**** Germany Discussion Thread

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Jun 14, 2009
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Okay this thread is for **** germany Discussion only. So please only use it for that, nothing else. If you want to discuss other historial events periods please, make a separate thread.

enjoy it all.
As part my history degree which i am studying for at the moment, one of my modules is called Rise of the Nazis 1919 - 1933 and i was just wondering what your views are on Hitlers's rise to power and how do you think he obtained it?
As part my history degree which i am studying for at the moment, one of my modules is called Rise of the Nazis 1919 - 1933 and i was just wondering what your views are on Hitlers's rise to power and how do you think he obtained it?

only done it at GCSE, so dont know that much about it, but i think it was established through Fear and propaganda. I feel that people like Goebles where the mean reason. for creating such stuff as the Hitler Myth. I feel without these thingss hitler would never off got power, and germany would of been a communist state.
Hitler's rise to power was quite a slow and ****** one. He was furious in the way Germany gave up in World war 1. He was disgusted at the way Germany gave up alot of its land to France. Also Germany had lost the right to bare Arms.

As a **** looking for power he got verry little support in the early days,he had set up the German Workers Party,he spent most of the time fighting with the rival Communist party which where ****** fights with fatalitys.He even attempted to claim power by force in 1923,a move which landed him in prison for 5 years(only serving 9 months).It was in prison where he wrote his book Mein Kampf. It is here he tells of his hatred for The Jews and The Communists.

Once released from prison, Hitler decided to seize power constitutionally rather than by force of arms. Using demagogic oratory, Hitler spoke to scores of mass audiences, calling for the German people to resist the yoke of Jews and Communists, and to create a new empire which would rule the world for 1,000 years.

Hitler's **** party captured 18% of the popular vote in the 1930 elections. In 1932, Hitler ran for President and won 30% of the vote, forcing the eventual victor, Paul von Hindenburg, into a runoff election. A political deal was made to make Hitler chancellor in exchange for his political support. He was appointed to that office in January 1933. Upon the death of Hindenburg in August 1934, Hitler was the consensus successor. With an improving economy, Hitler claimed credit and consolidated his position as a dictator, having succeeded in eliminating challenges from other political parties and government institutions. The German industrial machine was built up in preparation for war. By 1937, he was comfortable enough to put his master plan, as outlined in Mein Kampf, into effect. Calling his top military aides together at the "FÅhrer Conference" in November 1937, he outlined his plans for world domination. Those who objected to the plan were dismissed.

People who are intrested in this should watch the History Channel.

Look for:

Hitlers Bodyguard.
The ****'s A lesson in History.
Hitlers War.
Auschwitz-The final Solution.
JP have you watched the Hitler program with Robert Carlyle in it? Think it's called The Rise of Evil. I thought it was quite good.
JP have you watched the Hitler program with Robert Carlyle in it? Think it's called The Rise of Evil. I thought it was quite good.

the Hitler-The rise of evil is a very good film. slightly bends the truth, but a very good film.
the Hitler-The rise of evil is a very good film. slightly bends the truth, but a very good film.

Yeah, it bends it a little but you'll always get certain censorship with history. What do you reckon to Himmler? He was a ******* evil *******!
JP have you watched the Hitler program with Robert Carlyle in it? Think it's called The Rise of Evil. I thought it was quite good.
No ive not seen it. The best movie ive seen about Hitler was one called Downfall,really good,film,but lets move away from a movie discussion please.
JP have you watched the Hitler program with Robert Carlyle in it? Think it's called The Rise of Evil. I thought it was quite good.

Ive seen it, pretty good

Der Untergangs also really good

Has anyone seen Triumph of the Will? its one of the most famous propaganda films that the Nazis released, ive had it for years but not got round to watching.
Hitler, in his early days wasn't all that bad. Like JP said, he was furious about how they gave up in world war 1 and how bad the German Economy had become. Suprisingly i'm doing A Level business and we talk about Hitler quite a lot in a business sense as he revolutionised the way Germany went about itself, He for instance built the autobahn (not himself obviously but still) a very important network of roads now in Germany. It was just the other stuff he did that was bad. The thing i find most ironic about Mr. Adolf Hitler is his was part jewish himself and wouldn't have been Aryan himself (Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes or clean blood)
Hitler, in his early days wasn't all that bad. Like JP said, he was furious about how they gave up in world war 1 and how bad the German Economy had become. Suprisingly i'm doing A Level business and we talk about Hitler quite a lot in a business sense as he revolutionised the way Germany went about itself, He for instance built the autobahn (not himself obviously but still) a very important network of roads now in Germany. It was just the other stuff he did that was bad. The thing i find most ironic about Mr. Adolf Hitler is his was part jewish himself and wouldn't have been Aryan himself (Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes or clean blood)

