How are people finishing their exams, I still have 8 left.

Geography, Ad Maths, Business Studies option paper, Chemistry, Physics, and 3 German ones :'(

Got Geography, History, Chemistry, Physics and ICT left. I like to think they finish on wednesday though because Physics and ICT don't really count.
Hello, I'm in year 9 and am in a Dilemma about what subjects to pick I'll quickly explain:

Compulsory subjects - maths, english science, R.E, IT, a DT, a language

I can choose between - History, geography, art, music, french or german or both, triple sciences, PE, and another IT, DIDA or something?

Ok im awful at art and music so there getting dropped.
Not sure whether to take both languages, fairly skilled in languages and I learn quickly, but french would be afterschool. is it worth it?

I enjoy history and want to take it but where could it get me in later life?

Don't want to take geography or P.E

triple science or no triple science is my main dilemma, it takes up an option but apparently the people with triple science are more wanted so to speak.

I enjoy IT but dont really know what the DIDA thing is, and if theres a point doing it?

Maybe looking at being a lawyer/barrister when older.

Any help would be much appreciated lads :wub:
Hello, I'm in year 9 and am in a Dilemma about what subjects to pick I'll quickly explain:

Compulsory subjects - maths, english science, R.E, IT, a DT, a language

I can choose between - History, geography, art, music, french or german or both, triple sciences, PE, and another IT, DIDA or something?

Ok im awful at art and music so there getting dropped.
Not sure whether to take both languages, fairly skilled in languages and I learn quickly, but french would be afterschool. is it worth it?

I enjoy history and want to take it but where could it get me in later life?

Don't want to take geography or P.E

triple science or no triple science is my main dilemma, it takes up an option but apparently the people with triple science are more wanted so to speak.

I enjoy IT but dont really know what the DIDA thing is, and if theres a point doing it?

Maybe looking at being a lawyer/barrister when older.

Any help would be much appreciated lads :wub:

Okay mate, Wanna be a lawyer do History... it leads to politics and can help withlaw, plus a lot of Unis like it.. If your good at science i would suggest Triple science. If the french is after school do it, It is an extra GCSE for what one/ two after schools a week. Get as much qualifications as you cant whilst you are doing you GCSE.
Okay mate, Wanna be a lawyer do History... it leads to politics and can help withlaw, plus a lot of Unis like it.. If your good at science i would suggest Triple science. If the french is after school do it, It is an extra GCSE for what one/ two after schools a week. Get as much qualifications as you cant whilst you are doing you GCSE.

Ok so it looks like triple science + history and do french and german :)

What I was thinking too, any other views are much appreciated :)
Hello, I'm in year 9 and am in a Dilemma about what subjects to pick I'll quickly explain:

Compulsory subjects - maths, english science, R.E, IT, a DT, a language

I can choose between - History, geography, art, music, french or german or both, triple sciences, PE, and another IT, DIDA or something?

Ok im awful at art and music so there getting dropped.
Not sure whether to take both languages, fairly skilled in languages and I learn quickly, but french would be afterschool. is it worth it?

I enjoy history and want to take it but where could it get me in later life?

Don't want to take geography or P.E

triple science or no triple science is my main dilemma, it takes up an option but apparently the people with triple science are more wanted so to speak.

I enjoy IT but dont really know what the DIDA thing is, and if theres a point doing it?

Maybe looking at being a lawyer/barrister when older.

Any help would be much appreciated lads :wub:

Well in my school, we had two options of IT; CIDA/DIDA. We had to do a IT, DIDA took up one of our options, but you have it more often, and do more **** in it. CIDA was forced to do, if you didn't take DIDA of course, which dosen't take an option.

History is what I do. History can get you places in the future, it's a great show of ability to analyse sources, pick out key information, and make conclusions. It's ****-hard though, but really fun.

If you want to be lawyer, History would be good for that, and aswell as concentrating on English's, then once you get to college take Law
Well in my school, we had two options of IT; CIDA/DIDA. We had to do a IT, DIDA took up one of our options, but you have it more often, and do more **** in it. CIDA was forced to do, if you didn't take DIDA of course, which dosen't take an option.

History is what I do. History can get you places in the future, it's a great show of ability to analyse sources, pick out key information, and make conclusions. It's ****-hard though, but really fun.

If you want to be lawyer, History would be good for that, and aswell as concentrating on English's, then once you get to college take Law

Yes, does alot depend on what teacher you get for what grade you get?
If you would have had a different teacher, do you think you could have gotten a better grade?

Teachers tell us to not let that affect our choices, but it sort of does.
History pwns.

