**** Germany Discussion Thread

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yes i know but he was almost succesful, that russia was the turning point of the war, if he hadnt had made that one woeful mistake then they could rule the world right now, he took over half of europe and if it wasnt for the yanks england and france would have been ******, to rule one of the most poweful, wealthy continents in the world is very impressive, maybe genius took it too far, id say an incredibly smart, clever man
So clever he invaded Russia and declared war on America. We'll agree to differ.
yes i know but he was almost succesful, that russia was the turning point of the war, if he hadnt had made that one woeful mistake then they could rule the world right now, he took over half of europe and if it wasnt for the yanks england and france would have been ******, to rule one of the most poweful, wealthy continents in the world is very impressive, maybe genius took it too far, id say an incredibly smart, clever man

The guy tried to invade Russia! In the winter I believe. Not only were the Germans outnumbered but they weren't equipped for the whether and the more they moved into Russia the quicker they ran out of supplies etc. it was possibly the most stupid decision anybody has ever made in any war (apart from nuking a whole City?? Who's brilliant idea was that)

As for your reference to the French? All I can say is ROFLOLMAO!! :)
To be fair, Joe does have a point, the war could of been a totally different Story if Germany didn't invade Russia which was one of Hitler's biggest mistakes. I think that Hitler felt so threatened by the communists though that he decided to try and stamp it out and invade Russia. The only reason the Allies let Hitler build up Germany because he was so anti-communism and Germany acted as a blockade to any communist threat to the likes of France and Britain.
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Hitler was a clever twisted man but he would have never conquered the earth.
To be fair, Joe does have a point, the war could of been a totally different Story if Germany didn't invade Japan which was one of Hitler's biggest mistakes. I think that Hitler felt so threatened by the communists though that he decided to try and stamp it out and invade Russia. The only reason the Allies let Hitler build up Germany because he was so anti-communism and Germany acted as a blockade to any communist threat to the likes of France and Britain.

Wow Germany invaded Japan? What World War was this! Lol,
To be fair, Joe does have a point, the war could of been a totally different Story if Germany didn't invade Japan which was one of Hitler's biggest mistakes. I think that Hitler felt so threatened by the communists though that he decided to try and stamp it out and invade Russia. The only reason the Allies let Hitler build up Germany because he was so anti-communism and Germany acted as a blockade to any communist threat to the likes of France and Britain.

>.< Hitler invade Japan?!
Hitler's anti communist views didn't stop him signing the ****-Soviet pact. He was just really very sad confused and dangerous.
Hmm, got a bit muddled there, I was trying to say Russia, if it weren't for British and American intervention in Asia and Africa, Japan would of been able to link up with Germany and that could of made the situation a whole lot worse.
Hmm, got a bit muddled there, I was trying to say Russia, if it weren't for British and American intervention in Asia and Africa, Japan would of been able to link up with Germany and that could of made the situation a whole lot worse.
It would as Germany and Japan would have ended up at war with each other.
Hmm, got a bit muddled there, I was trying to say Russia, if it weren't for British and American intervention in Asia and Africa, Japan would of been able to link up with Germany and that could of made the situation a whole lot worse.

Japan would have never linked up with Germany. They were two completely different countries that had different motives but the same aim; a world ruled by them, by them I mean by either Japan or Germany. If by a freak chance they had conquered half the world each and had defeated their greatest enemy in communism they would have proceeded to fight each other until one of them invented weapons of mass destruction.

It would as Germany and Japan would have ended up at war with each other.

It would as Germany and Japan would have ended up at war with each other.