If it wasnt for all the war and jewish stuff (i know, maseev part of Hitler :P) he would be considered the greatest politician of all time, it really is worth properly reading up on the road to war, its unreal what he manages to get away with due to his politcal savvy
If it wasnt for all the war and jewish stuff (i know, maseev part of Hitler :P) he would be considered the greatest politician of all time, it really is worth properly reading up on the road to war, its unreal what he manages to get away with due to his politcal savvy

i am not too sure. didnt really do alot too unemployment and economy. i know the figures dropped. but he did take woman, racial minorities and everything else out of the figures.
Whilst i accept his political genius, ive been to Auschwitz, nothing can prepare you for the sheer scale of that place, truly chilling.

Now i know some of the stuff below sounds nuts, but it is interesting to think about, and theres so much of it that some of it must be at least partly true. And you must be careful when reading certain conspiracy theories about the Nazis, some of them are written by holocaust deniers.

Some of the stuff that went on behind the scenes is ****** up. The experiments, the rumoured weapons programs etc all intrigue me.

The 'V-7 legend' is the most talked about one, it was rumoured (with several sightings) that the Nazis created a flying saucer of sorts, capable of great speeds. Other rumours involved experiments with magnets and nuclear technology to develop spacecraft and possible connections with aliens. A bit far fetched i know, but allied pilots flying over Europe reported numerous sightings of UFO's, strange lights in the sky, radar and navigational disruption thanks to strong magnetic fields and many other unexplained events.

They were obviously scrambling to create a nuclear bomb and werent far off when the war ended. The nazis were also developing jet planes, which went into production during the latter stages of the war. Infared scopes to create super accurate rifles were also thought be in production, as was the luftfaust, a crude handheld, mobile anti air weapon. The allies discovered various pieces evidence of all these weapons programs, including blueprints, prototypes and fully operational factories, they have disclosed hardly any of the of this evidence.

The most chilling rumour/conspiracy is that Hitler did not die in the bunker with Eva Braun. Ive seen articles questioning the authenticity of the remains that were cremated by the Soviets in 1970, and that doesnt even consider whether or not the remains were Hitlers in the first place, he was known to have at least one double. There are rumours of U-boat sightings as long as 4 months after ww2 ended in May 1945. Other rumour which may or may not be linked is that he escaped capture and possibly moved to South America or even the USA, via a villa in Fuertaventura which was the subject of much discussion during and after the war. It was heavily guarded at all times during ww2. Some suggest it was a halfway house where top **** officials went to have plastic surgery before being taken off in the u boats to start new lives abroad. http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/10-7-2005-78351.asp

Another possible escape route was via Norway and a U-boat to Argentina, there are several reports of U-boats arriving on the Argentine coast as late as August 1945.

The experiments that were carried out on the people in the camps are unthinkable. Off the top of my head i know of one story that involved injecting jewish women with an unknown solution, this happened in and out of the camps, there was a marked rise in the number of twins born to jewish mothers who had this injection.... Was this the Nazis looking for a way to increase their population and armed forces? A story recently emerged of a man living in a remote Chilean village who has always denied being a **** officer, he is thought to be responsibile for the largest proportion of twins per head in the world, after injecting all the women in the village with an undisclosed chemical...

Many experiments were carried out on twins in the camps, almost always ending in the death of both twins. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_human_experimentation

Sorry if i sound like some sort of conspiracy peddling nutcase, i dont believe all of the rumour that is written above, but it is interesting to consider. The facts, like the twin experiments and the U-boat sightings are quite chilling.
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The thing i find most ironic about Mr. Adolf Hitler is his was part jewish himself and wouldn't have been Aryan himself (Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes or clean blood)

This is rumour and has never actually been proven,although his family Doctor was Jewish and a young Hitler blamed him for the Death of his Mother,many people think this put him on the road to his hatred of the Jews.

Hitler was abused terribly as a child,he was beaten daily by his father and forced to sleep in his own waste. All Hitlers other siblings died as children,Hitler was the only one who survived,this gave him the belief that he was a man of destiny,stronger than everyone else.
Whilst i accept his political genius, ive been to Auschwitz, nothing can prepare you for the sheer scale of that place, truly chilling.

Now i know some of the stuff below sounds nuts, but it is interesting to think about, and theres so much of it that some of it must be at least partly true. And you must be careful when reading certain conspiracy theories about the Nazis, some of them are written by holocaust deniers.

Some of the stuff that went on behind the scenes is ****** up. The experiments, the rumoured weapons programs etc all intrigue me.

