Funny/Random things in FM2011



That is neither funny nor random. Messi is one of the most injury prone players in the game. While Ronaldo remains the same for years to come, Messi probably peaks in the first season of playing. I'm in 2016 and Messi has missed an year and 3 months due to various injuries.
Is this some sort of bug in my game? I dont remember being able to see this. Whenever i go to an oppositions tactics page i can see their passing style but passing style alone oO)
Liverpool is basically the poor mans team of Newcastle now. Six of my current players are now on Liverpool with four of them starting. Still they are the favorites to win the league for the second straight year, they just have a way deeper bench, but my team always crushes them and we won the league last year. Just funny that everytime I try to sell a person Liverpool is the only team that buys them.
amazinf, but the more unbelivable fact is that you sold Mellis to United. What were you thinking :O

Sold Mellis to Norwich if you look closely. And Didier accepted my offer despite his staff role preferences. He's a loyal Drog:D