Quite true, the ***'s are hardly an Aryan race ;)

The Japanese were just too ambitious during WW2 though, if they didn't bomb the American's, they could of taken most of Asia without much resistant's.
i disagree JP, he made germany one of the most poweful nations in the world within a few months, he sorted out an ecomomy which was in ruins, he thrived in a time that other countries struggled, with the great depression and all, and many places in america are named after english places, heres a few
Birmingham, GEO
There are many more but i cant be arsed to name them, and i get the american jokes, all the time,,, about how **** we are, anyway id better stay on topic

Yeah you're right in the fact he brought the country back from being pretty much dead. But it wasn't just Hitler who was the ''mastermind'' behind all his plots. There was Himmler, Goebbels and co who were also responsible. He did bring the country back to where he picked it up after he killed himself too. Not that much of a genius, but a fantastic orator - if not the best.
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I skipped a few posts cuzz i gotta go. But

1. USSR kept Germany down for 50 years, not neccessarily Hitler.
2. Germany was in shambles before Hitler, but so was the entire world.
3. Germany based it's rebuilding primarily on military and infrastructure (that promoted military movement), hardly anything to bang your chest about.

But alas, that's war, when times get rough, you go to war, time and time again, war promotes growth in various factors of society.
Yeah you're right in the fact he brought the country back from being pretty much dead. But it wasn't just Hitler who was the ''mastermind'' behind all his plots. There was Himmler, Goebbels and co who were also responsible. He did bring the country back to where he picked it up after he killed himself too. Not that much of a genius, but a fantastic orator - if not the best.

He has nothing on Michael Foot as an orator. (H)
Hahahaha ode Foot.

What an orator Hitler was though.. look at the Nuremburg rallies, the amount of people at them! Frightening.
I skipped a few posts cuzz i gotta go. But

1. USSR kept Germany down for 50 years, not neccessarily Hitler.
2. Germany was in shambles before Hitler, but so was the entire world.
3. Germany based it's rebuilding primarily on military and infrastructure (that promoted military movement), hardly anything to bang your chest about.

But alas, that's war, when times get rough, you go to war, time and time again, war promotes growth in various factors of society.
USSR only held Germany down for 50 years because Hitler decided to invade them,against the advice of his generals too. Germany may have been in a bad way before Hitler became leader but that is how Hitler gained power.

Look at the images of Germanys Citys and towns before Hitler took control then look at images of those same towns and citys after British and American bombers all but wiped them of the face of the earth in some truly sickening bombing missions that killed millions of innocent German men,women and children.Its fair to say Germany and the world where in more of a shambles after Hitler.
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USSR only held Germany down for 50 years because Hitler decided to invade them,against the advice of his generals too. Germany may have been in a bad way before Hitler became leader but that is how Hitler gained power.

The USA didn't hold down West Germany. USSR could have easily decided not to hold down East Germany. The USSR held down all of Eastern Europe, but Hitler wasn't the leader of those countries. You can't blame Hitler for Russia's decision to oppress half of Europe. Just because one person does something doesn't make it right for you to do it.

Look at the images of Germanys Citys and towns before Hitler took control then look at images of those same towns and citys after British and American bombers all but wiped them of the face of the earth in some truly sickening bombing missions that killed millions of innocent German men,women and children.Its fair to say Germany and the world where in more of a shambles after Hitler.

The bombing was predominately focused on manufacturing areas of cities, however a plethora of variables can account for the death of the citizens (I think the number is closer to 500,000 than millions btw, but certainly doesn't make it that much better).

The world was certainly in shambles after the war, especially Europe and parts of Asia. But it opened the doors for others and created countless inventions that we use today.
Recently watched schindlers list in school as i was studying it before halfterm, not much to do with hitler but was very intresting to watch to see how life was back then
did it for GCSE
My overview thought of it was it was quite clever how Hitler was able to get into power but he also had the right kind of circumstances to allow him to do it (great depression). I also don't blame the Germans for voting in the **** party, considering the circumstances the country was in. If only they could have known what was going to happen.
As part my history degree which i am studying for at the moment, one of my modules is called Rise of the Nazis 1919 - 1933 and i was just wondering what your views are on Hitlers's rise to power and how do you think he obtained it?

Well Hitler was a corporal in the German Army and was recovering in Hospital when the Treaty of Versailles was signed by the Weimar Government which was basically a death sentence for Germany in many ways as they lost a good bit of of their land, segments of their population was divided by new international borders and their economy was severely devastated

The Weimar Government was extremely unpopular with the German People as they were too weak to maintain law and order in Germany and chancellors and presidents were frequently changed after Ebert. The Weimar Government basically relied on the FreiCorps to put down threats against them such as the unsuccessful revolt by the Communists in Germany.