The 'V-7 legend' is the most talked about one, it was rumoured (with several sightings) that the Nazis created a flying saucer of sorts, capable of great speeds. Other rumours involved experiments with magnets and nuclear technology to develop spacecraft and possible connections with aliens. A bit far fetched i know, but allied pilots flying over Europe reported numerous sightings of UFO's, strange lights in the sky, radar and navigational disruption thanks to strong magnetic fields and many other unexplained events.

They were obviously scrambling to create a nuclear bomb and werent far off when the war ended. The nazis were also developing jet planes, which went into production during the latter stages of the war. Infared scopes to create super accurate rifles were also thought be in production, as was the luftfaust, a crude handheld, mobile anti air weapon. The allies discovered various pieces evidence of all these weapons programs, including blueprints, prototypes and fully operational factories, they have disclosed hardly any of the of this evidence.

The most chilling rumour/conspiracy is that Hitler did not die in the bunker with Eva Braun. Ive seen articles questioning the authenticity of the remains that were cremated by the Soviets in 1970, and that doesnt even consider whether or not the remains were Hitlers in the first place, he was known to have at least one double. There are rumours of U-boat sightings as long as 4 months after ww2 ended in May 1945. Other rumour which may or may not be linked is that he escaped capture and possibly moved to South America or even the USA, via a villa in Fuertaventura which was the subject of much discussion during and after the war. It was heavily guarded at all times during ww2. Some suggest it was a halfway house where top **** officials went to have plastic surgery before being taken off in the u boats to start new lives abroad. http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/10-7-2005-78351.asp

Another possible escape route was via Norway and a U-boat to Argentina, there are several reports of U-boats arriving on the Argentine coast as late as August 1945.

The experiments that were carried out on the people in the camps are unthinkable. Off the top of my head i know of one story that involved injecting jewish women with an unknown solution, this happened in and out of the camps, there was a marked rise in the number of twins born to jewish mothers who had this injection.... Was this the Nazis looking for a way to increase their population and armed forces? A story recently emerged of a man living in a remote Chilean village who has always denied being a **** officer, he is thought to be responsibile for the largest proportion of twins per head in the world, after injecting all the women in the village with an undisclosed chemical...

Many experiments were carried out on twins in the camps, almost always ending in the death of both twins. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_human_experimentation

Sorry if i sound like some sort of conspiracy peddling nutcase, i dont believe all of the rumour that is written above, but it is interesting to consider. The facts, like the twin experiments and the U-boat sightings are quite chilling.
seriously that place.... what really got to me, was the silence as you got there, no wildlife, as if no animal wanted to be near that place of death. went to dachau as well.
It sounds incredibly odd, but i'd quite like to visit places like Auschwitz and the memorials at Normandy. There's so many conspiracy theory's about so many different things (9/11, slightly off topic) that it's hard to know what to believe.
seriously that place.... what really got to me, was the silence as you got there, no wildlife, as if no animal wanted to be near that place of death. went to dachau as well.

I've been to Dachau too, it's a creepy place. It's just so silent and so organised in rows and huts that it's hard to believe that people were actually living there. I'd recommend going, they really make you think about things and how on earth Hitler could manage to create such horrible places.
They say Auschwitz is one of the few places on earth you will never hear a bird sing, this is because it is so full of death.
Actually now that you mention it. Two U-boats were sunk in southern Argentina. As a matter of fact, if you to the national warfare museum in Hamburg, you can see all the activity of **** U-Boats during the war, and there are 2 marks off the chart, and located southern Argentina.

Fact is, Argentina helped the ****´s a lot. They helped first hiding all the money the could get hold on. Then forgering documents for safe entry. Some Ex-****´s were discovered earlier than later (Eichmann in 62 by the Mossad, and Priebke late 90´s for confessing to a reporter). The interesting thing is that the Argentinean government "accidentally" burned all the documents they had on them when the world was screaming to see them and hunt the rest of the ****. So basically, Argentina was one of the countries which was at the end of the ODESSA Operation. Later on, as they were tracked down, they escaped to different parts of South America. Another fact, was that the right hand of the Argentinean President Perón, was a german descendant. He was the one who influenced and convinced the Argentinean government to act like it did. Also, once the U-Boats arrived, there was a plane that took them mostly to a farm in the patagonia, "owned" by a german family. At that time, the only way to reached that area of Argentina, was through that farm. In that way, they could control who enters and who leaves. All this is a fact.

Another interesting fact, was that most of the German scientists and experts of the **** regime were pardoned in exchange for their work. Specially in USSR and USA.

What is a rumour that cant be proofed, was the 1000 ton cargo of gold that were shipped in those uboat. Mainly gold retrieved during the holocaust. Another rumour, is that Hitler was in that escape route. Nevertheless, most of the most important **** Officers escaped that way, so it is thinkable that he could as well. Dont forget, that Menghele was also there (Angel of Death), later found dead in Brazil, still escaped through Argentina.