Although more down to essay structure and source work rather than knowledge itself.
Hello, I'm in year 9 and am in a Dilemma about what subjects to pick I'll quickly explain:

Compulsory subjects - maths, english science, R.E, IT, a DT, a language

I can choose between - History, geography, art, music, french or german or both, triple sciences, PE, and another IT, DIDA or something?

Ok im awful at art and music so there getting dropped.
Not sure whether to take both languages, fairly skilled in languages and I learn quickly, but french would be afterschool. is it worth it?

I enjoy history and want to take it but where could it get me in later life?

Don't want to take geography or P.E

triple science or no triple science is my main dilemma, it takes up an option but apparently the people with triple science are more wanted so to speak.

I enjoy IT but dont really know what the DIDA thing is, and if theres a point doing it?

Maybe looking at being a lawyer/barrister when older.

Any help would be much appreciated lads :wub:

If u want to be a lawyer like i want to be then take history quite important - got B in it as well doing it for a levels now, as doing politics which is very useful

triple science is quite easy majority of people in my school passes

I did the dida thing for GCSE and it is **** easy i play games on miniclip for all but 2 lessons and got a pass if you put effort in to it you can get higher.

if your good at French do it a extra Gcse is worth it but to be honest dont put to much pressure on your self because uni's see GCSE as very little compared to A levels it seen as a basis
Hello, I'm in year 9 and am in a Dilemma about what subjects to pick I'll quickly explain:

Compulsory subjects - maths, english science, R.E, IT, a DT, a language

I can choose between - History, geography, art, music, french or german or both, triple sciences, PE, and another IT, DIDA or something?

Ok im awful at art and music so there getting dropped.
Not sure whether to take both languages, fairly skilled in languages and I learn quickly, but french would be afterschool. is it worth it?

I enjoy history and want to take it but where could it get me in later life?

Don't want to take geography or P.E

triple science or no triple science is my main dilemma, it takes up an option but apparently the people with triple science are more wanted so to speak.

I enjoy IT but dont really know what the DIDA thing is, and if theres a point doing it?

Maybe looking at being a lawyer/barrister when older.

Any help would be much appreciated lads :wub:

Triple science takes up one of your options? Wow, that really sucks.

Take History, Triple Science, a language and whatever else you fancy if you want to be a Lawyer. Your GCSE choices are rather irrelevant anyway. Once you get A-levels they're almost irrelevant. Only Oxbridge really cares about them.

Also, don't be put off a subject because it's "hard". They're pretty much all **** easy, Maths is probably the hardest but only if you really struggle with Maths in general.
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I have just gone into my first year in GSCE's (year 10) I have done 5 English coursework and got C's in all of them and i have had one Science exam and a ISA in science and got a B in both. I am dreading my German as i am useless but it was compulsory to do it. I chose Food Technology, History and Geography as my extra subjects, in my mock food exam i got a B, in History i got an A and in Geography well.... I got a U and no one in my class got higher than an E (good job it was mock)
If you would have had a different teacher, do you think you could have gotten a better grade?

Teachers tell us to not let that affect our choices, but it sort of does.

Oh yeah, of course. Main thing is; do lessons YOU ENJOY, and take your time to pick them, otherwise you'll be fcked for 2 years (my situation D: Geography/business suck)
There's plenty of different teachers for each lessons, just hope you get some good ones. My English teacher was ****, but I still got a B, as long as you revise, and try you should do well
Thanks for everyone for putting their view, keep them coming, I'm off to bed now but will check this thread tomorrow and consider my decision further, history looks set in stone though
Chose my options for GCSE a few weeks ago :)

Gone for Spanish, French, Latin, Business Studies and History.

as you can probably guess. I suck at anything creative. Art, Music, Tech etc.
Thanks for everyone for putting their view, keep them coming, I'm off to bed now but will check this thread tomorrow and consider my decision further, history looks set in stone though

Just choose lessons you enjoy/are best at. The key is revision though, but it is hard to revise from books etc. so make posters if you have the spare time as it helps loads but yeah just dont choose the wrong subjects or the next two years of your life are all but wasted.
Chose my options for GCSE a few weeks ago :)

Gone for Spanish, French, Latin, Business Studies and History.

as you can probably guess. I suck at anything creative. Art, Music, Tech etc.

Your school gets to do Latin :S
Teachers matter i can tell you that from experience it matters
my teacher was a ***** and that was putting it nicely
she gave my coursework a B when 3 other teachers marked it for A*
Then she put me in for foundation even though i dot B in the mock
so i got a C overall
Sad times
Teachers matter i can tell you that from experience it matters
my teacher was a ***** and that was putting it nicely
she gave my coursework a B when 3 other teachers marked it for A*
Then she put me in for foundation even though i dot B in the mock
so i got a C overall
Sad times

Wow that sucks, your coursework should get bumped up when moderated anyway, and if not just ask for a re-mark.