In such conditions, the public was ready to listen to anyone who stepped up to the microphone and Hitler with his immense public charisma and schmoozing skills was the perfect person as the perfect time

He promised the German People that he will:

- Rebuild the Army in 5 years
- Make them self-sufficient and not reliant on handouts from the USA
- Make them a world superpower again
Whilst i accept his political genius, ive been to Auschwitz, nothing can prepare you for the sheer scale of that place, truly chilling.

Now i know some of the stuff below sounds nuts, but it is interesting to think about, and theres so much of it that some of it must be at least partly true. And you must be careful when reading certain conspiracy theories about the Nazis, some of them are written by holocaust deniers.

Some of the stuff that went on behind the scenes is ****** up. The experiments, the rumoured weapons programs etc all intrigue me.

The 'V-7 legend' is the most talked about one, it was rumoured (with several sightings) that the Nazis created a flying saucer of sorts, capable of great speeds. Other rumours involved experiments with magnets and nuclear technology to develop spacecraft and possible connections with aliens. A bit far fetched i know, but allied pilots flying over Europe reported numerous sightings of UFO's, strange lights in the sky, radar and navigational disruption thanks to strong magnetic fields and many other unexplained events.

They were obviously scrambling to create a nuclear bomb and werent far off when the war ended. The nazis were also developing jet planes, which went into production during the latter stages of the war. Infared scopes to create super accurate rifles were also thought be in production, as was the luftfaust, a crude handheld, mobile anti air weapon. The allies discovered various pieces evidence of all these weapons programs, including blueprints, prototypes and fully operational factories, they have disclosed hardly any of the of this evidence.

The most chilling rumour/conspiracy is that Hitler did not die in the bunker with Eva Braun. Ive seen articles questioning the authenticity of the remains that were cremated by the Soviets in 1970, and that doesnt even consider whether or not the remains were Hitlers in the first place, he was known to have at least one double. There are rumours of U-boat sightings as long as 4 months after ww2 ended in May 1945. Other rumour which may or may not be linked is that he escaped capture and possibly moved to South America or even the USA, via a villa in Fuertaventura which was the subject of much discussion during and after the war. It was heavily guarded at all times during ww2. Some suggest it was a halfway house where top **** officials went to have plastic surgery before being taken off in the u boats to start new lives abroad. http://www.buzzle.com/editorials/10-7-2005-78351.asp

Another possible escape route was via Norway and a U-boat to Argentina, there are several reports of U-boats arriving on the Argentine coast as late as August 1945.

The experiments that were carried out on the people in the camps are unthinkable. Off the top of my head i know of one story that involved injecting jewish women with an unknown solution, this happened in and out of the camps, there was a marked rise in the number of twins born to jewish mothers who had this injection.... Was this the Nazis looking for a way to increase their population and armed forces? A story recently emerged of a man living in a remote Chilean village who has always denied being a **** officer, he is thought to be responsibile for the largest proportion of twins per head in the world, after injecting all the women in the village with an undisclosed chemical...

Many experiments were carried out on twins in the camps, almost always ending in the death of both twins. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_human_experimentation

Sorry if i sound like some sort of conspiracy peddling nutcase, i dont believe all of the rumour that is written above, but it is interesting to consider. The facts, like the twin experiments and the U-boat sightings are quite chilling.

Auschwitz, a place I shall never forget as long as I live. I was 12 when I visited and I was always told in school that people my age were dieing in there, and now that I was there I just had constant images of pain, suffering and death. It was horrific and something I wont forget for as long as I live. I didn't enjoy it at all, but in a way I'm glad I did visit.

From what I can remember Hitler rose to power through Propaganda etc. Off the top of my head his hatred of the Jews started when he was rejected from art college. Another reason for his hatred was all around Austria/Germany he seen Jewish people with wealth "living the life" whilst Austrian/German people were poor. He felt this was unfair therefore starting his hatred.

Do correct me if I'm wrong. I haven't studied history since Year 9!