when he shoots :)

Cheers guys


Brondby's season finished - in Denmark they play 33 matches for some reason - that might have changed, but stupid if you ask me.

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As you can see no competition - Any default tactic with decent players can win here and you have already seen Vargas and you know Avesnes who is obviously overpowered for this league, but infact if any of you recall I had a certain nigerian regent in the Le Bigot save where I also managed Brondby he was called OBEM - if you google him he might come up - obem fmbase images maybe, he was spectacular smashing the balls to the top corner and I had to sell him in the end - and did for a fair price to Barca I think lol, so these small clubs gets in touch with crazy talent too - **** thats where crazy talent comes from most often :)


Ps the Portugal Journey has started and the first friendly away vs Brazil went amazing - lets just say humiliation :)
Friendlies leading up to the start of the World cup in Russia

1st game very tough Brazilian team away from home

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As I advertised earlier - humiliation and then their was CR7 - priceless and an exceptional indicator of a well cohesed national team.

Next game was Cameroun that I chose because we actually play them in our group and I thought instead of playing Ivory coast or Senegal or something why not go straight to the problem - after the exellent result against Brazil I expected a certain victory and hoped they could atleast perform with some superiority.

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Wow that's what I call an amazing strike force and definitely more than what I expected overall

Next my dream team France - again the thought of choosing France was they are in the group in the world cup and I'll get to see us up against some of the best players in the game before getting chocked with it.

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Damnit - 1st loss in many many matches - but if we should lose to anyone I guess I can live with it being France.

Next the last friendly at home against Spain who I count as one of the best teams in the world - and favourites for world championship title for sure, before I go on I just want to say - this might be very painful for some people - spaniards in particular, but also atleast one danish person will feel some pain more on that later.

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Holy mother of god or something simular to that - that was electrical and the left striker Oliveira scored the most amazing goal he actually scored two I believe - I was resting CR7 from the beginning of the game - we want to have him fit and ready for the first game of our group in a weeks time....well time to sub alot of people onto the pitch for the last 30 minutes as I always do - CR7 I feel you are up to it - I will rest Machado so go out their and have a good game and remember don't restrain yourself in anyway, ok champ lets go!!!!!!!!

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Jesus christ - what is happening - get up man get up - CR7 carried of the pitch with a broken toe - you gotta be fking kidding me - his potential last big tournament and are played for pathetic 30 minutes and fractures his toe. Well guys as I said atleast one danish person got to taste the cruel pain of missing out on one his top performing stars at the world cup and if we were estimated 10-1 then our odds would have fallen alot after this. A noname was called up as a replacement and I'm expecting nothing with this already rather average team I'm managing in Portugal. Oliveira's big chance to make the Portuguese fans happy I guess, but honestly amazing match this one apart from that highly costly episode.

and that my friends conclude the warm up friendlies before the World cup in Russia

I have used the 4-1-4-1 direct attacking for the whole season and so far it is good.. predicted to finish 18th but managed to qualify for playoffs and at the end Southend beat us.. nevertheless im expecting promotion next season.

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About the tactic, from what I have seen, I have been winning by 1-0, 2-1, 3-2 e.t.c.. mostly by 1 goal more than opponents.. it does good job for lower teams but I guess it is generally suited for top teams.. for now I won't be changing my squad, I will have the same players I had last season and I want to see how 4-1-4-1 rock classic or fanta will do... my squad was already strong understanding from January and it is still the same, I will also use the same approach for training.
I have used the 4-1-4-1 direct attacking for the whole season and so far it is good.. predicted to finish 18th but managed to qualify for playoffs and at the end Southend beat us.. nevertheless im expecting promotion next season.

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About the tactic, from what I have seen, I have been winning by 1-0, 2-1, 3-2 e.t.c.. mostly by 1 goal more than opponents.. it does good job for lower teams but I guess it is generally suited for top teams.. for now I won't be changing my squad, I will have the same players I had last season and I want to see how 4-1-4-1 rock classic or fanta will do... my squad was already strong understanding from January and it is still the same, I will also use the same approach for training.

Playing direct football demands good passing and decision attributes and awareness (creativity) - so it wouldn't surprise me if you don't see success with it. However its a very decent end position you achieved, but can still not be judged because that level is simply to low. The rock classic will fit perfectly and you will most likely win the league with that one in comparison to the 4141 direct attacking - I say that because a 4th place with the direct tactic is an indication that your team is not totally hopeless and the rock classic don't have huge demands so I predict a championship with that one. Do me a favour mate - keep match preparation on teamwork for every match - if you didn't I can tell you that's the way to go.

The World Cup 2018 In Russia...

