Funny/Random things in FM2011

Mesut Özil doing the moonwalk and helps Canvani score :)

[ame=""]YouTube - Moonwalk II[/ame]

Oil-rich Man City.



More of the Nigerian names. Sunday Monday happy days?
My board just got taken over by a crook! Pimenta Machado embezzeled money from Vitoria soccer club in portugal, now it looks like he wants to try again with my team! :mad:
Honduras looking to take the game to Brazil? jeez, look at their starting formation
Ill get an SS later, but in Anfield at night time matches theres always holes to the outside in the stadium on the steps up to the stands.
Ruben de la Red has retired in real life.

And I was HJK. My key players were on international duty and of course the match had to be played during international matches so I had to field a reserve/youth team and prepared to lose... Luckily Honka won the game for me.
One of my players was moaning about not getting first team run outs, I put him in his place and he kept on whinging. The next day I get a news piece telling me some fans voted online whether I was right not to play him or not and 93% said I was right- that showed him! :p