**** Germany Discussion Thread

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As wrong as it sounds, I would love to go to Auschwitz, it sounds truly horrifying,
Hitler was a very bad man who unfortunately happened to find the company of lots of other bad men at a time when Germany was very weak and vulnerable and extremist political ideologies were rife in mainland Europe.

He was possibly most fortunate to have Goebbels who was like an even worse Alastair Campbell, the ultimate spin doctor convinving Germans (even further) that Jews were the cause of their problems and that the Volksgemeinschaft (sp) and his other schemes were integral to making Germany great.
By invading Russia only in June, Hitler condemned himself. If he had invaded Russia like, 2 or 3 months earlier, near the end of the Winter, he could very well have been sucessful. It would have given him more time before the Winter.
Hitler liked to control the operations, when he was clearly not, a competent tactician or strategist. Von Paulus, before being captured by the Allies, told his men, after being ordered to commit suicide by Hitler. "I will not kill myself because some Austrian corporal told me to".
As wrong as it sounds, I would love to go to Auschwitz, it sounds truly horrifying,

Same. My English teacher talked about when she went there, and that there was still this sort of aura that made the bones in your body shiver. Truly horrible.
Oh ****, I should know this, History all over again. Rant:

Hitler rose to the top through social will. His regime started as a Socialist one, as it was very well put by Alcaraz, he was the answer to most of Germany's issues back then. The Germans didn't hate Adolf, the rest of the World did. He brought back prosperity to a deeply unemployed and scarred population.

Yes, he did **** it all up by invading Russia. On the other hand, neglected, persecuted and killed by Stalin, a lot of Ukrainian, and other oppressed nationalities joined the 88 'gang', in order to provide man-power to invade Soviet Russia. The Germans actually held some under their custody, because most of the Soviets were considered Aryan. Over 13 million people killed, while 'only' 5 million Germans died, that makes almost 20million people dead. how genocidal is that? The Red Army eventually kicked them outta Moscow.

Word is, in order to defeat the ****/Italian posses, the Allies had help from the Maffia itself, coming from 'Lucky Luciano', who provided an entrance in Sicily. Not sure how far that is true, but It actually makes sense.

Now, what really grinds my gears, is the huge amount of Russians nowadays who actually embrace the 88 (8 represents 'H', the 8th letter in the alphabet, being HH, Heil Hitler), when the Nazis killed so many of them people. There are specialized and organized gangs in Russia who train basically everyone who embraces their ideologies, to modern warfare. Guerillas are being formed as we type this, and those guys seem ready to fight. People are jumped on every single day, these gangs walk out just to find them immigrants, and, yes, kill them.

'Ross Kemp's On Gangs' in Russia and Poland are very informative pieces, I'd reccomend to ya if you are interested(have some spare time.

Well Hitler was a corporal in the German Army and was recovering in Hospital when the Treaty of Versailles was signed by the Weimar Government which was basically a death sentence for Germany in many ways as they lost a good bit of of their land, segments of their population was divided by new international borders and their economy was severely devastated

The Weimar Government was extremely unpopular with the German People as they were too weak to maintain law and order in Germany and chancellors and presidents were frequently changed after Ebert. The Weimar Government basically relied on the FreiCorps to put down threats against them such as the unsuccessful revolt by the Communists in Germany.

In such conditions, the public was ready to listen to anyone who stepped up to the microphone and Hitler with his immense public charisma and schmoozing skills was the perfect person as the perfect time

He promised the German People that he will:

- Rebuild the Army in 5 years
- Make them self-sufficient and not reliant on handouts from the USA
- Make them a world superpower again

Becky graduated in November mate.. ;)
---------- Post added at 04:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:24 AM ----------

Becky graduated in November mate.. ;)

how is my post anything even remotely to do with that lol
As wrong as it sounds, I would love to go to Auschwitz, it sounds truly horrifying,

My school does trips for 2 sixth formers to go there every year. I went last year and I had to give speeches about it in the local area. It was a haunting experience but it really can change a huge perspective of your life by visiting such a place.
anyways continuing on my post, Hitler really gave the German people hope. I have not seen too much mention of the Treaty of Versailles on this thread and that Treaty was probably the most important factor in the rise of Hitler

Allied Powers to justify the harsh terms of the Treaty of Versailles argued that Germany had imposed an even harsh terms on Russia when it surrendered in World War I in 1917
[COLOR=#00e0]---------- Post added at 04:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 04:24 AM ----------[/COLOR]

how is my post anything even remotely to do with that lol

You quoted her and answered her question. Her question was asking for help with her degree...
The main point that is hammered home in my history lessons is 'Desperation=Extremism'. I suppose if Germany wasnt ruined by the Treaty of Versailles then there wouldn't of been a place for Hitler to fix things.
The main point that is hammered home in my history lessons is 'Desperation=Extremism'. I suppose if Germany wasnt ruined by the Treaty of Versailles then there wouldn't of been a place for Hitler to fix things.

So right...
Sorry if this is off topic but Just on Wikipedia started with pi (3.14) and ended up at World war 2 (**** Germany etc.)

Then I come on here and this was on a quicky at the side I was **** scared lol
I've been to Dachau. It's really strange, the atmosphere is very subdued but at the same time there are thousands of people wandering around. And it was roasting when I went, which combined with the many tourists slightly spoiled the experience. But it's well worth a visit, really eye opening.
studied this in ks3, for GCSE and now for A-Levels

i wouldnt like to go to any of the camps tbh! I know that it is something that would stick with you for live but it would just freak me out standing in a place where hundreds of thousands of people have lost there lives :S Im not easily scared, but they would be too much for me.
As wrong as it sounds, I would love to go to Auschwitz, it sounds truly horrifying,
Been to Auschwitz and Dachau. Utterly utterly chilling, the first this you notice at bth places is the lack or animals anywhere near, like they sense the evil that occured there.

Not even ashamed to say Dachau brought a tear to my eye. Its an experience, but a very disturbing one at that
Some of the images of the holocaust on google make me feel sick
World history is something that I am very into. Studied German history for GCSE many years ago. Also, I collect/love war movies/books too.

To one of the posters here who said Hitler started the German Workers Party. No he didn't. It was formed while Hitler was still in the army, he had been assigned to spy on them but ended up leaving the army to join their ranks, restructured them, became its leader and reformed it as the NS German Worker Party (****)

I'v never been to any of the death camps but been to some holocaust memorials around Europe and Israel and they are profound experiences just being in them. Though the memorial in Berlin is ****.
Been to Auschwitz and Dachau. Utterly utterly chilling, the first this you notice at bth places is the lack or animals anywhere near, like they sense the evil that occured there.

Not even ashamed to say Dachau brought a tear to my eye. Its an experience, but a very disturbing one at that

I'm going to Dachau next year, been to Auschwitz and I certainly noticed that animal theory at Auschwitz. Also I feel it was a shame that I had to share my feelings in a powerpoint and discussion format.

It has to be said that you can't really understand a place so haunting by reading about it or hearing of it, you need to be there.
I'd also like to make a few points about Japans involvement in WW2.

Someone mentioned that it had to do with Germany that they were involved. Japan had been at war with their neighbouring nations since the 1930s with Sino-Japanese war predating the German invasion of Poland in Sept 39.