The warm up was bit of a catastophe with 3 key players injured (CR7 - Nani - Rui Patricio) with such a list of injuries I found it all pretty hopeless and I really just wanted to retire from my Portugal management, but I didn't and I can already say the World cup was about to become more electrical than it probably has been ever before.

The Group stages:

Opponents in Portugal's group are - Cameroun - Saudi Arabia - France

1st game VS Cameroun a team we beat in our friendlies - a team we should be ready for - they could pose a threat and 1st matches are always unpredictable and anything can happen.

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Easy first match completed - and at this stage I often have problems in former journeys I have done.

Next up it was the poorest team of the group Saudi Arabia - France beat them 2-0 - so they must be capable of something right? well wrong, this match became our 2nd round qualification as France also beat Cameroun

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Yea an electrical performance - It was lovely too see how it all came together and then their was ofcause Lourenco Machado the modified regent.

France - we played them in the friendlies and they looked like a world beater team, but we had alot of confidence after such two brilliant games we've just had. So maybe - just maybe we can do something here, but...

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Its France - the team in FM13 that you shall not joke with, they are so good even if you used Diablo from 2007 wouldn't do you any good, because fm13 is all about the players - more quality means better results. So France gave us a Royal beating and we back to the drawing table, well more in mind thant anything - because it wasn't like we had an extra joker in our pockets, but ohh well atleast we took 2nd place in our group, but I wish we didn't because the opponent their was about to enter all of our minds was
Argentina - Fork!!!!!!! - with the teams left in this competition still Argentina was not a dream opponent at all.

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Again a big surprise for me - beating a team like Argentina is just mind blowing in the same manner as beating Brazil away from home in the friendlies - big achievement.

Quarter finals - the last 8 teams in the world

We have drawn the hosts - are damnit I'm thinking - its never a good sign to draw a host nation who have all their backing from their home supporters.

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This is what I have dreamed off happening while CR7 was not injured, but that it happens without him is wow - so Portugal give Russia the poison Germany gave Brazil in the World cup 2014. I was shocked to see how well this was going - My tactic familiarity haven't been really good, I didn't do much in terms of hiring coaches and such when I tookk the job as Portugal Coach and I can say honestly that is a mistake an error that could have made these results even better - i'm certain that it has an indirect influence of the national team that i'm in charge off.

The Semi final - not long now, but who did we draw and who was left in the competition?

France - Denmark - Belgium - Portugal - I can't believe this we are in the semi final and we play Denmark who is alot stronger than they were in the beginning.

At this stage it can go either way - it would be fantastic to reach the finals - but with all the incredible high scoring results in our baggage I shouldn't be worried to much about Denmark I reckon

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So close - it could seriously have gone both ways - not much difference in class - I will say they were a better team overall.

The Worldcup Final in Russia 2018

France - Portugal - who will take it - I'm not happy with this opponent - the only team I feel is to much for us - Denmark have sensationally won Bronze and ended their competition in 3rd place - an unbelievable achievement for a nation that consists of only 6 million people - Portugal congratulates the danes :)

Now the final - Maupay against Machado - David vs Goliath - Big vs Small that's what my X-wife used to say just kiddin - uhhh its the climax and what we all have been waiting for lets do this - lets forget both the friendly match in France and the pathetic performance we had against them in the group stages of the world cup - this is it!!!! - game time - the climax concludes below!!!

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Its France!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - long live le bleu

Their is a chance to win the world cup if 1. you't don't play France in the final or 2. You are France :)

Now this concludes an actual amazing journey that was highly entertaining - I feel we overachieved, but it also proved to me how well the 442 direct attacking works - the portugal players are very average looking, except for Machado ofcause, but everything else looks average - so to get results like this with an average team is hugely successful.

Now I will retire - and apply for the following jobs....

Brazil - Spain - Italy - France

Exciting jobs and a step up :)

In all honesty all I want is France - the other teams has great players in different positions - France have great players in all positions :)

A last note I also can apply to this post is - the midfielders don't have to be DMC accomplished - that doesn't matter at all, the Portugal midfielders that I used wasn't DMC accomplished at all - they are regents that I loaned out to develop, and now I just sold them both - Workrate and Teamwork is highly important for them - Brondby's new midfielders are like that and changes Brondby into a team of destruction, Workrate teamwork strenght stamina most important skills for a midfielder, can you then get all the technical skills also then its an added bonus, I like them to have some finishing 10+, but I reckon technique is of lesser importance compared to the other skills mentioned.

Hope you enjoyed this little journey - it was fun to play with Portugal and I have to say as an overall picture - Probably the biggest success I have had in International football with a lesser team - well I have made Denmark European champions with an unreleased tactic before I came to this forum and I have ofcauese won everything with France before.

Cheers and enjoy