**** Germany Discussion Thread

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I find it interesting how Brits are so much more interested in history and WW2 than Americans. Maybe for some reason, Football manager tends to draw people who like history and management.
I find it interesting how Brits are so much more interested in history and WW2 than Americans. Maybe for some reason, Football manager tends to draw people who like history and management.
Probably because Brits have some History,unlike Americans.As for WW2,the Americans didnt come in until near the end,and that was only because Pearl Harbour was bombed by Japan and Hitler declared war on the USA. Most of the American public werent bothered what happened to Britain.
im 14 and studying the rise to power of Hitler and i believe that he was a very good politician ( im not a **** ) he raised Germany through debt and unemployment.he made jobs by building motorways and started very strongly its just a shame he wasnt a twisted man!!!
I don't think it's so much about us getting into the war late, as it is our home land was never touched. In my opinion it always seems Brits have a much keener eye for history. Sorry for the off topic, I just thought ya'll would want an outsider look at your views.
last year i went to Flanders Field (soz for going off topic) and you just couldnt imagine it when the war was on. you would be driving round and there would be random cemetrys everywhere,the wholes where the artillery hit are still there.there are something like 700 mass graves around the fields.
Very fascinating subject, i've just written my finalexamination about Hitler and Nazism in theory. Nice with some historical discussion :)
sadly, hitler like stalin was an absolute genius, if he didnt make the one mistake ( stalingrad) then we could all very well be speaking german and singing hitlers praises right now, he turned a germany that was in an absolute pile of **** after world war 1 into the most powerful nation during the world war 2 period, but genius always comes with a side order of evil, he became an idiot therefore murdering most of the jewish population, i dont think anyone should be anti semetic, the way he got his followers was from pure genius and influence in his speeches, there was one point before world war 2 that 3 trillion of the german currency equalled one american dollar, this shows how **** the economy was and the fact he changed that in a few years was absolutely unbelievable, but his harshness and attitude towards the jews was unacceptable, he is by far one of the most evil men in history if you ask me, hes up there with the likes of stalin, genghis khan, i dont support his political ideas though, i think that a dictator is only good in a case of where the country is located in a natural resource rich area, such as cape verde or manchuria, i am going to get a PHD in european history, thats my goal in life
sadly, hitler like stalin was an absolute genius, if he didnt make the one mistake ( stalingrad) then we could all very well be speaking german and singing hitlers praises right now, he turned a germany that was in an absolute pile of **** after world war 1 into the most powerful nation during the world war 2 period, but genius always comes with a side order of evil, he became an idiot therefore murdering most of the jewish population, i dont think anyone should be anti semetic, the way he got his followers was from pure genius and influence in his speeches, there was one point before world war 2 that 3 trillion of the german currency equalled one american dollar, this shows how **** the economy was and the fact he changed that in a few years was absolutely unbelievable, but his harshness and attitude towards the jews was unacceptable, he is by far one of the most evil men in history if you ask me, hes up there with the likes of stalin, genghis khan, i dont support his political ideas though, i think that a dictator is only good in a case of where the country is located in a natural resource rich area, such as cape verde or manchuria, i am going to get a PHD in european history, thats my goal in life

