Gears Of War Series


Staff member
Apr 12, 2009
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Im surprised there isn't a thread on these games already.

Does anyone still play any of the Gears games any more? I love both the games and I am stuck on Gear of war 2 right now

If anyone does still play, It is 31x exp weekend over Halloween, (GOW2) so anyone wanting to get their levels up should play now :D

And also is anyone going to get the third one? I cant wait for it to come out, it looks absolutly brilliant. I just hate epic games for delaying the release date by a few months :'(
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iamauser, me and a friend are playing guardian online now if you wish to play with us?
iamauser, me and a friend are playing guardian online now if you wish to play with us?

yeah sure, im just in a game right now, will do when ive finished though

My GT is phayilkid
Sorry that too so long joshh :S

sent me another invite when you are done :)
hehe dw mate, add me and i'll inv in a sec.
jooshh v
If you are going to discuss private online gaming, do so in private. Please stay on topic!

I love the games, some of the quotes are epic 'The situation is fubar sir'

The cover system and general gameplay is epic and the graphics, even now, can't be beat.

Excited to see how it will all end.

Marcus is beast!
I love GOW i've got both game's and i will be getting the 3rd when it come's out.
Never played any of them online though.
Gears of War was game of the generation for me, the multiplayer was perfect and kept me and my friends playing for two years. Then Gears 2 came along and ****** it all up by trying to change the emphasis, I actually sold the game within a couple of weeks it was so bad. Hoping it will be fixed for 3, will have to rent to find out before I'm giving Epic any more money.
If you are going to discuss private online gaming, do so in private. Please stay on topic!

I love the games, some of the quotes are epic 'The situation is fubar sir'

The cover system and general gameplay is epic and the graphics, even now, can't be beat.

Excited to see how it will all end.

Marcus is beast!

Oki, sorry bout that

Dizzy is a beast,
I almost cried when skorge killed him :'(
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Yes, I'm a big fan of them. Moreso the original as the 2nd is quite buggy online. I enjoy the stories thoroughly too. And yes, I will be getting the third.
Third one out next year, seen some gamplay, looks similar.

I'll play tonight, add me OneInchWalrus.
Has anyone done the Dizzy hat Easter egg thingy?

I only found out about it the other day, its nothing special, it just made my giggle
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The one when all the people have Dizzy hats on and the Corpser has a giant one on too?
I was disappointed with the use of new characters in Gears 2, they appeared decent, but were far underused.

And Tai could have been a good character, but used only as a ****** plot device

Not looking forward to the characters in 3 to be honest, what with people like Drake being involved...