Invading Russia is always a mistake, Napoleon tried and failed, Hitler tried and failed, they can never quite accustom to the Russian climate.
yes, also during napoloens invasion russia used a technique where they retreated further into the cold pits of russia and they burned their own farms so the french people could not steal food from the russian peasants and farmers, the russians did this in world war 2 aswell
sadly, hitler like stalin was an absolute genius, if he didnt make the one mistake ( stalingrad) then we could all very well be speaking german and singing hitlers praises right now, he turned a germany that was in an absolute pile of **** after world war 1 into the most powerful nation during the world war 2 period, but genius always comes with a side order of evil, he became an idiot therefore murdering most of the jewish population, i dont think anyone should be anti semetic, the way he got his followers was from pure genius and influence in his speeches, there was one point before world war 2 that 3 trillion of the german currency equalled one american dollar, this shows how **** the economy was and the fact he changed that in a few years was absolutely unbelievable, but his harshness and attitude towards the jews was unacceptable, he is by far one of the most evil men in history if you ask me, hes up there with the likes of stalin, genghis khan, i dont support his political ideas though, i think that a dictator is only good in a case of where the country is located in a natural resource rich area, such as cape verde or manchuria, i am going to get a PHD in european history, thats my goal in life
Hitler a genius? I dont think so. Britain actually abandoned plans to have him killed because he was more of a hindrance to Germany alive than dead. If he was a genius he wouldnt have invaded Russia so early,and he wouldnt of declared war on America.
Recently I watched Valkeryie (sp) and found it very interesting. Sorry if this is off-topic but I had no idea how many hitler-assassination plots there were.
Recently I watched Valkeryie (sp) and found it very interesting. Sorry if this is off-topic but I had no idea how many hitler-assassination plots there were.
There were lots,look out for Hitlers Bodyguard on the History channel or Yesterday,he has had many more attempts on his life than that.
I find it interesting how Brits are so much more interested in history and WW2 than Americans. Maybe for some reason, Football manager tends to draw people who like history and management.

Do American's have any history? Probably why America have so little interest in it compared to us Brits.

This is an American joke "And whats the deal with new england? I mean its over 200 years old, last time i checked, thats not so new" that kind of proves how little Americans know about history in fact the outside world >.<
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Do American's have any history? Probably why America have so little history.

This is an American joke "And whats the deal with new england? I mean its over 200 years old, last time i checked, thats not so new" that kind of proves how little Americans know about history in fact the outside world >.<
Off Topic but ill put u right,l its called New England because it was named by English settlers. Alot of American Town and City names are named after English places. Virginia was named after Elizabeth 1st (the Virgin queen)
Off Topic but ill put u right,l its called New England because it was named by English settlers. Alot of American Town and City names are named after English places. Virginia was named after Elizabeth 1st (the Virgin queen)

He didn't say he didn't know why it was called New England, he was simply mocking a poor American joke.
i disagree JP, he made germany one of the most poweful nations in the world within a few months, he sorted out an ecomomy which was in ruins, he thrived in a time that other countries struggled, with the great depression and all, and many places in america are named after english places, heres a few
Birmingham, GEO
There are many more but i cant be arsed to name them, and i get the american jokes, all the time,,, about how **** we are, anyway id better stay on topic
i disagree JP, he made germany one of the most poweful nations in the world within a few months, he sorted out an ecomomy which was in ruins, he thrived in a time that other countries struggled, with the great depression and all, and many places in america are named after english places, heres a few
Birmingham, GEO
There are many more but i cant be arsed to name them, and i get the american jokes, all the time,,, about how **** we are, anyway id better stay on topic
Joe he brought Germany to its knees man,it took Germany nearly 50 years to recover. He was a great speaker and politician but he was no genius.
yes i know but he was almost succesful, that russia was the turning point of the war, if he hadnt had made that one woeful mistake then they could rule the world right now, he took over half of europe and if it wasnt for the yanks england and france would have been ******, to rule one of the most poweful, wealthy continents in the world is very impressive, maybe genius took it too far, id say an incredibly smart, clever man
yes i know but he was almost succesful, that russia was the turning point of the war, if he hadnt had made that one woeful mistake then they could rule the world right now, he took over half of europe and if it wasnt for the yanks england and france would have been ******, to rule one of the most poweful, wealthy continents in the world is very impressive, maybe genius took it too far, id say an incredibly smart, clever man

they where never going to rule the world, they would not of beaten America at the time, with or without Russia on there side. Dont forgot America had to Luxury( i know that sounds sick but it is true) to drop a 2 nuclear bombs on a country, when they didnt really need to.